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Nigeria’s own teenage sainthood candidate a potential ‘game-changer’

Nigeria’s own teenage sainthood candidate a potential ‘game-changer’

Among those who stand as a testament to unwavering devotion is Vivian Uchechi Ogu, a 14-year-old Nigerian virgin who chose death over forfeiting her virginity, and who is now on the path to sainthood.

YAOUNDÉ, Cameroon – On the tumultuous landscape of Nigeria, where news often highlights the persecution, kidnapping, and torture of Christians, there emerges a poignant paradox: it is precisely this persecution that seems to fortify the faith of many believers in Africa’s most populous nation.

Among those who stand as a testament to unwavering devotion is Vivian Uchechi Ogu, a 14-year-old Nigerian virgin who chose death over forfeiting her virginity, and who is now on the path to sainthood.

On Sunday, Nov. 15, 2009, Ogu delivered a talk on purity, virginity, and martyrdom to her fellow children at St. Paul Catholic Church on Airport Road in Benin City in southern Nigeria. That very evening, armed robbers invaded her home, snatching her away to a nearby stretch of bushes. Their intent was clear, to violate her sexually.

But Ogu refused to yield to her assailants’ demands. Tragically she was martyred, her life extinguished in the name of faith.

“Today we see how easy people change opinions and convictions to avoid disadvantages. Her refusal to compromise her values, even in the face of death, offer a profound lesson in courage and virtue,” said Maria Lozano, Director of Aid to the Church in Need, ACN International Press and Media Department in comments to Crux.

Fifteen years after Ogu’s death, the church is considering her for sainthood, recognizing her sacrifice as a beacon of courage and devotion.

Last October, the Archbishop of Benin City, Augustine Akubeze, and the Chancellor, Father Michael Oyanoafoh co-signed an edict on the beatification and canonization of Ugo. The document invited Christians “to come forth and give valid testimony … whether favorable or contrary to the reputation of martyrdom and holiness” of the candidate.

According to church leaders, the edict was issued in response to the growing reputation of Ugo for martyrdom and holiness since her passing. Additionally, the Archdiocese of Benin City received a formal request to initiate a cause of beatification and canonization, and, having done so, Ugo is now entitled to be referred to as “Servant of God.”

The opening session of a tribunal for the cause of beatification and canonization took place on Tuesday, May 21.

Bishop Simeon Okezuo Nwobi, who is set to be installed as the Bishop of Ahiara Diocese, said on that occasion: “Today, we gather to begin a journey of faith not just for the Archdiocese of Benin City or the Diocese of Ahiara, but for the church in Nigeria and the entire world.”

“We have been drawn together by a life of purity and martyrdom. We have been drawn together by a remarkable young soul,” Nwobi said.

He praised Ugo’s “extraordinary depth of spirituality and a profound love for the Lord.”

“Her life was a beautiful mosaic of acts of kindness, deep prayerful life, and unwavering commitment to the Gospel. She was a source of joy and inspiration to all who knew her,” Nwobi said.

“Vivian’s life was a testament to unwavering faith, boundless compassion, and steadfast devotion to God,” he said.

Nwobi emphasized Ugo’s virtues, despite her youth. He said her boundless love for others, selfless service, and unwavering commitment to spreading the Gospel set her apart.

Ugo, he said, “…stands as a model for young people and a challenge to their modern lifestyle.”

Nwobi said her life demonstrates that sanctity isn’t confined to cloisters or hermitages; it flourishes in everyday lives devoted to Christ.

“Her deep relationship with God helped her to stand firm in the face of adversity and imminent martyrdom. Thus, she has become an exemplar of faith and virtue in our times,” he said.

Lozano intimated Ugo might have been killed by simple criminals, but insisted that rape has very often been used “in many cases against religious minorities, particularly Christians. This increased awareness could lead to greater international support and advocacy for Nigerian Christians, potentially resulting in increased efforts to protect religious minorities in the country.”

In comments to Crux, Father Moses Lorapuu, Director of Communication and Vicar General Pastoral for the Catholic Diocese of Makurdi in Benue State said that “Nigeria may not have Italian Carlo Acutis, the teenager who is to be canonized soon, but we have our own Vivian Ogu who chose virtue over vice.”

He said Ugo “chose life with the Eternal Master rather than misery with her torturers.”

Lorapuu told Crux that Ugo represents the many millions whose heroic practice of their Catholic faith “is obfuscated in the politicization of the ongoing persecution.”

“This news will surely spark the dimmed enthusiasm of the church in Nigeria that feels abandoned. There will be renewed hope that the priests and the faithful killed by Islamist terrorists and herdsmen in Makurdi Diocese and other parts of Nigeria will one day be recognized by the Mother Church,” he told Crux.

Ugo could become only the second sainthood candidate officially recognized by the Church in Nigeria for their faith.

Blessed Cyprian Michael Iwene Tansi remains the only Nigerian who was beatified by Pope John Paul II on 22 March 1998.On that occasion, the Pope said: “Blessed Cyprian Michael Tansi is a prime example of the fruits of holiness which have grown and matured in the Church in Nigeria since the Gospel was first preached in this land. He received the gift of faith through the efforts of the missionaries, and, taking the Christian way of life as his own, he made it truly African and Nigerian.”

Lorapuu told Crux that “the canonization of Vivian will confirm the rising influence of the church in Nigeria [a country with 40 million Catholics] as the future of Catholicism.”

“A cursory glance at the reality of contemporary Nigeria reveals a rather disturbing phenomenon: the killing of Christians on a weekly basis and their expulsion in ancestral homes. A captivating story like the beatification and canonization of Vivian will attract more people to engage with Nigerians with a more positive mindset. I pray that Vivian will be a game changer for the persecuted Church in Nigeria!” he told Crux.

Lozano echoed a similar sentiment, telling Crux that “the potential beatification and canonization of Vivian Uchechi Ogu could have several profound impacts on the Church in Nigeria but also for the Church all over the world.

“The beatification of Vivian would serve as a powerful source of inspiration for Nigerian Christians, particularly the youth… The example and the testimony of a young girl of unwavering faith in the face of extreme adversity could encourage others to remain steadfast in their beliefs despite the threat of persecution, corruption and criminality,” she said.

She said the beatification process underscores the resilience of Nigerian Christians.

“It symbolizes the recognition of their suffering and perseverance and can foster solidarity within the global Christian community.”

“Vivian’s beatification would draw global attention to the issue of violence against women used as a weapon,” Lozano told Crux.

Born in April 1995, Ugo received her First Holy Communion at St. Paul Parish of Benin City Archdiocese in March 2005. At the time of her death, she was in the preparatory class for the Sacrament of Confirmation, which was scheduled for 2010.

Vivian held the distinction of being the first President of the Holy Childhood Association (HCA), inaugurated at St. Paul Parish in 2006.

In September 2019, the Edo State Government established the Vivian Ogu Sexual Assault Referral Centre, providing vital services and support to survivors of sexual assault in Edo State—a tribute to Vivian’s memory.

The Archdiocese of Benin City commemorates Vivian Ogu’s Memorial Day on November 15 each year.

Every third Saturday of the month, children and teenagers from the Archdiocese of Benin City gather at the Vivian Ogu Missionary Animation Centre, inspired by her footsteps and animated to follow her example.

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