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Max George is ‘The One’ – he buys me flowers weekly but he still has flaw which gets on my nerves, reveals Maisie Smith

POP hunk Max George pulls out all the stops when it comes to romancing his girlfriend Maisie Smith.

The Wanted singer buys the actress flowers every week and laid on a Valentine’s Day celebration so lavish it even sparked engagement rumours.

Max George is known to pull out all the stops when it comes to romancing his girlfriend Maisie Smith
The pair have been dating since 2022

But while Maisie insists he is “The One”, Max still has one flaw.

Former EastEnder Maisie said: “He never puts his toothbrush in the cup.

“And that just gets on my nerves. I’m like, ‘Max, your toothbrush is on the sink’, and he’s like, ‘Oh sorry’.

“That is as bad as it gets, which is a pretty good position to be in. The worst thing in our relationship is that he doesn’t put his toothbrush in the cup. I’d happily settle for that.”

Maisie, 22, who played Tiffany Butcher in the BBC One soap, met 35-year-old Max when they both took part in the 2020 series of Strictly Come Dancing.

They spent the first few months of 2021 together on the Strictly live tour, and friendship blossomed into romance in the summer of 2022.

The couple now live together in Manchester.

Maisie said of their relationship: “He is definitely The One. He’s just perfect. We are very, very happy.

“He’s so romantic, which I really wouldn’t have expected from him, but he really is.

“I love surprises. Every week he gets me flowers because he knows that I’ve got three vases in the house that need filling.”

On Valentine’s Day, Max treated Maisie to a romantic date in Dubai, complete with a candle-lit dinner and red roses.

‘Love nest’

Smitten Maisie said: “I remember everyone on Valentine’s Day asking if we were engaged and I was like, ‘No, he just took me on a date’.
“But he went above and beyond, and I love that.

“He is very considerate and ­constantly thinking about me. I love these gestures, but it’s just the little things like that — you can’t buy that kind of romance.”

The loved-up couple moved in together last year, with Maisie leaving her family home in Southend, Essex, to relocate up north.

And she quickly got to work ­turning their pad into the perfect love nest.

Max is just perfect. We are very, very happy.
He’s so romantic, which I wouldn’t have expected from him. He gets me flowers, he’s very considerate


She said: “Max had a house in Manchester that he’d been renting out for about ten years, and we both were like, ‘Why don’t we live in it?’
“So I made the big move — six hours up the road. We’ve been decorating the house over the last year.

“I didn’t realise how strenuous ­decorating would be.

“We’re at the other end of it now and we’re not leaving the house.

“I love my house, we’re not going anywhere. We spend all day, every day together — we are like an old couple. And the house is our little love nest.”

At the beginning of their relationship, the pair’s 13-year age gap sparked criticism online but Maisie just brushes off the controversy.

She said: “With me and Max, it’s always been an external issue.

The lovers snuggle up for a social media snap[/caption]
Maisie and Max both took part in the 2020 series of Strictly Come Dancing[/caption]

“Within our families and friends, it’s never even been ­spoken about.

“My mum and dad both adore him. My mum texts me saying, ‘Max messaged me today, he’s just so lovely’.

“It’s weird when I see comments or see other people saying stuff about us, because it’s so irrelevant.

“It’s not something we talk about or care about.

“No one knows what’s going on in other people’s lives and if we listened to every comment made about us, you wouldn’t do anything with your day. And that’s the least of the comments I get.”

Growing up in the spotlight after first appearing on EastEnders aged six, Maisie has had to develop a thick skin.

She said: “I have only ever known being on TV. I always say it’s probably harder for people who have only just got famous because it’s quite a ­whirlwind, but I’m used to it.

“It’s white noise to me. If I listened every time someone said a comment — ‘Oh you can’t act, you’re not funny, you’re not pretty’ — I wouldn’t leave my house and do the job I love.

I only take advice from people I love or that I respect, so why would I listen to random people that I don’t know?


“It doesn’t faze me as it’s one per cent, and 99 per cent is positive. Of course, it’s hard not to see that one per cent, but I don’t cling on to it.

“I wouldn’t go to these people for advice. Why would I take their ­negativity? I only take advice from people I love or that I respect, so why would I listen to random people that I don’t know?”

Maisie left EastEnders at the end of 2021 but returned to Albert Square in March the following year, for the exit of her on-screen husband Zack ­Morris, who played Keegan Baker.

She made her musical theatre debut in Strictly Ballroom: The Musical later that year, before triumphing in Celebrity SAS: Who Dares Wins at the end of 2022.

And although it was daunting ­leaving the soap, she feels proud of what she has achieved over the past few years.

Maisie said: “Leaving a show like EastEnders . . . it’s family. I loved the show, I loved the people, I loved working there. But I just knew I wanted to do more.

“I wanted to sing, I wanted to dance, I wanted to do musicals.

“So making that break can ­obviously be a tough decision, but I’m really happy with the ­outcome of what I have managed to achieve since I’ve left.

‘A lot of ageism’

“The producers did say to me they were very happy for me and that the door was always open, so that’s always nice to hear.

“And it’s a very iconic thing to say about myself that I am the daughter of Bianca and Rickaaaaay!”

Thanks to her flame-red hair and petite 5ft 3in frame, Maisie’s fans have hailed her the “sexiest ginger on Earth”.

But she believes the TV and film industry would not have accepted her just a decade ago.

Maisie said: “The industry is more accepting of different body shapes and ages now. There’s a lot of ageism that people don’t talk about.

Max with Dianne Buswell on Strictly
Max was a member of boy band The Wanted[/caption]

“I think it’s nice I’m being pushed for different roles, that maybe ten years ago I wouldn’t have been pushed for. I am 5ft 3in, I’m not a skinny model-type figure. It’s nice to be ­living in a world with the way it’s going.”

Maisie and Max are starring together in a UK arena tour of The War Of The Worlds musical next year.

But despite their success together on and off the stage, they have no plans to get married or have babies any time soon.

Maisie said: “I’m 22. We are very much one step at a time. We are very romantic. But I do also think we have for ever to make these kinds of decisions and I just love where we are.

“I don’t think we need to rush into future decisions. We’ve got so much time and we’re very happy.”

‘Little Tiff’

Earlier this month, the couple attended the premier of Maisie’s new movie Bermondsey Tales: Fall Of The Roman Empire.

The film, which features Four Weddings And A Funeral actor John Hannah, is out in select UK cinemas and will be available next month on DVD, Blu-ray and digital download.

Maisie plays Chloe, the daughter of a crime boss, which is a world away from “little Tiff” in EastEnders.

She said: “It’s a pretty cool story. There are certain roles that women had to play within these families. They had to keep their heads down.

“However, the character is quite malicious and quite sly.

“Yes, she keeps her head down to everyone else, but behind closed doors she’s got other ­intentions.

“It was nice to play a role where the person is not known for their likeability. I could really get into that zone.

“With most characters I play, they’re usually really fun and lovely. So it was quite nice to get into a gritty role and there’s a lot of depth to her.

“When people watch this movie, hopefully they will see a different side to me.”

Maisie as Tiffany in EastEnders[/caption]
Click News and Media
Maisie plays a gangster’s daughter in new movie Bermondsey Tales: Fall Of The Roman Empire[/caption]

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