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Sonoma State University President Placed on Leave After BDS Capitulation

Sonoma State University in California placed its president, Mike Lee, on leave on Wednesday following his decision to adopt the...

The post Sonoma State University President Placed on Leave After BDS Capitulation first appeared on Algemeiner.com.

Illustrative: A pro-Hamas encampment at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, Massachusetts, US, May 6, 2024. Photo: Brian Snyder via Reuters Connect

Sonoma State University in California placed its president, Mike Lee, on leave on Wednesday following his decision to adopt the boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel — a concession to anti-Zionist protesters he was reportedly not authorized to make.

Lee agreed to adopt key aspects of BDS on Tuesday as part of a deal negotiated with the university’s Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) chapter, according to an email shared and cheered by the group.

The email shows that Lee agreed to subject “all” the university’s financial endeavors to SJP’s scrutiny, implement a full academic boycott of Israel — including shutting down study abroad programs in the Jewish state — create a “Palestinian” curriculum within the department of ethnic studies, and issue a statement calling for a “permanent cease-fire in Gaza.”

In a letter which described Lee’s actions as “insubordinate,” the California State University (CSU) system, of which Sonoma State University is a part, announced the next day that Lee would be stepping away from his duties temporarily.

“That message was sent without the appropriate approvals,” CSU chancellor Mildred García said of Lee’s campuswide email concerning the agreement with campus protesters. “The board’s leadership and I are actively reviewing the matter and will provide additional details in the near future. For now, because of this insubordination and consequences it has brought upon the system, President Lee has been placed on administrative leave.”

García added, “I want to acknowledge how deeply concerned I am about the impact the statement has had on the Sonoma State community and how challenging and painful it will be for many of our students and community members to see and read.”

Lee’s capitulation to the school’s anti-Israel protesters would, if it stands, amount to a major victory for BDS, a movement that aims to expel Jews and Zionists from higher education, experts have said.

The Algemeiner has asked the university to confirm whether Lee’s agreement was nullified due to the reasons Garcia described.

Nonprofits organizations that raise awareness of campus antisemitism condemned Lee’s action on Tuesday, drawing parallels between the modern anti-Zionist movement and the student Nazi movement in Germany during the rise of Adolf Hitler in the 1930s.

“This academic boycott of Israel campaign, whose explicit goal is to purge campuses of Zionism and Zionists, is reminiscent of Nazi Germany and its successful purge of Jewish students and faculty from its universities,” said Tammi Rossman-Benjamin, executive director of campus antisemitism watchdog AMCHA Initiative. “Academic BDS directly subverts the educational opportunities and academic freedom of students and faculty at Sonoma State University, and its implementation creates an intolerably hostile and unsafe campus for Jewish students and faculty who — like the vast majority of Jews worldwide — identify with the Jewish state and the Jewish people.”

Following García’s announcement, StandWithUs (SWU), an education nonprofit currently litigating several civil rights complaints alleging maltreatment of and discrimination against Jewish students, commended CSU’s virtually immediate decision to remove Lee from power.

“We hope this case sets an example for all universities that face pressure from anti-Israel extremists,” said Roz Rothstein, co-founder and chief executive officer of SWU. “Instead of caving to the demands of hate groups and their supporters, campus leaders must enforce their policies and stand up to antisemitism.”

The US House of Representatives has launched an investigation into 20 nonprofit organizations that are currently funding anti-Zionist student groups, including SJP, that mounted hundreds of pro-Hamas demonstrations on college campuses, an effort aimed at uncovering long suspected links to terrorist organizations and other hostile foreign entities.

As part of the inquiry, US Reps. Virginia Foxx (R-NC) and James Comer (R-KY) wrote to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Tuesday, asking her to share any “suspicious activity reports” generated by the activities of SJP, as well as Jewish Voice for Peace, American Muslims for Palestine, Tides Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, and other groups.

The inquiry comes amid widespread suspicion that an eruption of anti-Zionist protests on college campuses, in which students illegally occupied sections of section and refused to leave unless their schools agreed to condemn and boycott Israel, was fueled by immense financial and logistical support from outside groups. Foxx and Comer said in their letter that the investigation’s findings will inform recommendations for new federal laws requiring increased transparency and reporting of foreign contributions to American colleges and universities.

Foreign links to the anti-Zionist student movement have been the subject of numerous comprehensive studies.

Last week, the Network Contagion Research Institute (NCRI) published a report showing a connection between the anti-Zionist group Shut It Down for Palestine (SID4P) — a group formed immediately after Hamas’ massacre on Oct. 7 — and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). NCRI explained that SID4P, which organized numerous traffic-obstructing demonstrations after Oct. 7, is an umbrella group for several other organizations which compose the “Singham Network,” a consortium of far-left groups funded by Neville Roy Singham and Jodie Evans. The report describes Singham and Evans as a “power couple within the global far-left movement” whose affiliation with the CCP has been copiously documented.

In 2022, the National Association of Scholars (NAS) revealed that one of the founders of Students for Justice in Palestine, Hatem Bazian, is also a co-founder of American Muslims for Palestine, an advocacy group which, NAS said, “retains ties to terrorist groups operating in the Palestinian Territories.”

NAS added that the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic Cultural Boycott of Israel — which has been influential is steering BDS against Israel in academia — is “structurally linked” to Palestinian terrorist organizations through the Council of National and Islamic Forces in Palestine — a member of the Palestinian BDS National Committee which comprises Hamas, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), Popular Front-General Command, Palestinian Liberation Front, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

“BDS, along with the formation of multiple NGOs and nonprofit organizations, offers the Palestinians new avenues by which to access funding in a post-9/11 international financial system designed to curtail funding for terrorism,” NAS senior fellow Ian Oxnevad explained.

Follow Dion J. Pierre @DionJPierre.

The post Sonoma State University President Placed on Leave After BDS Capitulation first appeared on Algemeiner.com.

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