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Tempur-Pedic Cloud Mattress review: This bed-in-a-box is one of the most supportive mattresses I've slept on

The Tempur-Cloud mattress is one of the best beds I've ever slept on. Here's everything you need to know about Tempur-Pedic's bed-in-a-box offering.

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A couple sits on the Tempur-Cloud Mattress in a bedroom.
The Tempur-Pedic Tempur-Cloud Mattress's foam contours to your body for unparalleled pressure relief.

As the best mattress-in-a-box companies continue disrupting how people shop for mattresses, top old-guard brands, such as Serta Simmons and Tempur-Sealy, must adapt. Enter the Tempur-Cloud, Tempur-Pedic's most affordable mattress and first bed-in-a-box option, while still featuring the brand's oh-so-comfy, pressure-relieving foam.

I've tested more than 90 mattresses for our best mattress guide, and the Tempur-Pedic Cloud is the most comfortable bed I've ever slept on with its cooling Tempur material that contours to my body. Here are my experiences with it after many restful nights of sleep. 




A graphic shows the layers of the Tempur-Pedic Cloud Mattress.
The Tempur-Cloud is made up of three layers of Certi-PUR-US-certified foam.

The Tempur-Cloud is all foam. In fact, it's the best memory foam mattress I've tested. It consists of three Certi-PUR-US-certified foam layers. The top layer is Tempur-Pedic's trademark Tempur material, a proprietary viscoelastic memory foam designed to be responsive and softly cushion your whole body. The middle layer of supportive Tempur material has a firmer construction, gradual body contouring, and superb pressure relief. The foam base layer provides durability and support.

The mattress has a moisture-wicking stretch cover that offers airflow and breathability. Its overall thickness is only 10 inches, the minimum I look for. Yet, I didn't notice any performance issues.

The Tempur-Cloud is relatively light (for a mattress), at just over 70 pounds, and surprisingly easy to maneuver. This is helpful when rotating or relocating your mattress.

It's also available in a medium-hybrid model, which incorporates 1,000 steels between the support and base layers for extra bounce and increased edge support. 


The Tempur-Cloud Mattress is displayed in a bedroom.
I set up the Tempur-Cloud by myself in five minutes.

Tempur-Pedic does not offer in-home setup of the Tempur-Cloud, but it's easy to set up independently. It comes in a reusable canvas bag, so you aren't left with a big cardboard box to dispose of. The bag has convenient handles, making it easy to carry to my third-floor testing room.

The handles also help when removing the mattress from the bag. I just unzipped one end, stood the bag with the opened end on my bed frame, and pulled on the other end to free the mattress. I cut through the two layers of plastic and allowed the mattress to expand on the foundation. The unboxing process took five minutes.

The mattress had a pungent "new bed smell" out of the box. This is common with compressed beds, so unbox your mattress in the morning to give it time to air out and expand before bedtime.

Our review of the Tempur-Pedic Tempur-Cloud Mattress 

The Tempur-Pedic Cloud Mattress is displayed in a bedroom.
I fell asleep within minutes of hitting the bed each night of testing.

What I liked most about the Tempur-Cloud was that I could fall asleep within a few minutes of lying down every time. The contour-hugging, pressure-relieving Tempur material cradled my body for maximum comfort, and the mattress kept me cool. During nighttime bathroom trips, the heat dissipated while I was away, making it easier to fall back asleep.

I sleep on my side and stomach while my wife sleeps on her back. Despite our different sleeping styles, we were both comfortable on the Tempur-Cloud, thanks to the Tempur material's ability to contour to our bodies no matter our position. It was the most comfortable mattress I'd ever slept on. 

Good motion isolation is necessary if you share a bed with others, and the Tempur-Cloud excelled in this department. I have a standard test: I place a soda can in the center of the mattress and drop a bowling ball 4 feet above the bed so it lands 12 inches from the can. If the can stays upright, the bed has great motion-dampening abilities. With the Tempur-Cloud, the can stayed upright every time I repeated the test.

These results were backed by my experience sharing the bed with a rambunctious dog and my wife. When they were moving around, I could barely feel it. When my 6-year-old jumped on the bed, it was a different story, but no mattress could dampen that kid.

A hand presses down on the Tempur-Cloud Mattress.
The Cloud's Tempur material molds to your body's contours.

I suffer from chronic lower back pain that sometimes flares up when I don't sleep on a supportive mattress. During the testing period, I never woke up with back pain. The Tempur-Cloud did a terrific job keeping my spine aligned, supported, and relieved, earning it a spot in our best mattress for back pain guide.

The only way to decide if a mattress is right for you is to sleep on it. Tempur-Pedic offers a 90-night trial with the Tempur-Cloud. The mattress is also available nationwide in thousands of retail locations, so you can try it in person before ordering it online.

The Tempur-Cloud is backed by a 10-year full replacement limited warranty. The warranty covers deterioration from normal wear when used with a proper, supportive foundation. The company will repair or replace the mattress at its discretion at no cost to you.

Cons to consider

Though I love the Tempur-Cloud, it isn't perfect. I was disappointed in the edge support. I noticed significant sinking when sitting on the side of the bed to put on my socks. When my wife decided to crowd my side of the bed, I felt like I would fall off close to the edge. 

It also may be out of budget for some folks: a Queen is $1,999, significantly more than most beds-in-a-box, especially all-foam models. Sales can bring the price down significantly. The Cloud mattress is regularly 30% off, bringing the Queen price to $1,399.30. If price is your primary consideration, check out our guide to the best cheap mattresses.

Tempur-Pedic won't give you a full refund if you return the mattress. Instead, it subtracts shipping charges from the refund.

What are your alternatives?

The Cloud is Tempur-Pedic's most affordable mattress, ideal for most sleepers. The Tempur-Adapt Collection, which starts at $2,199 for a queen, is the brand's most popular product line. The mattresses come with in-home setup and are available in various firmness options. For more details, read our full Tempur-Pedic LuxeAdapt Mattress review.

The Tempur-Breeze Collection has the same ultra-comfortable Tempur material as the Adapts and Cloud but with added cooling properties. The beds are pricey, though, starting at $4,599 for a queen. Yet, they come with in-home setup and are available in several firmness options. Read my Tempur-Pedic ProBreeze Mattress review for more.

If Tempur-Pedic mattresses are simply too expensive for your budget, I recommend checking out our Nectar Mattress review. The Nectar is about half the price of the Cloud and has many of the same properties: good heat dissipation, great motion isolation, and works well for many sleeping styles.

For more recommendations, check out my guide to the best mattresses, which I crafted based on my experiences testing more than 90 mattresses firsthand.

The bottom line

A hand presses down on the edge of the Tempur-Cloud mattress.
The Tempur-Pedic Cloud mattress is the most comfortable mattress I've slept on.

The Tempur-Cloud is the most comfortable mattress I've slept on, and I heartily recommend it if you're a side, stomach, or back sleeper looking to invest in a great mattress. As someone who overheats, I appreciate that the bed cools me. The only sleepers I'd caution against trying the Tempur-Cloud are people who prefer extra-firm mattresses. You will find this bed sinks too much.

While cheaper beds-in-a-box are out there, it's hard to put a price on restful sleep. If I had to buy a mattress, this is the one I would choose.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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