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10 tips for keeping kids entertained during the Easter holidays with over half of parents struggling for inspiration

MORE than half of parents will be looking for inspiration to entertain their kids before the end of the first week of the school holidays, research has revealed.

A poll of 1,000 parents with children aged between four and 12 found 65 per cent find it tough to fit in time to play with their little ones around their work schedule.

A consultant clinical psychologist has revealed her top tips for entertaining your kids during Easter[/caption]

And 40 per cent worry their time away from school isn’t as educational as it could be as a result.

However, 61 per cent have sought a solution by incorporating household tasks into playtime, with tidying up toys (53 per cent) and washing the car (61 per cent) being the most popular.

And 83 per cent of parents say they notice a significant improvement in their children’s wellbeing when their day involves play.

A consultant clinical psychologist with over 20 years’ experience, Dr Elizabeth Kilbey, has partnered with Kinder, which commissioned the research, to provide tips for parents ahead of the Easter break through its Masters of Play platform.

Dr Kilbey said: “With parents under increasing time pressures, it might be easy to feel like they’re not doing enough.

“But in fact, they are doing a great job – and even just 10 minutes of play with their little ones can mean a lot.

“The relatively short period of time helps to nurture well-rounded growth and strengthens the parent-child relationship.

“It has also been shown to encourage problem-solving, creativity, improve motor skills, coordination, and imagination.

“When it comes to vital social skills, engaging in play can enhance mood, and can help to provide an outlet for a child’s self-expression.”

It also emerged from the research that imaginary games like ‘superhero’ (34 per cent), ‘teacher’ (33 per cent) and ‘shopkeeper’ (29 per cent) take the top three spots.

“With parents under increasing time pressures, it might be easy to feel like they’re not doing enough.”

Dr Elizabeth Kilbey

While 92 per cent agree playing with actual toys can boost their little one’s cognitive function.

Dr Kilbey added: “Role-playing also fosters empathy and compassion, helping children to understand others’ feelings.

“Play scenarios even allow kids to practice conflict resolution, teaching negotiation and how to compromise from a young age.

“Many of these skills set us up for adult life, so whether it’s practicing sharing or taking turns and collaborating, these skills can all be learned through play.

“The importance of play as a bonding experience is a key factor too as spending just 10 minutes of focused play helps to strengthen the parent-child connection – it’s an opportunity for parents to engage and listen, bringing them closer together.

“Building on this, regular play builds trust, and this shared play creates core memories, which reinforces the parent-child relationship.” 

Nearly eight in 10 (78 per cent) went on to say it is important to include an educational element in their children’s activities over half term.

But 54 per cent find it hard to know what can help to stimulate their kids’ minds, the research conducted via OnePoll found.

Leonardo Bertelli, from Kinder UK & Ireland, commented: “The school holidays are always a busy time for families and finding time for play isn’t always easy.

“That’s why for over fifty years, we have been supporting parents, generation after generation, in fostering little moments of play that mean so much to them and their children.

“After all – a little play means a lot.”

Dr Kilbey’s top 10 tips

1.    Establish a playful routine: Include a variety of play-based activities, allowing for exploration, creativity, and relaxation. A flexible routine promotes independence and curiosity.

2.    Create your own ‘Playcation’: Create ‘zones’ in your home for different types of play, whether it’s a cosy reading nook, an art corner, or an adventure zone. Encourage your child to engage in activities that ignite their imagination and spark joy.

3.    Stay connected with your child’s interests and favourite toys: Take cues from your child’s interests and passions when planning activities. Whether they’re fascinated by dinosaurs, superheroes, or outer space, tailor play experiences to their preferences to maximise engagement and enjoyment..

4.    Embrace unstructured play: Allow ample time for unstructured, free play where children can explore and create without adult direction. Unstructured play fosters independence, problem-solving skills, and social development as children learn to negotiate and cooperate with peers.

5.    Incorporate learning into play: Integrate educational concepts seamlessly into play activities to make learning fun and meaningful. Whether it’s counting during a game of hide-and-seek, practicing literacy skills through storytelling, or exploring scientific principles through hands-on experiments, every play experience is an opportunity for growth.

6.    Let your child lead: Follow your child’s lead during playtime, allowing them to take charge of their learning journey. Encourage their curiosity, ask open-ended questions, and provide support and encouragement as they explore, discover, and problem-solve.

7.    Mix it up: Introduce variety into your playtime by exploring different types of play, from imaginative role-playing to sensory exploration. Experiment with a combination of digital and traditional play materials to stimulate creativity and adaptability. For example, you and your family can try the Applaydu  app, which is a great platform for digital play.

8.    Keep play sessions short and engaging: maintain your child’s interest and focus by keeping play sessions short and focused on specific activities or themes. Break activities into manageable chunks to prevent overwhelm and ensure maximum enjoyment and retention.

9.    Celebrate creativity: Encourage your child to express themselves creatively through art, music, dance, and storytelling. Celebrate their unique ideas and creations, fostering a sense of pride and self-expression.

10.   Emphasise the process, not just the outcome: Focus on the journey of learning and discovery rather than solely on the end result. Encourage experimentation, resilience, and a growth mindset as children navigate challenges and setbacks during play.

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