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Bedlam Game Day and Thanksgiving Traffic Advisory

Bedlam Game Day and Thanksgiving Traffic Advisory

The following construction projects will impact travel on interstates, major highways and turnpikes from Friday, Nov. 18, through Monday, Nov. 28.

OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) – The following construction projects will impact travel on interstates, major highways and turnpikes from Friday, Nov. 18, through Monday, Nov. 28. For daily traffic advisories visit www.odot.org

For turnpike information, contact the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority at www.pikepass.com.

For current Oklahoma interstate traffic conditions, check https://www.oktraffic.org/.

Oklahoma Turnpike Authority

I-44/H.E. Bailey Turnpike narrows intermittently

Both directions of I-44/H.E. Bailey Turnpike will be intermittently narrowed and have speed reductions between Newcastle and Walters for tolling equipment upgrades.

I-44/Turner Turnpike speed reductions at SH-66 near Sapulpa

Both directions of I-44/Turner Turnpike have speed reductions to 45 mph at SH-66 near Sapulpa for bridge construction. Two lanes in each direction remain open during the work.

I-44/Will Rogers Turnpike lanes shift near Vinita

Lane shifts and speed reductions are in place on both directions of I-44/Will Rogers Turnpike north of the service plaza near Vinita for bridge replacement.

US-412/Cimarron Turnpike ramps closed at US-64 near Morrison

The US-412/Cimarron Turnpike eastbound on-ramp and westbound off-ramp at US-64 are closed through 2023 until converted to cashless tolling.

Indian Nation Turnpike narrowed to one lane near Daisy

SH-375/Indian Nation Turnpike narrows to one lane near SH-43 (mm 38) in Daisy for bridge repairs.

John Kilpatrick Turnpike, SH-74 ramps narrow

The eastbound and westbound John Kilpatrick Turnpike off-ramps to Memorial Rd. narrow to one lane and the northbound and southbound SH-74/Lake Hefner Parkway off-ramps to Memorial Rd. narrow to one lane for a protected turnaround project at the SH-74/Lake Hefner Parkway/JKT/Memorial Rd. interchange.

Oklahoma City Metro:

I-40 narrowed at Sunnylane Rd. in Del City through 2023

Eastbound and westbound I-40 is narrowed to two lanes between Sunnylane Rd. (mm 155A) and Hudiburg Dr. (mm 156B) for bridge reconstruction at Crutcho Creek, S.E. 15th St. and Sooner Rd. Other traffic impacts include:

  • Drivers needing to access the eastbound I-40 off-ramps to S.E. 15th St. (mm 155B) and Sooner Rd. (mm 156A) will use a new ramp-only lane. To access the off-ramps, motorists must move into the temporary ramp lane starting at Sunnylane Rd. and eastbound I-40 traffic rejoins mainline at Hudiburg Dr. (mm 156B) through December 2022.
  • To access Hudiburg Dr. (mm 156B) exit at Sooner Rd. and access Tinker Diagonal service road to Hudiburg Dr. This temporary closure accommodates Sooner Rd. bridge work.
  • Drivers needing to access eastbound I-40 from Sunnylane Rd. (mm 155A), S.E. 15th St. (mm 155B) and Sooner Rd. (mm 156A) will also use the ramp-only lane and merge back onto I-40 at Hudiburg Dr. (mm 156B).
  • Limited merge areas are available at the I-40 and Sunnylane Rd. and S.E. 15th St. on-ramps within the work zone. Motorists should be extra vigilant and use extra caution at ramps before merging.

I-40 narrows to one lane at Maple Rd. near Calumet through December

Eastbound and westbound I-40 will be narrowed to one lane at Maple Rd. (mm 112) near Calumet through December for bridge work. 

SH-9 intermittently narrowed at 72nd St. S.E. in Norman

SH-9 is intermittently narrowed and lanes are shifted between 72nd St. S.E and 108th St. S.E. for a widening project.

Oklahoma Transportation


I-35 narrowed in Braman, Kay Co.

I-35 narrows to one lane in each direction between W. Braman Rd. (mm 230) and US-177 (mm 221) in Braman through fall 2022.

I-35 narrowed to one lane in Tonkawa, Kay Co.

I-35 narrows to one lane in each direction over US-60 (mm 214) in Tonkawa for bridge replacement and resurfacing through fall 2023.

I-40 narrows between Sallisaw and Muldrow, Sequoyah Co.

I-40 narrows to one lane in each direction between Sallisaw and Muldrow for resurfacing.

US-69/75 narrowed south of Durant, Bryan Co.

US-69/75 narrows to two lanes in both directions just south of Durant for reconstruction. Drivers can expect delays.

US-60 narrowed intermittently near Pawhuska, Osage Co.

US-60 narrows intermittently between Pawhuska and Bartlesville near Osage Hills State Park in Osage County for reconstruction.

US-62 narrowed in Muskogee, Muskogee Co.

US-62 is narrowed to one lane in each direction over the Arkansas River in Muskogee for bridge reconstruction.

US-62 narrowed to one lane near Altus, Jackson Co.

US-62 narrows to one lane in each direction east of US-283 in Altus, over the North Fork River and BNSF railroad for bridge work.

US-62B closed near Snyder, Kiowa Co.

US-62B is closed west of Snyder. Motorists can detour on US-62 and US-183.

US-70 intermittently narrowed in Valliant, McCurtain Co.

US-70 intermittently narrows to one lane in each direction through Valliant for resurfacing.

US-75 narrows near Okmulgee in Okmulgee Co.

US-75 narrows to one lane in both directions north of Okmulgee for resurfacing. 

US-77 narrowed to one lane near Red Rock, Noble Co.

US-77 intermittently narrows to one lane between the Kay County line and SH-15E near Red Rock for resurfacing.

US-169 narrowed to one lane near Delaware, Nowata Co.

US-169 narrows to one lane in each direction near Delaware for resurfacing.

US-177/Perkins Rd. narrowed intermittently in Stillwater, Payne Co.

US-177/Perkins Rd. narrows intermittently between Hall of Fame Ave. and Mercury Ave. in Stillwater for reconstruction.

US-270 narrowed to one lane in Dewey Co.

US-270 narrows to one lane in each direction between Oakwood and SH-51 for pavement work.

US-412 narrowed to one lane between Catoosa and Inola, Rogers Co.

US-412 narrows to one lane in each direction over the Verdigris River between Catoosa and Inola for bridge reconstruction.

US-412 narrowed to one lane, speed reduced near Cheyenne Valley, Major Co.

US-412 is narrowed to one lane over Barney Creek, east of US-281 near Cheyenne Valley for bridge rehabilitation.

SH-1 narrowed to one lane near Ada, Pontotoc Co.

SH-1 narrows to one lane in each direction with intermittently shifted lanes between SH-3 and County Road 1566 for reconstruction.

SH-11 narrowed to one lane between US-77 and US-177 in Kay Co.

SH-11 narrows to one lane between US-77 and US-177 for bridge rehabilitation.

SH-30 detoured near Hollis, Harmon Co.

SH-30 is closed and detoured between US-62 near Hollis and SH-9 for pavement reconstruction.

SH-31 narrowed to one lane near Blocker, Pittsburg Co.

SH-31 narrows to one lane south of Blocker for a bridge rehabilitation project.

SH-31 narrowed to one lane near Bokoshe, LeFlore Co.

SH-31 narrows to one lane just east of Bokoshe for a bridge rehabilitation project.

SH-32 narrowed to one lane near Lebanon, Marshall Co.

SH-32 narrows to one lane near Lebanon for bridge rehabilitation.

SH-33 closed between SH-44 and US-183 near Butler, Custer Co.

SH-33 is closed between SH-44 in Butler to US-183 for bridge construction. Motorists can detour using SH-73, SH-44 and US-183.

SH-33 narrowed to one lane at SH-18 in Cushing, Payne Co.

SH-33 narrows to one lane in both directions near SH-18 in Cushing for pavement replacement.

SH-34 narrows near Camargo, Dewey Co.

SH-34 narrows intermittently over the Canadian River south of Camargo for bridge work.

SH-44 narrowed to one lane in Foss, Washita Co.

SH-44 narrows to one lane in Foss over Turkey Creek for bridge reconstruction.

SH-51 narrowed to one lane in Yale, Payne Co.

Westbound SH-51 narrows to one lane and wide loads are restricted between Ninth St. in Yale and SH-18 for pavement reconstruction.

SH-82 narrows to one lane near Locust Grove, Mayes Co.

SH-82 narrows to one lane about 3 miles north of US-412A near Locust Grove through November for a utility company project.

SH-85A narrowed to one lane in Bernice, Delaware Co.

SH-85A narrows to one lane in each direction in Bernice for bridge work over Horse Creek.

SH-99 narrowed to one lane near Cleveland, Pawnee Co.

SH-99 narrows to one lane near Cleveland over the Arkansas River on the Pawnee/Osage county line for bridge replacement.

SH-99 narrowed to one lane in Hominy, Osage Co.

SH-99 narrows to one lane over Penn Creek in Hominy for bridge replacement.

SH-115 narrowed to one lane between SH-9 and SH-19, Kiowa Co.

SH-115 narrows to one lane in two locations between SH-9 and SH-19 for bridge work.

 Know before you go and use your navigators to help and allow them to adjust their route as you and your loved ones travel on Oklahoma highways, interstates and turnpikes.

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