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The Chair: The Best Thing Each Main Character Has Done

Netflix's The Chair packs hefty plot and character development into its six short episodes. The miniseries tells its story of the world of academia by contrasting the ambitions and insecurities of several professors. While most of the characters act primarily out of their own interest, each has their own moments that shine through as admirable (or at least memorable).

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Given the political and controversial topics addressed in this show, it is unsurprising that the audience has complaints about several of the characters. While it can be easy to criticize these flawed people, their motivations are inherently human. The Chair manages to realistically portray the nuances of the main characters, giving each enough screen time for viewers to comprehend their complexity.

One of The Chair's most vibrant characters, Joan is already on edge when she discovers that a student has been writing horrible reviews about her online. When she finds the student with help from IT guy, Horatio, she corners him outside the library and gives a jaw-dropping rant defending Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales. Her profound passion for Chaucer is enough to make this moment amazing, but what truly stands out is the humor of Joan's references. Joan boasts the inherent obscenity and hilarity of Chaucer's writing, citing the classic story's raunchiest moments. Her impassioned speech earns her a well-deserved cheer from a group of onlooking students, and she delights in their response. Joan's reinvigorated spirit shines through in her outburst, helping her regain her confidence as a professor.

The quiet hero of Joan's passionate display is the IT guy Horatio. Not only does he help Joan sneak around to find the culprit behind her negative reviews, he more importantly provides constant support for Joan. From their first meeting, Horatio is kind and offers words of encouragement to Joan even when she is questioning herself.

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Though Horatio's role in the series is small, he is a foil for Joan and demonstrates how small acts of kindness go a long way. Though Joan remains fairly self-centered throughout their interactions, she does express her gratitude and Horatio seems satisfied at having helped her out.

The most impressive thing Yaz does is her job: she is an inspiring professor and manages to connect with her students by embracing modern forms of expression such as rap performances in the classroom. By giving her young students a platform to discuss literary themes through a thoroughly contemporary lens, Yaz increases new engagement in the material that informs her research. The Chair showcases this positive dynamic in a montage of fun student presentations. Yaz watches enthusiastically, demonstrating her support for their creativity. While Yaz, unfortunately, misses out on a lot of deserved recognition, she remains committed to her passion throughout the series.

Elliot's best moment comes at the end of the series, when he is shown handing out papers in Yaz's class. This is a complete reversal from their first c0-taught class session, where Elliot confirms Yaz's fears of being reduced to just a teacher's assistant. By turning the tables on himself, Elliot finally demonstrates respect for the professorial prowess of his coworker. While Elliot's attitude leading up to the finale is despicable, the audience does catch a glimpse of his deep insecurities about growing older. This is especially clear in the tender scene with his wife, who is encouraging him to swallow his pride and wear adult incontinence underwear.

Bill's teacher's assistant Lila unintentionally causes Ji-Yoon to be accused of ordering a "gag order" in response to the controversy on campus. When Ji-Yoon sits down to talk to Lila after the news blows up, Lila's calm and understanding reaction is impressive. She apologizes and expresses her genuine recognition of Ji-Yoon's difficult position. Given how interrupted Lila's academic path may be as a result of the controversy with Professor Dobson, her compassion and level-headedness is striking. With her sympathetic attitude in mind, Lila is certainly an unsung hero of the complicated web of characters in The Chair. She faces potential scrutiny and judgment with grace and a clear mind, which is more than can be said of her senior mentors.

The only potentially decent thing Dean Larson does in the series is appointing Ji-Yoon to chair in the first place. Despite the selfish reasons he may have for this choice, the decision to honor a female of color is important.

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Unfortunately, Dean Larson's motivations seem to be entirely on the side of the university's image, so even this act was more out of necessity than authentic respect for Ji-Yoon's professional work. Aside from this initial step forward, Dean Larson consistently inhibits progress at Pembroke, taking control of the English department from behind the scenes and leaving Ji-Yoon to fend for her own reputation as chair.

Ji-Yoon's father plays an understated but crucial role in The Chair, offering support to Ju Ju even when he is reluctant to babysit her. Habi's defining moment is the way he reacts after Bill's embarrassing scene at the birthday party. Bill causes a commotion when he gets worked up and passes out from his drug usage. The aftermath shows how calmly Habi responds to this entire affair, helping to clean up the mess Bill has made and not outwardly judging him. Likely, Habi can sense how much Ju Ju looks up to Bill as a father figure and wishes to avoid any negativity that may upset her. Overall, his level-headedness serves him well in this stressful situation.

After Lila's aforementioned poise in response to the controversy, Bill finally does her a well-deserved favor by reading her thesis. He is genuinely impressed and takes the initiative to send her work to his editor. While, as Lila's advisor, this helpful act should be expected, his follow-through is demonstrative of his growth throughout the series. By the ending of season one, Bill has become less self-absorbed, choosing to aid his advisee towards professional success rather than wallowing in self-pity over his personal failures. What Bill initially lacks in maturity, he makes up for with warmheartedness and small acts of service towards others.

Ji-Yoon is unquestionably lost in the chaotic events at Pembroke, having to navigate one high-stress conflict after another. Even before her own position is in jeopardy, she makes an astute observation that the English department was already a sinking ship when she was appointed as chair. Simply in identifying this gut-wrenching reality, Ji-Yoon gets one step closer to reevaluating her motivations and recognizing that her passion for teaching is worth more than a title. Since Ji-Yoon is initially caught up in the exhilaration of her groundbreaking role at the university, this moment of clarity is a sign of her growth and keen perspective on the situation.

In a surprising and gentle moment, Ju Ju comforts her mom in Habi's living room. While Habi cautions not to scare Ju Ju by crying, Ju Ju responds -- in Korean -- to say that she is not scared. In this touching scene, Ju Ju confirms that she genuinely loves her mother. It is an unexpected display of connection and leaves its mark on the heart of viewers. What Ji-Yoon fears most is that her own daughter may not love her; in this instance, it becomes clear that her fear is unsubstantiated. Ju Ju may be a difficult kid at times, but she is also the source of Ji-Yoon's pride and fulfillment in life.

Next: 10 Best TV Shows Like Netflix's The Chair

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