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The Boys: 10 Unanswered Questions We Still Have About Hughie

A lot of the characters within The Boys are great including the protagonist, Hughie. However, not everything makes sense about him.

When one starts talking about some of the most topical and relatable shows out there, it goes without saying that The Boys would definitely be a major part of this conversation. After all, one has to admit that The Boys has quickly become one of the most popular shows of all time, putting an interesting spin on conventional superhero tropes and making it extremely clear that a modern reality with superheroes is going to be anything but desirable.

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There are several reasons why The Boys is so immensely popular, but talking about all of them right now would make for a needlessly lengthy discussion. Instead, let's talk about one of its major selling points — each and every character in The Boys is memorable in their own unique way, and Hughie is no exception to this golden rule. The fact that he's pretty much the protagonist of such a great show means that he's doing something right, after all.

That being said, not everything is ironclad when it comes to Hughie's character. To put this statement into context, here are ten things about Hughie that most people might not be aware of.

10 Why Didn't He Pitch Some Different Ways To Dispose Of Translucent?

Translucent might've had impenetrable skin, but Hughie still managed to work around this somewhat with his quick thinking. That being said, this thinking could've come into use when The Boys were trying to figure out how to take care of this Supe.

Instead of shoving a bomb up his bum, maybe Hughie could've pitched the idea of feeding him poisoned food or gassing him — pretty much anything that didn't involve invading one's derriere, at the very least.

9 Why Did He Even Put Himself In A Position Where He Had To Kill Translucent?

In fact, one has to admit that the whole situation with Translucent is stupid from the get-go. Having a bomb in such a sensitive area was bad enough as is, but the manner in which Hughie was pretty much forced into detonating the bomb was also highly contrived.

RELATED: Which The Boys Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac?

Surely, Translucent should've taken the threat in his butt more seriously? After all, the kid's electrocution is the reason why he was in a cell, to begin with, and the last thing he would've wanted was to trigger him even more!

8 How Is He Still Mentally Sound After All The Grueling Stuff He's Gone Through?

Hughie is just a normal person, at the end of the day. The incident with Robin left him with PTSD, following which he's committed a ton of murders and been in some absolutely harrowing situations as well.

So, for him to not break down completely after suffering through all this is just hard to believe. The fact that he did somewhat shut down in the innards of a sperm whale did touch upon this subject somewhat, but he still ended up moving on like always.

7 Did He Really Want To Be Left Alone Inside The Innards Of A Sperm Whale?

What was Hughie's plan when he told The Boys to leave him alone inside the whale they just burst through? While it's true that he did shut down at that moment, it's still an odd place to reflect upon what his life has come to.

What if The Boys had actually left him behind? Would he really have spent his time wallowing in his own misery inside a whale?

6 Why Didn't He Throwaway A-Train's Figurine From His Room After The Incident?

Another incident that permanently scarred Hughie has to be the moment when A-Train ran through his then-girlfriend Robin, leaving back nothing but her arms as proof of her life on Earth.

It's easily one of the most traumatic moments in Hughie's life... and yet, we still see him sporting the A-Train figurine in his home right after he's shown experiencing the effects of PTSD after seeing the Supe's face plastered all over the supermart. Shouldn't he have thrown it out by then?

5 Why Does He Still Continue To Work With The Boys?

Hughie might've murdered some people in The Boys, but there's no denying the fact that he's not a bad human being. He's just a normal person who's been thrust into circumstances beyond his control.

So, why is it that he's still hanging out with The Boys and exposing himself to so many traumatic moments? After all, there's no reason why he should break himself mentally just to do what's right... and even that's a stretch!

4 How Has Starlight Not Been Outed Yet For Working With Hughie?

While it's true that A-Train never ratted Starlight out for working with Hughie, the fact of the matter is that he's not the only one who knows about this betrayal — there were a bunch of armed guards in Season 1 who clearly saw Starlight helping Hughie.

Unless Starlight ended up killing all of these guards off-screen — something that is highly unlikely — there's no plausible reason as to why Vought may think that she's a loyal member of The Seven.

3 Wouldn't The Act Of Taking Hughie To A Hospital Cause A Ton Of Trouble For The Boys?

Going to a hospital isn't exactly a cakewalk — records need to be filled out, people need to be identified, and a ton of funds need to be generated as well.

Yet, for some reason, none of these complications impede The Boys when Butcher (a wanted man at that point) and Starlight (one of the members of The Seven) decide to take Hughie to a normal hospital, instead of someone that would keep this medical visit off the grid.

2 Why Does He Cause So Much Unnecessary Friction In His Relationship With Starlight?

Speaking of Starlight, it must be said that her relationship with Hughie — while certainly interesting in Season 1 — becomes an absolute chore to watch in Season 2.

RELATED: 5 Reasons Starlight Is The True Hero Of The Boys (& 5 Reasons It's Hughie)

One of the main reasons for this is the constant unnecessary back-and-forth that these two engage in, which — coupled with the weekly release schedule — makes for a completely uninteresting dynamic that most people could ideally skip without any issues.

1 How Does He Think It's Okay To Tell His Girlfriend To Kill Him?

After his breakdown inside a sperm whale and the subsequent encounter with Homelander, Hughie pretty much gives up on life and tells Starlight to kill him off to dispel any doubts about her.

However, this is a ridiculous thing to propose from Hughie's end — he should be fighting for his life, not forcing a person to take the life of a person she lives. That's oddly selfish for someone like Hughie, who never had a problem prioritizing other people's needs over his own before this moment.

NEXT: The Boys: 10 Comic Villains We Want In Season 3, Ranked

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