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George Floyd protesters burn huge buildings to the ground as Minneapolis erupts in flames and National Guard called in

MINNEAPOLIS has been left burning as a number of fires took hold during rioting which erupted over the death of George Floyd. Shocking pictures and video show large infernos burning out of control as the National Guard have reportedly been called in. Demonstrations started out peacefully before descending into chaos as cops used rubber bullets, […]

MINNEAPOLIS has been left burning as a number of fires took hold during rioting which erupted over the death of George Floyd.

Shocking pictures and video show large infernos burning out of control as the National Guard have reportedly been called in.

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Crowds gather as a construction site burns in Minneapolis amid rioting over the death of George Floyd[/caption]

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Firefighters work to try and control the blaze as it looms overhead[/caption]

Drone footage shows fires burning in Minneapolis

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A man desperately hoses down the walls of a house opposite a fire[/caption]

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Onlookers gather around an Auto Zone as it burns – one man gets out a fire extinguisher[/caption]

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Firefighters work to put out a fire at a factory near the Third Police Precinct[/caption]

AP:Associated Press
A man poses for a photo in the parking lot of an Auto Zone store in Minneapolis during a rally for George Floyd[/caption]

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A police officer stands in a gas mask amid the chaos in Minneapolis[/caption]

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Auto Zone burns as one onlooker flips the bird[/caption]

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A burnt out car as rioting raged across Minneapolis[/caption]

Demonstrations started out peacefully before descending into chaos as cops used rubber bullets, tear gas and pepper spray.

Fury is mounting over the death of Mr Floyd, who died after police officer Derek Chauvin knelt on his neck.

Protesters had initially gathered at the intersection where Floyd died and at the Minneapolis Police Department’s Third Precinct.

Hours later however, the Lake and Hiawatha areas had descended into total chaos, with looting, violence and fires.

At least one under construction apartment block is reported to have been burned down – and a factory also caught fire.

Other unverified reports have claimed businesses such as Target, Wendy’s and Aldi have also been torched.

As the sun rose over the city following a night of violence, the smoldering blazes could still be seen billowing smoke.

Minneapolis city authorities have requested assistance from the National Guard as the unrest looks set to continue, reports KSTP.

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Cops in gas masks stand guard as rioting grips Minneapolis[/caption]

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A car is engulfed by flames amid the rioting in Minneapolis[/caption]

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A protester throws a piece of wood on a fire in the street just north of the 3rd Police Precinct[/caption]

Mayor Jacob Frey has called for calm amid the violence as he pleaded “I understand the anger and pain”.

He said: “Please, please Minneapolis. We cannot let tragedy beget more tragedy. The activity around Lake and Hiawatha is now unsafe.

“Please, help us keep the peace. Stay safe and evacuate the area.

“We appreciate those that protested peacefully but now is the time to go home. Obviously, we have both instances of violence and fires.

“There are institutions, grocery stores and markets around Lake, that our community relies on – especially in times of a pandemic”

The rioting also turned fatal as one man was killed, with reports he was a looter shot by a store owner.

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The National Guard have reportedly be called in as fires rage across Minneapolis[/caption]

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A business burns during the rioting in Minneapolis[/caption]

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Police gather as smoke billows overhead amid the riots[/caption]

AFP or licensors
Police spray protesters with pepper spray during a demonstration[/caption]

Minneapolis police chief John Elder confirmed at a press conference the person had been shot and another man was being held in custody.

Cops found the victim’s body lying on the sidewalk outside the Cadillac Pawn & Jewelry.

Police officers attempted CPR on him but it was too late.

Mr Elder said: “Everything was done that we could do to try to preserve this man’s life”.

The top cop refused to confirm reports the shooter was the owner of the pawn shop and if the man was attempting to loot the store.

He confirmed this was “one theory” but detectives are probing “a couple of different scenarios”.

Video being circulated online shows a group of officers surrounding a man lying sprawled on the floor.

Voices from a gathered crowd can be heard shouting “f*** y’all” as one cop appears to be giving the man CPR.

Cops then disperse the onlookers, shouting “there is someone in there with a rifle” as two officers run towards a building appearing to have their weapons drawn.

Other videos being widely shared online appear to show a woman in a wheelchair being punched by looters – but some have claimed she had a knife.

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A man douses himself in milk after the police used tear gas in Minneapolis[/caption]

A woman holds her inhaler and leans on another person after being sprayed with mace by cops[/caption]

AP:Associated Press
A man holds up a pig’s head in the direction of Minneapolis police officers behind a barricade[/caption]

Target looter Minneapolis Minnesota
Looting and violence plagued a second day of protests in Minnesota over the death of George Floyd[/caption]

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Police aim at protesters from a rooftop[/caption]

protesters Minneapolis 3rd precinct
AFP or licensors
Protesters defaced and destroyed the Minneapolis Police Department’s 3rd Precinct building[/caption]

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Flash bangs explode near protesters amid the chaos[/caption]

Rallies are calling for Chauvin and the three other officers reported to be involved in the death of Mr Floyd – Thomas Lane, Tou Thao and J. Alexander Kueng – to be charged with murder.

Video has been viewed millions of times of showing Mr Floyd – shirtless and unarmed – being pinned to the ground as he repeatedly pleads “I can’t breathe”.

Peaceful protests were marred as rioting and looting flared up amid the tensions.

Pictures show stores being raided and windows smashed with rocks.

Senator Tina Smith said: “I’m praying for peace and healing tonight in Minneapolis, as I hear sirens and explosions across our green city.”

Looters were soon loading up home goods such rugs and coffee machines into shopping carts while others watched the free-for-all through broken windows at a nearby Target.

The heated demonstrations in Minnesota came as:

As the demonstrations stretched into the night, footage captured at the scene showed protesters hurling fireworks at police officers.

Governor Tim Walz said: “The situation near Lake Street and Hiawatha in Minneapolis has evolved into an extremely dangerous situation.

“For everyone’s safety, please leave the area and allow firefighters and paramedics to get to the scene.”

Looters descended on stores amid the chaos[/caption]

Protests gather around the police station[/caption]

Autozone fire Minneapolis protesters
AP:Associated Press
Protesters set fire to an Auto Zone as demonstrations stretched into the night[/caption]

protesters breaking windows rock
Rocks and bottles were used to break the precinct’s windows[/caption]

Minnesota protests
AFP or licensors
Despite pockets of intense chaos, the protests were largely peaceful[/caption]

Police fire pepper spray into the crowd[/caption]

At around 6pm, police began firing tear gas and rubber bullets as protesters unleashed their frustrations on the precinct, WCCO reported.

Demonstrators were seen dousing their faces with milk and water after encountering chemical irritants launched by cops.

Bottles and rocks were thrown at the building as people shattered windows and hurled metal barricades into the brick structure.

A group also gathered outside of what they believed is the home of fired officer Chavin in Oakdale, according to the news station.

Unverified reports have stated “dozens” of officers are on guard at the property amid fears for the cop.

As tensions between cops and civilians hit a fever pitch for the second day in Minneapolis, violence also erupted in Los Angeles during a Black Lives Matter protest.

Looters take items from a Target store[/caption]

looters target Minneapolis Minnesota
A group of people looted a nearby Target and grabbed coffee machines and other home goods[/caption]

man outside looted Target Minneapolis
A man watches chaos erupt from outside the Target store near the precinct[/caption]

Protesters throwing rocks Minneapolis
Demonstrators threw bottles and rocks at police cars and the precinct building[/caption]

police officers Minnesota protest
Police officers used chemical irritants and hit protesters with rubber bullets[/caption]

protesters pushing down fence cops
AP:Associated Press
A group topples a metal fence in as they confront police in Minnesota[/caption]

Around 1,000 protesters marched through downtown Los Angeles on Wednesday night, a scene similar to the city’s 1992 riots over the beating of Rodney King.

Angelenos were seen attacking a police car, bashing in windows with skateboards and even kicking in the car’s windshield.

As the officer frantically tried to escape the chaos, a man rode on the hood of a cop car for a few moments before he tumbled off and appeared to hit his head, according to KABC.

He remained motionless as a crowd gathered around him and emergency services rushed to his aid.

Moments later, the group surrounded a second police vehicle that tried to assist and smashed its windows before the car sped off.

Pictures also showed protesters burning an upside down American flag.

barricades protesters 3rd Precinct Minneapolis
Demonstrators hurled barricades at the precinct building and broke windows[/caption]

Protester vandalizing cop car Minnesota Some were seen vandalizing police vehicles in Minneapolis[/caption]


protester milk tear gas
AP:Associated Press
A protester douses his face with milk after encountering tear gas[/caption]

The chaos erupted hours after President Donald Trump ordered federal agents to “expedite” their investigation into Mr Floyd’s death.

The President revealed on Wednesday that the probe came at his request as he offered condolences to Mr Floyd’s family and friends.

Mr Trump said: “My heart goes out to George’s family and friends. Justice will be served!”

Mr Floyd’s family have led calls for the cops involved in his death to be charged with murder following the emergence of the shocking video.

Speaking on CNN, his cousin Tera Brown said: “They were supposed to be there to serve and to protect and I didn’t see a single one of them lift a finger to do anything to help while he was begging for his life. Not one of them tried to do anything to help him.”

Ms Brown and Mr Floyd’s brothers held up his picture and described him as a “gentle giant”.

Philonise said: “They could have tased him; they could have maced him. Instead, they put their knee in his neck and just sat on him and then carried on.

“They treated him worse than they treat animals.”

George Floyd died after he was seen being pinned down on the ground by a cop who had his knee over his neck for minutes

Donald Trump
Trump called Floyd’s death a ‘very, very sad’ situation at Wednesday’s aborted Space X launch in Florida

George Floyd
The president said he called for a federal investigation into Floyd’s death at his request[/caption]

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