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I’m A Celeb’s Jacqueline Jossa faces fresh heartache as model Chloe Ayling claims she had a threesome with Dan Osborne

MODEL Chloe Ayling told tonight how she had a wild threesome with love rat Dan Osborne – behind long-suffering wife Jacqueline Jossa’s back. Guilt-ridden Chloe revealed she romped with Dan and US reality TV star Natalie Nunn in a hotel room after a boozy night  out. And their steamy session took place on the same […]

MODEL Chloe Ayling told tonight how she had a wild threesome with love rat Dan Osborne – behind long-suffering wife Jacqueline Jossa’s back.

Guilt-ridden Chloe revealed she romped with Dan and US reality TV star Natalie Nunn in a hotel room after a boozy night  out.

Chloe Ayling claims she had a threesome with Dan Osborne and US reality TV star Natalie Nunn on the night this photo was taken
Chloe Ayling claims she had a threesome with Dan Osborne and US reality TV star Natalie Nunn on the night this photo was taken[/caption]

And their steamy session took place on the same day Jacqueline, 27, posted a picture of her husband on her Instagram account with the caption: “It’s so good to have this man back, I love you always.”

The threesome revelation comes after Jacqueline, who married Dan in 2017, removed her wedding ring and threatened to quit the I’m A Celebrity jungle after co-star Myles Stephenson claimed her husband had bedded former Love Island star Gabby Allen.

Tonight Chloe said: “I feel so sorry for Jacqueline. She deserves to know what Dan is. He’s making a fool of her.”

Chloe, 22, met Dan on Celebrity Big Brother last year. And she told how she hooked up with former Towie star Dan and Natalie after the trio partied in central London and the two girls were pictured kissing in the street.

The threesome came just after Dan was reunited with wife and Im A Celeb star Jacqueline Jossa following his stint on Celebrity Big Brother
Rex Features
Viewers saw Jacqueline burst into tears after reading a letter from Dan on Thursday night’s show[/caption]

Chloe said: “Dan cheated on Jacqueline with me and Natalie. We’d all had a lot to drink and a threesome happened.

“He had full sex with Natalie in in front of me in the bathroom, and then kissed and performed a sex act on me.

“It was a debauched night – we were drunk and we let loose.

“After it happened Dan was full of himself. He didn’t seem to care what had just happened in front of everyone.

A source close to Jacqueline has said this will be the biggest test of her and Dans relationship
A source close to Jacqueline has said this will be ‘the biggest test’ of her and Dan’s relationship

“I distinctly remember Dan saying he needed to go because he was spending the day with Jacqueline and the kids because it felt so jarring with what had just happened. I have regretted it ever since.”

Chloe was single at the time while Natalie, 34, is married to American footballer Jacob Payne.

The group enjoyed a night out in London before returning to Natalie’s room at the St Martin’s Lane hotel at around 3am.

Chloe added: “Dan joined us after the dinner and we went to two nightclubs before going back to the hotel in the early hours of the morning. There are pictures of us out and me and Natalie kissing.

Dan has also faced claims he bedded Love Island star Gabby Allen
Rex Features
Dan has also faced claims he bedded Love Island star Gabby Allen[/caption]

“We drank more in the lobby and took more booze upstairs. It was very drunken.

“During the night Natalie had said she wanted to have sex with Dan and once we got upstairs she tried it on with him.

“He was calling out my name when he was having sex with Natalie.

“At the time it felt as though we were just having fun but now I realise how wrong it was.”

Guilt-ridden Chloe says Dan is making a fool of Jacqueline
Splash News
Guilt-ridden Chloe says Dan is ‘making a fool’ of Jacqueline[/caption]

The trio spent the night in the hotel room before leaving the following morning.

Chloe became a model and TV presenter after being kidnapped in Italy in a case which made headlines around the world.

She told last night how she had decided to speak out after learning details of their sordid romp had become common knowledge in the showbiz industry.

She said: “Dan clearly loves Jacqueline because he’s married to her but he slept with Natalie in front of me that night.

It is claimed Dan talked Natalie into a threesome by comparing her to pop star Rihanna
Rex Features
It is claimed Dan talked Natalie into a threesome by comparing her to pop star Rihanna[/caption]

“Jacqueline needs to see Dan for what he is because he is making a fool of her. He should be faithful to his wife.”

“It disgusted me afterwards and I feel terrible for what I did.

“For me it was a drunken mistake. I just wanted to confirm I was involved with Dan on that night and clear the air. Jacqueline should know.”

Sources said Dan also talked Natalie into the threesome by comparing her to pop beauty Rihanna.

Jacqueline has stood by Dan through previous cheating allegations
Splash News
Jacqueline has ‘stood by’ Dan through previous cheating allegations[/caption]

A source said: “In the club he was getting flirty with Natalie – he was saying that Natalie looked like Rihanna and how he loves Rihanna.

“She didn’t think he’d actually go through with a threesome – she thought it was just friendly banter. There was a lot of sexual stuff going on.

“The girls were worried about Jacqueline finding out but Dan didn’t seem to be bothered – he just told her he was staying at a mate’s house.”

A source close to Jacqueline told The Sun she would be devastated by Chloe’s account of her night with Dan and Natalie.

The source added “Jacqueline has stood by Dan through all the rumours and allegations.

“Jacqueline has always stood by him and believed him but what Chloe’s said could break Jacqueline. This is going to be the biggest test of their relationship.”

A spokeswoman for Natalie tonight refused to comment.

Dan’s cheating scandals

LOVE rat Dan Osborne has been at the centre of a string of cheating claims.

In March, The Sun exclusively revealed how Dan had been accused of kissing Love Island star Alexandra Cane by an onlooker in a Manchester nightclub.  Dan denied kissing Alexandra and said they’d just spent the night dancing.

Two months later, he was accused of cheating on Jacqueline with another Love Island star, Gabby Allen, during a work trip to Spain.

The pair were pictured looking cosy aboard a yacht and Gabby’s ex-boyfriend Marcel Sommerville claimed they had slept together.

Both later denied anything had happened between them.

Dan and Jacqueline reconciled shortly before the birth of their second daughter.

Following last year’s Celeb Big Brother final, Dan moved back into their family home and Jacqueline shared pictures of their reunion on social media.

Last week The Sun exclusively revealed how Jacqueline had threatened to quit the ITV show just days into the start of the new series after her jungle campmate, X Factor singer Myles Stephenson, talked to her about the pictures of Gabby and Dan.

In scenes which were not aired on the show, Myles, who was dating Gabby when the pictures of her and Dan were taken in Spain, told Jacqueline Dan had cheated with her.

For the first time in I’m A Celeb history, Jacqueline was allowed to call Dan and leave him a voicemail message, as well as listen to a message he sent in reply.

Dan denied Myles’ allegation and told The Sun he’d “nothing to worry about” when he landed in Australia with the couple’s daughters and Jacqueline’s parents, Selina and John, earlier this week.


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