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Новости за 24.01.2019


From toilet to brickyard: Recycling biosolids to make sustainable bricks

Melbourne, Australia (SPX) Jan 23, 2019
How can you recycle the world's stockpiles of treated sewage sludge and boost sustainability in the construction industry, all at the same time? Turn those biosolids into bricks. Biosolids are a by-product of the wastewater treatment process that can be used as fertiliser, in land rehabilitation or as a construction material. Around 30% of the world's biosolids are stockpiled or sent


Scientists of the Samara Polytech have developed a new method for wells designing

Samara Oblast, Russia (SPX) Jan 24, 2019
Today, many emergencies while drilling are connected with rock instability. Collapse leads to large time and financial expenses. - The problem is that most of the existing models for assessing sustainability include several parameters that are most often included in the list of difficult-to-obtain data, - explains Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences Alexey Podyachev. These


EON achieves successful commercial operation and tax equity financing for Stella wind farm

Chicago IL (SPX) Jan 24, 2019
E.ON reports the successful completion and tax equity financing of its 201 megawatt (MW) Stella wind farm in Kenedy County, Texas. Allianz Capital Partners of America on behalf of Allianz insurance companies provided tax equity financing in exchange for a partial interest in the Stella project. The project achieved commercial operation and closing of tax equity in December 2018. "Con


New water splitting catalyst could make it easier to generate solar fuel

Binghamton NY (SPX) Jan 24, 2019
Water splitting, the process of harvesting solar energy to generate energy-dense fuels, could be simplified thanks to new research including faculty at Binghamton University, State University of New York. "The key idea is to generate a solar fuel: hydrogen gas, which can be burnt to release energy on demand without releasing carbon dioxide," said Binghamton University Associate Professor o


US underwent a quiet clean energy revolution last year

Washington DC (SPX) Jan 24, 2019
The public perception of U.S. clean energy has undergone a major shift. In a recent survey, 70 percent of respondents said America should produce 100 percent of its electricity from renewable energy sources; more than half thought renewables were a good idea even if they raise energy bills. The change in perception could be a reflection of recent changes to the U.S. energy industry itself.


New 3D nanoprinting strategy opens door to revolution in medicine, robotics

College Park MD (SPX) Jan 24, 2019
Engineers at the University of Maryland (UMD) have created the first 3D-printed fluid circuit element so tiny that 10 could rest on the width of a human hair. The diode ensures fluids move in only a single direction - a critical feature for products like implantable devices that release therapies directly into the body. The microfluidic diode also represents the first use of a 3D nanoprint


New technology uses lasers to transmit audible messages to specific people

Washington DC (SPX) Jan 24, 2019
Researchers have demonstrated that a laser can transmit an audible message to a person without any type of receiver equipment. The ability to send highly targeted audio signals over the air could be used to communicate across noisy rooms or warn individuals of a dangerous situation such as an active shooter. In The Optical Society (OSA) journal Optics Letters, researchers from the Massachu


NC State researchers create 3D-printed soft mesh robots

Raleigh NC (SPX) Jan 24, 2019
Researchers at North Carolina State University have created 3D-printed flexible mesh structures that can be controlled with applied magnetic fields while floating on water. The structures can grab small objects and carry water droplets, giving them the potential to be useful as soft robots that mimic creatures living on water surfaces or that can serve as tissue scaffolds for cell cultures.


Taking magnetism for a spin: Exploring the mysteries of skyrmions

Ames IA (SPX) Jan 24, 2019
Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's Ames Laboratory have discovered the relaxation dynamics of a zero-field state in skyrmions, a spinning magnetic phenomenon that has potential applications in data storage and spintronic devices. Skyrmions are nanoscale whirls or vortices of magnetic poles that form lattices within a magnetic material, a type of quasiparticle that can zip across


China launches two satellites for multispectral imaging

Jiuquan (XNA) Jan 23, 2019
China launched two satellites for multispectral imaging on a Long March-2 rocket from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China at 1:42 pm on Monday. The satellites have successfully entered their preset orbit, according to the center. The two satellites, part of the Jilin-1 satellite family, were independently developed by Chang Guang Satellite Technology Co. Ltd.


Reflectarray Antenna offers high performance in small package: DARPA

Washington DC (SPX) Jan 23, 2019
DARPA's Radio Frequency Risk Reduction Deployment Demonstration (R3D2) is set for launch in late February to space-qualify a new type of membrane reflectarray antenna. The antenna, made of a tissue-thin Kapton membrane, packs tightly for stowage during launch and then will deploy to its full size of 2.25 meters in diameter once it reaches low Earth orbit. R3D2 will monitor antenna deployme


Russia says range of disputed missile is allowed under INF treaty

Moscow (AFP) Jan 23, 2019
Moscow on Wednesday insisted the range of a missile system that has prompted Washington to say it will withdraw from a key Cold War arms treaty is allowed under the agreement. Russian artillery chief Mikhail Matveevsky told a briefing that the 9M729 missile's maximum range is 480 kilometres (300 miles). The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces treaty bans missiles with a range above 500 kil


Winning ideas for 3D printing on the Moon

Paris (ESA) Jan 24, 2019
While studying lunar base concepts ESA ran a competition, asking: what would you 3D print on the Moon, to make it feel like home? Responses came from all across the globe, and now two winners have been selected, both with ideas linked to nature. The adult category was won by visual artist Helen Schell from the UK, proposing a 'magic Moon garden', printed from recycled coloured plastics.


New detector fails to confirm would-be evidence of dark matter

Sao Paulo, brazil (SPX) Jan 24, 2019
Almost 20 years ago, the DAMA/LIBRA experiment operated at Italy's Gran Sasso National Laboratory - LNGS began publishing data showing that it had detected a signal modulation produced by an interaction with the Milky Way's dark matter halo. Dark matter is believed to constitute approximately 27% of the known universe, with ordinary matter accounting for only 4%. The remaining 69% is thoug


Stars shrouded in iron dust

La Laguna, Spain (SPX) Jan 24, 2019
Stars with masses between one and eight times the mass of the Sun evolve along the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) before ending their lives as white dwarfs. It is during this rapid but crucial phase when the stars expand to huge dimensions and cool down, losing a major fraction of their mass due to the strong stellar winds. The low temperature and high density of the winds provide ideal condition


Birth of massive black holes in the early universe revealed

Atlanta GA (SPX) Jan 24, 2019
The light released from around the first massive black holes in the universe is so intense that it is able to reach telescopes across the entire expanse of the universe. Incredibly, the light from the most distant black holes (or quasars) has been traveling to us for more than 13 billion light years. However, we do not know how these monster black holes formed. New research led by research


Astronomers find star material could be building block of life

London, UK (SPX) Jan 24, 2019
An organic molecule detected in the material from which a star forms could shed light on how life emerged on Earth, according to new research led by Queen Mary University of London. The researchers report the first ever detection of glycolonitrile (HOCH2CN), a pre-biotic molecule which existed before the emergence of life, in a solar-type protostar known as IRAS16293-2422 B. This war


Where Is Earth's Submoon?

Washington DC (SPX) Jan 24, 2019
"Can moons have moons?" This simple question - asked by the four-year-old son of Carnegie's Juna Kollmeier - started it all. Not long after this initial bedtime query, Kollmeier was coordinating a program at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics (KITP) on the Milky Way while her one-time college classmate Sean Raymond of Universite de Bordeaux was attending a parallel KITP program on the d


Scientist sheds light on Titan's mysterious nitrogen atmosphere

San Antonio TX (SPX) Jan 24, 2019
A new Southwest Research Institute study tackles one of the greatest mysteries about Titan, one of Saturn's moons: the origin of its thick, nitrogen-rich atmosphere. The study posits that one key to Titan's mysterious atmosphere is the "cooking" of organic material in the moon's interior. "Titan is a very interesting moon because it has this very thick atmosphere, which makes it unique amo


Countdown for launch of DRDO satellite starts

Chennai, India (IANS) Jan 24, 2019
The countdown for the flight on Thursday night of an Indian rocket carrying the Microsat R imaging satellite of the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and the Kalamsat student satellite will begin later on Wednesday, an Indian space agency official said. "The countdown for the PSLV (Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle) rocket launch started Wednesday. "The countdown dura


Jeff Bezos's Blue Origin rocket makes 10th flight test

Washington (AFP) Jan 23, 2019
With an eye to launching the first tourists to space by year's end, Blue Origin, the rocket company owned by Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, blasted off the 10th test flight of its New Shepard rocket on Wednesday. The rocket, carrying no people on board but eight science experiments for NASA, soared skyward from a launchpad in west Texas at 1508 GMT against a clear blue sky. A few minutes into th


How realistic are China's plans to build a research station on the Moon?

Sydney, Australia (The Conversation) Jan 24, 2019
The world is still celebrating the historic landing of China's Chang'e-4 on the far side of the moon on January 3. This week, China announced its plans to follow up with three more lunar missions, laying the groundwork for a lunar base. Colonising the Moon, and beyond, has always being a human aspiration. Technological advancements, and the discovery of a considerable source of water close

The Hindu 

A fear of fish

What happens when a reluctant meat eater steps into the kitchen with 5-star Goan Chef Sarita Carvalho?

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Экология в России и мире

Москвичам рассказали, какие усадьбы столицы можно посетить для пикника

Путин в России и мире

Собянин: к 2030 году на долю Москвы придется 35–40% туристов в России

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко заявил о желании построить в Белоруссии вторую АЭС

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Цинизм зашкалил: Елена Зеленская повеселилась в Киеве с герцогиней Эдинбургской

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Мама Тимати прошлась по интервью Шишковой: «Смотреть было брезгливо, но Аленка молодец»


Экс-участница «Фабрики звёзд» поделилась подробностями родов в туалете кафе

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