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Новости за 24.05.2018

Cato Institute 

For Lower Gas Prices, Scrap the Jones Act

Drawing attention to rising gas prices this week, Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-New York) called for President Trump to ease pain at the pump by leveraging his relationships with key OPEC leaders as well as the presidential bully pulpit to exert pressure on oil companies. “These higher oil prices are translating directly to soaring gas prices, something we know disproportionately hurts middle- and lower-income people,” the senator added.

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«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Lionsgate Shares Rise on Positive Q4 Earnings

Lionsgate reported earnings for its fiscal 2018 fourth quarter on Thursday that were above Wall Street’s expectations. The film and TV studio reported earnings of 41 cents per share for the quarter. Adjusted earnings were 25 cents per share, up from 28 cents per share during the same quarter a year ago. Analysts were expecting the company to report a loss of 4 cents per share, according to estimates gathered by Yahoo Finance. Revenue for the quarter was $1.04 billion, down from the $1.26 billion Lionsgate reported last year... Читать дальше...

Sports - Google News (us) 

Cowboys' Terrance Williams says Vikings' Kendall Wright crashed his Lamborghini - USA TODAY


Cowboys' Terrance Williams says Vikings' Kendall Wright crashed his Lamborghini
Dallas Cowboys wide receiver Terrance Williams claims he wasn't driving his blue Lamborghini when it crashed into a light pole May 19, according to the police report obtained by USA TODAY Sports. Williams told Frisco (Texas) Police Department officers ...
Terrance Williams' attorney: Kendall Wright not involved in wreckNBC Sports - NFL (blog)
Jerry Jones... Читать дальше...

Society for American Baseball Research (SABR) 

July 15, 1994: Albert Belle's corked bat leads to suspension

The 1994 major-league season brought about two significant changes with regard to the makeup of each league’s standings. Since 1969, the National and American Leagues had used a two-division format, one East and one West, to accommodate the burgeoning expansion in the big leagues. The NL and the AL had both grown by four teams since the AL began to swell in 1961.

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New York Post 

I tried the two-hour facial Instagram is obsessed with

I’ll be honest. I’ve toyed with the idea of getting a tiny bit of Botox for a couple of years now. Just a hint in the forehead to reduce the frown lines that my recently-turned 30-year-old face can feel slowly creeping in. I haven’t — yet. But it turns out there are many alternatives to...

Sports - Google News (us) 

Cowboys' Terrance Williams told police ex-teammate Kendall Wright responsible for crash - ESPN


Cowboys' Terrance Williams told police ex-teammate Kendall Wright responsible for crash
FRISCO, Texas -- Dallas Cowboys wide receiver Terrance Williams told Frisco police that former Baylor teammate and current Minnesota Vikings receiver Kendall Wright was responsible for the accident involving Williams' Lamborghini last weekend, ...
Jerry Jones supports Terrance Williams after arrestNFL.com
Terrance Williams told police Kendall Wright crashed... Читать дальше...

Sports - Google News (us) 

Cowboys' Williams faults ex-teammate in crash - ESPN


Cowboys' Williams faults ex-teammate in crash
FRISCO, Texas -- Dallas Cowboys wide receiver Terrance Williams told Frisco police that former Baylor teammate and current Minnesota Vikings receiver Kendall Wright was responsible for the accident involving Williams' Lamborghini last weekend, ...
Terrance Williams told police Kendall Wright crashed his carNBC Sports - NFL (blog)
Jerry Jones supports Terrance Williams after arrestNFL.com
Video... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Legally or Not, Businesses Stay Afloat in Cape Town’s Drought

It’s a sight you don’t expect in Cape Town, where the city administration has threatened to turn off the taps because of prolonged, severe drought: children careening down gushing slides into pools of fresh water.   This is Water World, a fun park based entirely around … water, of course.   Manager Markham Adams says 12 years ago the owners found a water source beneath their feet. “Our water we use in the slides is all well point water. It’s off the municipal grid; it’s been off for the last eight, nine years,” he says. Читать дальше...


'Fortnite' is getting a major new mode that will finally give players a chance to practice

Epic Games

  • Despite being absurdly popular, "Fortnite" is a tremendously difficult game to master.
  • Due to the nature of how the game works, there's little opportunity to practice without risk of death.
  • In an upcoming update, the game is getting a new mode that offers players a much better opportunity to practice the game in relative safety.

Tired of getting wiped out in "Fortnite" before you've even had a chance to try that shiny new weapon or build your dream fortress? Читать дальше...

New York Post 

Kristaps Porzingis finally breaks silence on David Fizdale’s hiring

It doesn’t seem Kristaps Porzingis is holding a Marc Gasol grudge. In breaking his silence since the Knicks hired David Fizdale, Porzingis on Thursday tweeted from Europe that he’s finally spoken to the new coach — and has positive reviews. “Just had a great conversation on the phone with Coach Fiz. Man im excited!!!!! Lets...

New York Post 

Retiree takes up sperm donations as a hobby

Retirement can be difficult for some men, calling time on years of structured days and familiar colleagues. Many take up golf, build kit cars or finally get time to do something with the garden. Former math teacher Clive sits in the back of a van outside strangers’ houses pleasuring himself. But the happily married 62-year-old...


Money experts share 5 ways you should always spend your extra cash

De Visu/Shutterstock

  • Bonuses are a great opportunity to make the most of your money — whether it's Christmas gift, inheritance, or work bonus. 
  • The smartest strategy for this extra sum of money is to save or invest it, but buying something valuable could also be a great decision if you only spend about 15-20% of your bonus. 
  • However you choose to use your bonus, get it out of your checking account right away, says investing and retirement specialist Andrea Coombes. Читать дальше...


Ross Stores shares down 6% on weaker outlook, flat same-store sales

Shares of Ross Stores Inc. fell more than 6% late Thursday after the retailer posted first-quarter earnings and sales above Wall Street expectations but predicted weaker second-quarter earnings. Ross said it earned $418 million, or $1.1 a share, in the quarter, compared with $321 million, or 82 cents a share, a year ago. Sales rose 9% to to $3.6 billion. Same-store store sales grew 3%, the same gain as the first quarter of 2017. Analysts polled by FactSet had expected per-share earnings of $1.07 on sales of $3.5 billion... Читать дальше...


Ross Stores shares down 6% on weaker outlook

Shares of Ross Stores Inc. fell more than 6% late Thursday after the retailer posted first-quarter earnings and sales above Wall Street expectations but predicted weaker second-quarter earnings. Ross said it earned $418 million, or $1.1 a share, in the quarter, compared with $321 million, or 82 cents a share, a year ago. Sales rose 9% to to $3.6 billion. Same-store store sales grew 3%, the same gain as the first quarter of 2017. Analysts polled by FactSet had expected per-share earnings of $1.07 on sales of $3.5 billion... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Worth Seeing: Pope Francis, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and ‘Deadpool 2’

Deadpool 2: The new “Deadpool” gets all its nastiness out of the way, concentrating instead on some genuinely funny comedy and a story about Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) actually trying to do something good — save a young mutant from a time-traveling assassin (Josh Brolin) Rated R. 119 minutes. — Mick LaSalle Disobedience : Rachel Weisz stars as a New York woman who, on the occasion of her father’s funeral... Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Wakefield Trinity • Re: Max Out

PopTart wrote:

An old boss of mine once surprised me when he announced to the whole team that he had favourites in every team he managed.
He went on to explain his favourites were always the ones who worked hard, had integrity in what they did, and delivered the goods.
I imagine Chester is the same.

Being young, or from Wakefield, or behind someone who isn't actually playing at their best doesn't guarantee you a place. You have to earn it with hard work, talent and execution. Читать дальше...


Brett Favre admitted to spending multiple stints in rehab during his NFL playing career

Hannah Foslien/Getty Images

  • Brett Favre struggled with an addiction to Vicodin during his playing days, even taking as many as 14 pills at once.
  • He went to rehab twice for Vicodin addiction. 
  • He went to rehab again a third time for drinking and was able to get sober after that. 

In his last MMQB column for Sports Illustrated, veteran NFL reporter Peter King was able to get some candid comments from Brett Favre about his battles with addiction to his NFL career... Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Wigan Warriors - wiganrugbyfans.com • Re: Rumours and signings v9

[Gareth] wrote:

As in, although he has been a successful coach in the past, he did little with england and i think we should be looking for the next up and coming coach ala maguire

We need a completwlt new direction and to re-invent ourselves. Wane has been great for us but if we are to move on, we need to make a statement

I have no idea who the right person is though

I agree. Unless we get a big name like Edwards, Benett etc i would have a real look at... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Analysis: Has Trump blown chances for talks with NKorea?

WASHINGTON (AP) — After inflating a bubble of expectation for a historic summit with North Korea, President Donald Trump popped it. His withdrawal from a hastily arranged summit with Kim Jong Un drew strong criticism and some praise in Washington. Trump opponents said he botched a delicate, diplomatic dance with North Korea, at the risk of fueling tensions, cold-shouldering allies like South Korea and making China less willing to put economic pressure on Pyongyang. But some North Korea watchers said it was the right thing to do.

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Экология в России и мире

Тело пропавшей два дня назад школьницы нашли на востоке Москвы

Путин в России и мире

Владимир Путин попросил передать послание духовному лидеру Ирана

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Президент Камеруна получил послание от Президента Лукашенко

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



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Tasnim: Спасатели опознали тела всех погибших при крушении вертолета в Иране

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