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Новости за 29.03.2018

New York Post 

Students using loans to ‘invest’ in cryptocurrency: survey

Here’s a Tale of the Crypto that should frighten you. According to a survey from something called the Student Loan Report, more than 21 percent of college students who have loans say they have used their financial aid money to fund bitcoin and other crypto-asset “investments.” I put the word “investments” in parentheses because we...

Bolt Prospects 

Crunch Beat Devils, Extend Win Streak to Six Games

By Jeremy Houghtaling

The Syracuse Crunch were opportunistic early.

The Crunch netted three goals in the first period and cruised to a 5-1 win over the Binghamton Devils at the Onondaga County War Memorial Wednesday. Syracuse has won six straight and has points in 15 of the last 16 games.

“We had a very slow start in the first period, but we were very opportunistic,” Crunch head coach Benoit Groulx said. “(Goalie) Connor Ingram was obviously very ready to play. He had to make some stops early in the game. Читать дальше...

New York Post 

These are the tiniest treasures of The Big Apple

The Big Apple is full of small wonders. From the most minuscule library book (a leather-bound volume on the sun that’s just 1 inch by ¾ of an inch) to the most compact neighborhood (Queens’ Ramblersville, at ¹/₃ of a square mile), sometimes the best things come in small packages. In “Tiny New York: The...

New York Post 

Royals lose one of their best hitters in ‘sad,’ freak accident

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Talk about carrying some baggage into the season. Kansas City will be without Salvador Perez for up to six week after the star catcher sprained the medial collateral in his left knee while carrying a suitcase up some stairs in his home. The injury occurred Tuesday night, when the Royals returned...

New York Post 

Nets employ a balanced attack to end losing streak

ORLANDO, Fla. — D’Angelo Russell and Caris LeVert each scored 16 points to lead the Nets to a 111-104 victory over the Magic on Wednesday night. Jarrett Allen added 15 points and DeMarre Carroll had 14 points and 12 rebounds for the Nets, who stopped a three-game losing streak. Rondae Hollis-Jefferson and Joe Harris also...

Voice of America 

VA Nominee Jackson Served as Physician to 3 Presidents

Dr. Ronny Jackson, picked by President Donald Trump to head the Department of Veterans Affairs, has served as White House physician to three presidents. Jackson went into active naval service in 1995 after getting his medical degree from University of Texas Medical Branch. He went on to become the honor graduate of the Navy’s Undersea Medical Officer Program in Groton, Conn., before obtaining more credentials in emergency medicine. He served as an emergency doctor specializing in resuscitating... Читать дальше...


Massive solar power project will be 100 times larger than any in the world

The world's biggest solar power project is coming to Saudi Arabia. 

And it comes with a high price tag: around $200 billion. The venture, a partnership between Saudi Arabia and Japanese tech giant SoftBank, was revealed Tuesday, according to Bloomberg.

SEE ALSO: Tesla's bringing Powerwall batteries to 50,000 homes in Australia

Expected to be completed by 2030, the project will reach a colossal capacity of 200 gigawatts, SoftBank Chief Executive Masayoshi Son told reporters. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Judge denies Stormy Daniels' request for Trump deposition

WASHINGTON (AP) — Cranking up pressure on the president, porn actress Stormy Daniels wants Donald Trump to answer her attorney's questions under oath about a pre-election payment aimed at keeping her quiet about their alleged tryst. If she's successful, it would be the first deposition of a sitting president since Bill Clinton in 1998 had to answer questions about his conduct with women. Daniels' attorney, Michael Avenatti, is seeking sworn testimony from Trump and his personal lawyer, Michael Cohen... Читать дальше...

Europe Online Magazine 

Ministerin Schulze will mit Frankreich Insektenschutz vorantreiben

Berlin/Paris (dpa) - Bundesumweltministerin Svenja Schulze will auf ihrer ersten Dienstreise nach Paris an diesem Donnerstag ein Bündnis für den Insektenschutz mit Frankreich schmieden. «Wir wollen beim Insektenschutz eine Achse Berlin-Paris bilden», sagte die SPD-Politikerin der Deutschen Presse-Agentur. Sie wolle nicht nur den Einsatz der Insekten- und Unkrautgifte Neonikotinoide und Glyphosat beenden, sondern generell eine neue Pflanzenschutz-Politik erreichen. Schulze reist am kommenden Dienstag... Читать дальше...

Sports - Google News (us) 

Kershaw, Dodgers open vs. rival Giants - FOXSports.com

Los Angeles Times

Kershaw, Dodgers open vs. rival Giants
LOS ANGELES — The inability to take charge of the last nine innings of 2017 is what will fuel a year of unfinished business for the National League champion Los Angeles Dodgers. For the San Francisco Giants, a return to upper echelon of the NL is the ...
Dodgers make unappealing offer to fans who attended smelly spring finaleYahoo Sports
Dodgers 'confident' in field condition after... Читать дальше...

International Business Times 

Kevin Durant, Klay Thompson To Return This Week As Warriors Wait On Steph Curry?

The defending NBA champions are close to finally looking like a title-contending roster. While Steph Curry remains sidelined with a Grade 2 MCL sprain, three star players are set to make their return after missing games with minor injuries. Kevin Durant is "probable" for Thursday's home matchup with the Milwaukee Bucks after being sidelined two weeks with an incomplete rib cartilage fracture. Draymond Green was expected to return Tuesday from a pelvic contusion but instead missed the home game against the Indiana Pacers due to illness.

New York Post 

Hearst heiress thanks Jesus after Walmart pulls Cosmo from checkout lines

Victoria Hearst on Wednesday thanked the “Lord Jesus Christ” for getting Walmart to move the provocative Cosmopolitan magazine from its checkout line racks in thousands of stores. “We’ll [sic] done, good and faithful servant,” the Hearst Corp. scion said in a statement. Hearst has been battling for years against Cosmo, the popular monthly magazine published...

Arsenal News 

'He'll shine soon enough', 'A quality player' - Arsenal fans rally behind underperforming £90,000-a-week star

It would be fair to say that Granit Xhaka has had his fair share of stick since joining Arsenal from Borussia Monchengladbach in the summer of 2016. The 25-year-old scored four times in 46 appearances during a decent first season with the Gunners, but his form during the 2017-18 campaign has been extremely inconsistent. Xhaka, who is believed to be on £90,000 a week at Arsenal, is very much a jack of all trades, master of none. There is no question that he has ability, but it is difficult to pinpoint... Читать дальше...

Fear The Sword 

Final Score: Cavaliers rebound against the Hornets, 118-105

Cleveland ends their road trip with a win in Charlotte.

The Cavaliers were disappointing in Tuesday night’s loss in Miami, starting sluggish and not managing to crawl back into the game. Tonight’s game had a similar feel in the first quarter, but Cleveland woke up in the second and third quarters to carry them to their 45th win of the season.

Without Kevin Love, Cleveland managed to take care of business on the road — with ease. Larry Drew and the Cavaliers went to a different starting lineup again... Читать дальше...

LaRouche PAC 

Tell the British to “Git,” Otherwise We Are Finished

New International Economic Order

American Credit System


Video of 5Zl2FBvZm9o

It has become clear that the British, not the Russians, tried to overturn the 2016 presidential election and subvert Donald Trump’s Presidency. Now, they want to use the Skripal poisoning to put us on the path to war. No one knows the British Empire better than Lyndon LaRouche, as he demonstrates in this webcast from June, 2009. To end its imperial reign, Americans first must understand... Читать дальше...

LaRouche PAC 

LaRouche: Tell the British to “Git”; Otherwise We Are Done

New International Economic Order

American Credit System


Video of 5Zl2FBvZm9o

It has become clear that the British, not the Russians, tried to overturn the 2016 presidential election and subvert Donald Trump’s Presidency. Now, they want to use the Skripal poisoning to put us on the path to war. No one knows the British Empire better than Lyndon LaRouche. To end its imperial reign, Americans first must understand what the British Empire is and how it is irreconcilable... Читать дальше...

LaRouche PAC 

LaRouche: Britain Empire Still Enemy No. 1 of Civilized World

New International Economic Order

American Credit System


Video of 5Zl2FBvZm9o

No one understands the British better than Lyndon LaRouche. True, Britain no longer rules the waves, or the world with ships, planes, and imperial armies. But their system of thought infects cultures throughout the world and shapes the way people analyze and perceive reality. Today, with the emergence of a new economic order taking over the globe, led by China's Belt and Road Initiative... Читать дальше...


Maharashtra: BJP MLA objects to discussion on sexual violence in Kashmir calling it ‘anti-national’; session subsequently cancelled

Mumbai: A discussion organised by the Dr Ambedkar Centre For Social Justice of Mumbai University on 'Military Occupation in Kashmir — Sexual Violence on Kashmiri Women' was cancelled after the issue was raised in the Maharashtra Assembly. BJP MLA Atul Bhatkhalkar raised this issue in the Assembly, and Education Minister Vinod Tawde announced that the […]

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Экология в России и мире

EDI-провайдер для ритейла Docrobot вошел в группу компаний СКБ Контур

Путин в России и мире

Почему в Москве принимают Пашиняна после всех его скандальных заявлений о России: Политолог назвал пять причин

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко заявил о мгновенном ответе Минска на любую агрессию

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Smi24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

В США прокомментировали подготовку покушения на Зеленского

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Антонина Арталевская

Анна Данилова дала старт Всероссийской акции "Синий платочек Победы" 2024 на станции метро Курская


Великая Победа в фотографиях

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