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Новости за 22.03.2018

Voice of America 

Re-Imagining Refugee Camps as Livable Cities

Al-Zaatari is one of hundreds of camps where people forced from their homelands by armed conflicts and civil wars go, hoping that one day they will go back home. Opened in 2012, near Jordan's border with Syria, the 5.2-square-kilometer settlement is now home to nearly 80,000 Syrian refugees.   Like many other refugee camps around the world, it ended up growing well beyond initial plans. Moving around the camp has become so challenging that the refugees wait for the water truck to pass by and... Читать дальше...


New Deadpool 2 Trailer Pokes Fun at Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants

Deadpool is back — and he’s as vulgar and inappropriate as ever!

The second full-length trailer for the highly anticipated sequel dropped on Thursday, giving fans a closer look at what to expect from Deadpool 2.

And while the trailer is complete with plenty of fighting and NSFW language, star Ryan Reynolds even managed to sneak in a Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants joke.

“And that’s why Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants is pure pornography,” Reynolds’ titular character tells his trusty cab driver at the end of the clip.


Neuer needs to play to make Germany's World Cup squad – Low

Joachim Low has told injured Bayern Munich goalkeeper Manuel Neuer he will need to be playing to make it into Germany's World Cup squad, though he has been assured of a return before the season's conclusion. Neuer has endured a difficult 12 months, having broken his foot three times and managed just three Bundesliga displays this term. Bayern have been particularly careful managing Neuer's comeback, as they seek to avoid another recurrence of the injury. He is in the final stages of his rehabilitation ahead of a potential April return... Читать дальше...

Sputnik International 

Russians Did It! A List of Dastardly Deeds Ridiculously Blamed on the Kremlin

As the campaign against Russia over its alleged role in the poisoning of an ex-spy heats up, all without any evidence from London to confirm a 'Russian trace', Sputnik has put together a list of some of the other instances where Moscow was falsely accused of heinous crimes, from poisonings to cyberattacks to election meddling in made-up countries.


James Corden admitted he stole a candle from Mariah Carey's home in revenge after she was really late for a 'Carpool Karaoke' shoot

CBS and Frazer Harrison/Getty Images

  • During Wednesday night's episode of CBS' "The Late Late Show," host James Corden played a game of "Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts with Drew Barrymore and John Boyega.
  • Corden was asked if he's ever stolen anything, and from where.
  • To avoid eating a thousand-year-old egg, Corden answered the question and revealed that he stole a candle from Mariah Carey's home last year when they filmed a holiday edition of "Carpool Karaoke."
  • According to Corden... Читать дальше...


We tried 3 popular brands of frozen waffles — here's the one you'll want to eat on a lazy Sunday morning

Leah Rocketto/INSIDER

  • We tried three popular brands of frozen waffles to determine which one tastes best.
  • We compared Van's, Kashi, and Eggo waffles — all of which are found in common grocery stores.
  • It was a tough decision, but ultimately Eggo won for tasting most like a diner-style waffle.
  • Kashi, a seven-grain option, had a lot of flavor and didn't taste like a typical "health" food. 

Waffles have always been a popular breakfast choice. Читать дальше...


Siri can read your hidden notifications out loud even when your iPhone is locked — and Apple's working on a fix (AAPL)

  • A recently discovered Siri bug allows some hidden app notifications to be read out loud even when your iPhone is locked
  • Apple says it's aware of the issue and will fix the bug in an upcoming software update
  • If you're worried about the issue, there are some short-term solutions.

One of the best features on the iPhone X is that its lock screen hides the content of notifications until you're looking at it. You can see that you, say, received a WhatsApp message... Читать дальше...

Liverpool FC News 

Rumour Mongering: Reds Battle Juventus and Manchester City for Jack Wilshere

So yeah he’s totally gonna sign for Everton. Nabil Fekir. Wilfred Ndidi. Jorginho. If the midfielders being linked with Liverpool moves this summer—and with, let’s not forget, Naby Keïta set to arrive—had you getting just a little too excited during the international break, The Mirror would like to help with the comedown. And they’re doing that by suggesting that Liverpool are one of the many, many big clubs chasing seriously and for real after Arsenal midfielder Jack Wilshere, whose deal with the Gunners runs out this summer. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Rhode Island's Dan Hurley agrees to become UConn's coach

STORRS, Conn. (AP) — Rhode Island's Dan Hurley agreed to become UConn's coach, joining a team that is under NCAA investigation and fired Kevin Ollie this month after another losing season. "It's official! Dan Hurley named Head Coach of (UConn mens basketball)," UConn said on Twitter on Thursday. The school said details of the agreement would be released later. A news conference is expected Friday Hurley was 113-82 in six seasons with the Rams, who went 26-8 this year before losing in the second round of the NCAA Tournament to Duke. Читать дальше...

The Local (thelocal.es) 

Avalanche kills two in Catalonia's Aran Valley

An avalanche in the Aran Valley, not far from the popular ski resort of Baqueira-Beret caused the death of two men and has left a third fighting for is life.


The S&P 500 index briefly erased all of its gains for 2018 as trade-war anxieties intensify

The S&P 500 index late-Thursday morning briefly turned negative for 2018, erasing its year-to-date gain amid a broad downturn for Wall Street equities. The S&P 500 had narrowly been in positive territory to start the session but a sharp decline on the back of intensifying trade-war concerns helped to push the broad-market index into into negative territory at its intraday lows to 2,671.14, joining the Dow Jones Industrial Average , which also is down by 1.6% for the year. The S&P 500 needs to close above 2,673.61... Читать дальше...


This $2 million SUV is bulletproof and cut like a diamond — look inside

Facebook/Karlmann King

  • The Karlmann King SUV was designed in Beijing by IAT Automobile Technology and shown at the Dubai International Motor Show in late 2017.
  • The luxury car is fully equipped with a high-end entertainment system, including a PlayStation 4 gaming system.
  • It's priced at a minimum of $2 million, but the price goes up if you choose to customize it with features like armored bodywork.

The custom-designed Karlmann King SUV is priced at a whopping $2 million. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Trump, Biden Sparring in Verbal Schoolyard Spat

U.S. President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden, both in their 70s, are sparring — at more than arm's length — in a verbal schoolyard fight. During the 2016 presidential campaign, Biden assailed Trump's moral standing after a 2005 video surfaced of Trump boasting that he could grope women with impunity because he was a star on his reality television show "The Apprentice." Biden, then the vice president and supporting Trump's opponent, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton... Читать дальше...

«Seattle Post-Intelligencer» (seattlepi.com) 

Wall Street baja por posibles sanciones comerciales a China

NUEVA YORK (AP) — Las acciones en la Bolsa de Nueva York abrieron a la baja el jueves ante la previsión de que el presidente Donald Trump anuncie sanciones comerciales contra China. El gobierno estadounidense planea anunciar aranceles a productos chinos y restricciones a las inversiones provenientes de ese país. A los inversionistas les preocupa que se eleven las tensiones comerciales después de que Trump anunció que impondrá aranceles a la importación de aluminio y acero. Las empresas industriales y tecnológicas bajaban. Читать дальше...

Sputnik International 

Indian Opposition Likely to Use Cambridge Analytica Than Counter Meddling - NGO

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Indian opposition parties are more likely to use the political services of foreign consultancy companies like Cambridge Analytica (CA) than urge for punitive measures against them for intervening in the Bihar Assembly 2010 elections, Prabhloch Singh, the founder of the Punjab-based Human Rights Protection Group said.

NAIJ.COM (Nigeria News) 

Ribadu reveals why NFIU should not be taken out of EFCC

The pioneer chairman of the EFCC, Nuhu Ribadu, on Thursday, March 22, declared that the proposed movement of the Nigerian Financial Intelligence Unit (NFIU) out of the commission will bring a setback for the country.

Cato Institute 

Disciplining China at the WTO

The scope of the Trump administration’s Section 232 “national security” tariffs is filled with uncertainty – exemptions are being negotiated this week – but we are already on to the next set of aggressive trade moves: reports suggest that the administration will announce tariffs on imports of Chinese products today, as punishment for China’s alleged unfair trade practices. This would be a unilateral response to China’s practices, with the U.S. Trade Representative acting as the judge, jury, and executioner. Читать дальше...

Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty 

A Russian Woman's Fight For A Place At The Helm

In Russia, women are forbidden by law from holding 456 different professions, such as miner, firefighter, or captain of a ship. Svetlana Medvedeva received her qualifications to become a commercial captain -- and when a company turned her away, she decided to fight the law in court.

West Sussex County Times 

Letter: Thought

The term ‘hot cross bun’ first appeared in the Oxford English Dictionary in 1733, along with a folk song: ‘Good Friday comes this month, the old woman runs, with one or two a Penny hot cross Bunns’.

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Экология в России и мире

Кирилл Купченко, Директор по послепродажному обслуживанию ABTOДОМ МКАД рассказал о сервисном обслуживании электромобилей Zeekr

Путин в России и мире

Посвященную инаугурации Путина марку начали продавать в главпочтамте Москвы

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко: Белоруссия реагирует на обострение обстановки вблизи границ страны

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Жанна Агузарова

Жанна Агузарова начала петь в подземных переходах


Крыша ФСБ отъезжает в лагеря // Для бывшего куратора российских банков запросили 14 лет за взятки

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