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Новости за 24.01.2018

New York Post 

Theatrics can’t save Salt Bae’s leathery $130 steak

Nusr-Et may be this season’s most-talked-about restaurant, but be warned — it isn’t ready yet for prime time, no matter how many likes Salt Bae gets on Instagram. There are a few great dishes. The place is eye-pleasing and comfy, with the same barbell-shape layout and high ceilings of predecessor China Grill (60 W. 53rd...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Skier Mikaela Shiffrin struggling as Olympic Games approach

SAN VIGILIO DI MAREBBE, Italy — Mikaela Shiffrin doesn’t need to look at social media to see what people are saying about her. After failing to finish two straight races with next month’s Pyeongchang Olympics rapidly approaching, the overall World Cup leader knows what her critics are thinking. “I can see it in my mind, ‘Mikaela Shiffrin faltering before the Olympics.’ And, ‘The streak is coming to an end,’” Shiffrin said Tuesday after an uncharacteristic fall in the first run of a giant slalom. Читать дальше...

New York Post 

NBC News’ pro-North Korean propaganda

We’re still trying to figure out why NBC Nightly News and Lester Holt decided to shill for North Korea’s dictatorship. Yes, NBC is eager to promote next month’s Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea. But that hardly required anyone to travel north of the DMZ to film propaganda for a regime that enslaves 25 million...

New York Post 

Best-selling author Ursula K. Le Guin dies at 88

PORTLAND, Ore. — Ursula K. Le Guin, the award-winning and best-selling science fiction writer who explored feminist themes and was best known for her Earthsea books, has died at 88. A family statement posted Tuesday on Le Guin’s verified Twitter account says she passed away peacefully on Monday. In addition to her fantasy and science...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Walk-through: Elegance abounds in TIC previously renovated by Dumican Mosey Architects

Twice a week, The Chronicle features a home on the market that caught our eye for its architecture, history or character. More photos: www.sfgate.com/columns/walkthrough Address: 2300 Divisadero St., San Francisco Asking price: $3.2 million Description: Early American woodwork blends with contemporary conveniences in this three-bedroom tenancy-in-common home renovated by Dumican Mosey Architects in 2012. Читать дальше...

Talking Points Memo 

Schumer Takes Back Offer To Fund Trump's Wall In New Immigration Push

WASHINGTON (AP) — Top Senate Democrat Chuck Schumer on Tuesday pulled back an offer of $25 billion for President Donald Trump’s long-promised southern border wall, as lawmakers scrambled to figure out how to push a deal to protect 700,000 or more so-called Dreamer immigrants from deportation.

Schumer had made the offer last Friday in a last-ditch effort to head off a government shutdown, then came scalding criticism from his party’s liberal activist base that Democrats had given up too easily in... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Twittter executive leaves to run SoFi

Embattled online lender SoFi has poached Twitter’s chief operating officer, Anthony Noto, to be its CEO, dealing a blow to Twitter’s turnaround campaign. SoFi announced Noto’s hiring Tuesday, just four months after Mike Cagney was forced to step down as its chief executive because of sexual harassment claims. Cagney was accused in a lawsuit of having had inappropriate relationships with company employees and questioned over whether he had skirted risk and compliance controls. In Noto... Читать дальше...

New York Post 

Rangers defenseman seething at NHL’s indifference to dirty hit

ANAHEIM, Calif. — Brendan Smith was both angry and befuddled. The Rangers edgy defenseman took a bad penalty and got into a fight that set the tone for a hellish second period Sunday night en route to a 4-2 loss to the Kings in Los Angeles. But just before that, Smith had been nailed with...

New York Post 

Sorry: Sometimes drugs are vital to escaping depression

Is clinical depression really just all in your head? It was once popular to say yes — and it’s gaining purchase again. For example, Johann Hari’s upcoming book “Lost Connections,” and the op-eds and book excerpts he’s published in advance, are raising the profile of this theory. Hari recalls his dramatic discovery of how the...


Josh Duhamel and Jimmi Simpson on tackling the 'Unsolved' murders of Tupac Shakur and Biggie Smalls on screen

Filed under: Entertainment, TV, TV News

Josh Duhamel and Jimmi Simpson are taking on a couple of notorious roles for the latest in a string recent shows tackling famously true crimes.

Duhamel will play Detective Greg Kading and Simpson will play Detective Russell Poole in the USA Network's upcoming series, "Unsolved: The Murders of Tupac Shakur and the Notorious B.I.G," which tells the story of the controversial investigations into the murders of both rappers -- murders that are... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Colin Kaepernick among 5 community MVP finalists

The NFL’s most famous unemployed quarterback is under consideration for a prestigious award. Colin Kaepernick, who took his last snap with the 49ers nearly 13 months ago, is one of five finalists for the NFLPA’s Byron “Whizzer” White Community MVP award. Kaepernick is making good on his 2016 pledge to donate $1 million to organizations in oppressed communities. This month, he is finishing his pledge and athletes such as Serena Williams, Kevin Durant and Stephen Curry have made matching... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Snapchat will allow video-sharing outside the app

Snapchat’s appeal has largely been limited to young people who can navigate its famously confounding interface. It’s one of the reasons Instagram has nearly three times as many users. But in a major shift that could make Snapchat more enticing, the video messaging app announced Tuesday it will allow its public content to be shared across other social media services — not just inside its mobile app. The Los Angeles-area company, which long eschewed a serious Web presence... Читать дальше...


Wenger: Sanchez not a mercenary for joining Manchester United

Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger says Alexis Sanchez should not be considered a "mercenary" for opting to join Manchester United rather than renewing his contract at the Emirates Stadium. Sanchez made the move to Old Trafford on Monday, with Henrikh Mkhitaryan switching the other way in a swap deal. The Chilean is reported to be earning £350,000 a week at Old Trafford, vastly in excess of Arsenal's top-earning players, having entered the last six months of his Gunners contract without penning fresh terms. Читать дальше...

New York Post 

Corruption isn’t the only problem with Cuomo’s economy schemes

Opening prosecution arguments in the Joe Percoco trial naturally focused on corruption, but the drama also spotlights the awkward fact that Gov. Cuomo’s “job creation” programs seem to produce more scandals than jobs. Not that any amount of malfeasance or policy malpractice will prompt a Cuomo course change: His budget plan calls for $300 million...

Voice of America 

Senate Confirms Powell as Next US Fed Chair

The Senate on Tuesday approved President Donald Trump's selection of Jerome Powell to be the next chairman of the Federal Reserve beginning next month.   Senators voted 84-13 to confirm Powell to lead the nation's central bank, a post that is considered the most powerful economic position in government.   Powell will succeed Janet Yellen, the first woman to lead the Fed, when her term ends Feb. 3. Trump decided against offering Yellen a second four-year term as chair despite widespread praise... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

The Latest: Schumer pulls back money to fund Trump's wall

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Latest on immigration legislation in Congress (all times local): 6:50 p.m. The Senate's top Democrat, Chuck Schumer, is pulling back an offer of $25 billion for President Donald Trump's southern border wall. The turnaround comes as lawmakers scramble to make a deal to protect from deportation 700,000 or more young immigrants in the country illegally since childhood. Schumer had made the offer to head off a government shutdown, but his party's liberal activist base has criticized... Читать дальше...

Chicagoland Collegiate Athletic Conference Baseball 

[Men's Basketball - D1-D2] ONU's Reed claims NAIA Division II Men's Basketball Player of the ...

KANSAS CITY, Mo. – For the first time this season and second time in his career, Nic Reed (New Albany, Ind.) of Olivet Nazarene University (Ill.), was named NAIA Division II Men's Basketball National Player of the Week, by the national office announced on Tuesday. Reed was selected for his play during the week of Jan. 15 – 20 and was chosen out of the conference and Association of Independent Institutions award winners.

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«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Elon Musk could be paid billions or nothing under Tesla’s 10-year plan

Elon Musk has a lot riding on the growth of Telsa: his entire paycheck. The electric car manufacturer said Tuesday that a new 10-year compensation plan for Musk, its chief executive, could result in a windfall for the billionaire entrepreneur if the company’s stock value rises sharply. If the stock hits none of the 12 milestones set by Tesla, Musk would get nothing. “Elon will receive no guaranteed compensation of any kind — no salary, no cash bonuses... Читать дальше...

Sports - Google News (uk) 

Rangers star Danny Wilson is subject of MLS interest with his contract set to expire at the end of the season - Daily Mail

Daily Mail

Rangers star Danny Wilson is subject of MLS interest with his contract set to expire at the end of the season
Daily Mail
Danny Wilson could make a surprise exit from Rangers this month after receiving potentially lucrative interest from the MLS. The 26-year-old defender's contract expires at the end of the season and he recently expressed a desire to remain with the ...
Rangers new boy Jason Cummings believes you must be a certain type of character... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Ежемесячную денежную выплату получают более 1,6 млн пострадавших от радиации

Путин в России и мире

Ушаков: Путин и Пашинян расставят на встрече многие точки над i

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Польский судья Шмидт попросил защиты у Лукашенко и политического убежища в Белоруссии

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Джиган будет продавать пиво и энергетики


В Таиланде стартовали съемки фильма ON с Юлией Пересильд в главной роли

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