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18 of the most annoying requests wedding guests have made

bride wedding guests

  • Redditt users shared the most annoying wedding guest requests that invitees have made.
  • One of the chief annoyances? Guests giving themselves plus ones, when they weren't granted a guest.
  • Other outlandish requests include requesting 10 plus ones and asking for a receipt for an RSVP. 
  • Visit INSIDER's homepage for more.

From selecting a venue to searching for the perfect dress, wedding planning can be a stressful adventure for any recently-engaged couple. According to a survey conducted by wedding registry website Zola, 71% of respondents said that wedding planning was more stressful than buying a home or finding a job. So, that's saying something.

However, one of the most challenging issues that can arise during the wedding-prep process is trying to accommodate everyone on your guest list. While a wedding should be all about the couple getting married, some guests think they are entitled to having things done their way. We've rounded up the 25 most annoying requests wedding guests have made so you can see for yourself.

'On the wedding day, ZERO of the 10 showed up'

"A family member on my husband's side asked if they could have 10 seats, rather than the three they had RSVP'd for. Even though it was only a couple weeks away from the big day, it was no biggie, actually. I didn't know his family well and thought it'd be nice to meet more of them. So we added seven meals and seats to our total and gave them their own table.

"On the wedding day, ZERO of the 10 showed up. No notice, no excuse. They were the only guests to not attend. In hindsight, it's annoying and a ridiculous request. Thankfully on the day of, we didn't notice/care." Redditor jumbledash

'Anyone else have acquaintances coming out of the woodwork trying to get an invite?'

"I work at a large company and people here are very social and very much about being yourself (not just your professional self) at work. This honestly was weird for me at first because I tend to be a more private person, especially in a work environment. However, I've been at this job for five years now and since I moved here for the job, most of my social circle is co-workers or former co-workers. As such, there are a few people from work I'm inviting to the wedding, and since I met my best friend through work she's going to be my MOH.

"However, people have been coming up to me at work and letting me know they expect to be invited.

"Part of the reason why I'm so weirded out by all this is because I thought the fact that we were acquaintances was mutual. I don't really invite them to my social get together, and they don't invite me to theirs. But now all of a sudden they all expect an invite. FH thinks they just don't want to miss out on a party and they don't actually care about the wedding part." - Redditor WedditThrowaway3

wedding buffet

'Future husband's sister who is vegan, wants to sit at a table with only vegan people.'

"Future husband's sister who is vegan wants to sit at a table with only vegan people. or vegetarian, if she has to. Umm, you're sitting with your parents. Whom you eat dinner with all the time, and they're not vegan so get over yourself." - Redditor PBRidesAgain

'I had a guest write 'please provide a high chair' on their RSVP to our child-free wedding'

"I had a guest write, 'Please provide a high chair' on their RSVP to our child-free wedding. We are having our reception in a brewery which is not child-friendly, hence the child-free wedding, do you actually think they will have a high chair? If not, I have no kids, so do you expect me to buy you one?

"And stranger still, I had a guest ask for the leftover food from our reception packed into individual meal sized boxes so she could take them home and freeze them. Um?" - Redditor sweetcatofmine

'I've been planning this for 15+ months, why you gotta do this to me now?'

"Besides the usual, 'Can my boyfriend come/I'm bringing my girlfriend, make sure there's room' requests from 10 different people, we're three and a half months out and both of my grandmothers have decided they want to have me do a certain thing, after pretty much all the plans are locked down.

"One grandmother wants me to wear the necklace my mother wore to her wedding, rendering the necklace I already bought uselessly, and the other wants me to cut the cake with a ceremonial sword (wtf?). Both are fine but like, I've been planning this for 15-plus months, why you gotta do this to me now?" - Redditor jemmeow

'They want us to pay for his mum, dad, brother, sister, and the sister's husband to attend'

wedding guests

"We got a 'pay for us to come' too, from my FH's family. They want us to pay for his mom, dad, brother, sister, and the sister's husband to attend — despite the fact that there have been multiple issues of them being unsupportive, among other issues.

"Which would be enough on its own, but when you factor in their travel costs, even just the airfare would cost more than our entire wedding, it's just ridiculous." - Redditor ellieellieoxenfree

'One guest reached out to FH and asked when he'd get 'a receipt' so he can make travel plans'

"We invited 220 people to our wedding on June 22. The invites were on fancy paper but the RSVP was through a Google sheet linked from our website.

"One guest reached out to FH and asked when he'd get 'a receipt' so he can make travel plans. A receipt for what, we asked him? A receipt of confirmation for his RSVP, he said. What?

"This guest is 30 years old. The only unique thing about his invite situation was that he asked for — and was granted — a plus one. We are deeply puzzled as to where he got the idea that people send receipts for RSVPs!" - Redditor loved_Enid_Blyto

'Some people came back to us with preferences of ingredients they didn't like'

"We asked people to let us know if they had any allergies or religious dietary requirements. Some people came back to us with preferences of ingredients they didn't like — a fact that became quite obvious after I had to clarify how serious the allergy was and if other related ingredients might cause an issue.

"How pretentious can you be?" - Redditor HeavenInACup

'My mom told me that a 'couple' friend of my brothers wants to book at the resort for our wedding week just to 'take advantage' of the group rate'

"We're having a destination wedding at an all-inclusive resort and I just wanted to get some opinions on whether this is normal.

"My mom told me that a 'couple' friend of my brother wants to book at the resort for our wedding week just to 'take advantage' of the group rate. I think it's fine if my brother wants to bring his friend as his plus one (I've known my brother's friend forever), but the couple wasn't invited (I've never even met his girlfriend). Is this normal?

"On top of this, another friend said her parents had suggested they go to the resort for the wedding week and look after her kids while she's at our wedding ... but they (the parents) are also not invited. Do people do this?

"I know we can't stop people from going to the resort the same week but it seems weird to me. And it seems bold that they would book using our group rate when they're not on the guest list. Am I being controlling or is this normal?" -  Redditor cottonomie

'First of all, I don't even know her name at this point'

couple kissing wedding

"My aunt asked if they could bring along her son's girlfriend of like four months to my bridal shower and I was like ... no? First of all, I don't even know her name at this point.

"Secondly, unfortunately, we can't afford to give my younger cousins (her son falls under this category) plus ones, so it's really weird for her to come to the shower and then probably not the wedding.

"Thirdly, from her perspective, I think it would be kind of awkward attending a bridal shower for your boyfriend's cousin who you do not know and spending a good amount time with a bunch of your boyfriend's female relatives who you don't know without him? Like as lovely as my FMIL has always been to me, I would not have wanted to attend some random's bridal shower with her four months into my relationship with my fiance." -  Redditor  Legenderie

'She ended up not coming anyway. I'm fine with that'

"My brother's wife asked me to postpone the wedding 'a year or two' because she was going to try to get pregnant the following year. She also insisted the wedding cake be vegan for religious reasons. I was fine with providing a vegetarian meal option for the few guests I knew would want it. But the cake? No. That's your religion, not mine. She ended up not coming anyway. I'm fine with that." - Redditor 1StoolSoftnerAtaTime

'Photographer laughed in her face'

"One of the bridesmaids brought her fiancé to the wedding and wanted our photographer to do an impromptu engagement photo shoot. Photographer laughed in her face." - Redditor sbashe5

'... my family is about 20 hours away and they had no problem arranging their own transportation'

"Her dad's side of the family wanted us to pay for all their hotels and airfare (would have been about $20,000, all said and done). When we refused, they said we weren't 'being inclusive to the part of the family that had to travel' and would not be attending.

"Yeah, they're 16 hours away. But my family is about 20 hours away and they had no problem arranging their own transportation." - Redditor UncleTrustworthy

'The actual request, if you can call it that, was for us to postpone our wedding by another year so she could have her baby shower that weekend'

"My (unfortunately) now SIL, while completely s------- at 3 p.m. on a Wednesday as she is prone to do, got up on a table in a restaurant and screamed at me and my husband for daring to plan our wedding before she and my brother got engaged. Said brother told her a few days later that he had no intentions of getting married no matter the person. And, suddenly, a month later she's magically pregnant.

"The actual request, if you can call it that, was for us to postpone our wedding by another year so she could have her baby shower that weekend.

"Yeah. That didn't happen." - Redditor HootyPuff

Wedding cake

'This girl showed up unannounced two days prior to the wedding expecting to stay with me at my parents' house …'

"My high school friend (not even best friend) made me swear at 18 that I would make her a bridesmaid. When I got married, I followed through (to my poor judgment).

"This girl showed up unannounced two days prior to the wedding expecting to stay with me at my parents' house, didn't show up to our wedding party nails appointment (which I paid for), spilled sauce on her bridesmaid dress the day of the wedding because she was eating in her car, forgot her shoes at the hotel (that I paid for), and had to go back, but refused to use a GPS and spent an hour trying to find her way back to the salon, hit on one of the groomsmen who was already engaged, and never spoke to me after the wedding. It's been over five years …

"Oh, she also cut off ALL her hair a week before the wedding, save for a long rat tail in the back." - Redditor backyardpanda08

'A few weeks later, she sent me an email DEMANDING I find something for her daughter to do in the wedding'

"For my wedding, I asked one of my only (at the time anyway) nephew to be the ring bearer. His mom (my now ex-SIL) was upset that her son was going to have a part in the wedding, but her daughter wasn't. She asked that I make my niece either a bridesmaid (I already had two and felt that was enough) or a flower girl (Niece was too old to be a flower girl, I felt, plus I already had two ... another niece plus one of my mom's friends' daughters). I told her no and let it go.

"A few weeks later, she sent me an email DEMANDING I find something for her daughter to do at the wedding. Fine. She could sit by the door to the reception and make sure people signed the guest book. SIL replied that she wanted me to have niece help me open the wedding gifts at the reception and I was like, "No. I gave her something to do. If you don't like it, tough."

"Pretty sure (now ex)SIL never forgave me." - Redditor KnockMeYourLobes

'... but my aunt went up to my mom and a friend and was tearing into her saying she deserved a seat at our table …'

"It was from my aunt actually. I, my husband, and our wedding party had just sat down at our table to eat since we had been taking pictures. I didn't know this happened till after the wedding but my aunt went up to my mom and a friend and was tearing into her saying she deserved a seat at our table since she helped us with the reception and that they needed to figure something out and pull a chair up for her.

"My mom's friend diffused the situation thankfully. My aunt has been drinking at this point too but it made me realize never to accept anything from her again since now I know she will hold stuff over us like that." - Redditor happymuffinslug

'She thought she could walk down the aisle carrying her six-month-old'

"My best friend of 15 years and maid of honor turned down the idea of bringing her family to my out of state wedding only to demand she either leave at the beginning of my reception or she gets to bring only her six-month-old, less than two weeks before my wedding.

"We discussed everything in depth. She thought she could walk down the aisle carrying her six-month-old. She had no plans on if the baby started crying stating, Is it really a big deal if she fusses?' Yes. Yes, it is.

"Anyway, she gave me options either the baby come or she comes late and misses the rehearsal. I chose that she miss the rehearsal. She got mad because, apparently, the option I chose was wrong so she completely ignored me for a week.

"So, that brings us to a week before my out-of-state wedding. She finally talks to me. But at this point I'm pissed. I compromised and she ignored me. I had her food and lodging set up. She literally only had to pay for her dress ($99) and her plane ticket. I even chose a vegan-friendly restaurant for the rehearsal dinner for her. I was always there to support her and celebrate her, I threw her a birthday party in middle school, I was there when both of her kids were born, I helped throw her baby showers. Why couldn't she give me one weekend?

"What helped me make up my mind was my husband asking me, 'What has she done for you lately?' I didn't have an answer. So, by the time she stopped ignoring me I replaced her at my wedding and told her she wasn't invited and we weren't friends anymore. I loved her and I cried for days, but she's a huge brat and I'm done with worrying about her and her problems." - Redditor smokesmagoats

SEE ALSO: A wedding planner reveals the worst things she has seen guests do at weddings

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