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FUTA pre degree fees and a lot of other important information

If you are interested in ☛ FUTA pre degree school fees ☛ available courses and application process details, check out this post. You will find a lot of interesting and important things that will help you register in FUTA easily.

What are the FUTA pre degree school fees? This is a question all students at all forums keep asking because of the rumor that the Federal University of Technologies, Akure, has increased the schooling fees. Let’s try to figure out whether it’s true and determine the real shape of things.

FUTA pre degree school fees

The rumors about the FUTA pre degree price increase

The point is that not long ago, many websites used to spread the information that the Federal University of Technologies, Akure, increased the price for the schooling and that it reached more than N80,000. Considering the fact that the university has been one of the most affordable tertiary education facilities in the country, it was a hard blow for students who planned to enter it.

FUTA pre degree school fees

READ ALSO: Crescent University school fees

However, in a short while, the rumor died down and it became clear that there was no price growth. The official administration of the University has declared that the welfare of their students has always been one of their major concerns and that they had never a single intention to increase prices.

Now, it’s known for sure that the schooling fees at the FUTA have not changed. The prices have remained at the level of 2017, which is quite affordable for all those prospective and returning students who are willing to study there.

FUTA pre degree school fees

It’s important that all the fees have remained at the same level and even the postgraduate students may not worry about the continuation of their studies.

How big are the FUTA pre degree school fees?

FUTA pre degree school fees

Now, let’s figure out, which pricing policy the Federal University of Technologies, Akure, has. It’s a very important question because the matter of payment and expensiveness can often become crucial when a person chooses where to study and which profession to choose.

Well, in general, the school fees in the Federal University of Technologies, Akure, fall into two main categories:

  • Schooling fees for those who are entering the university (so-called freshers) and for the Direct Entry candidates. The school fees in these categories will usually fall between N49,000 and N50,500. The final amount will depend on the course of your choice
  • Schooling fees for those students who have already completed one or more years of their studying in FUTA and now are returning to the 200, 300, 400, or 500 levels). The fees for these categories will respectively depend on the course of their choice and make about N13,000 to N18,000

It’s said that the fees for the freshers already include the application fee and all the other numerous expenses. Thus, fresh students don’t pay for returning until they move to either 200 level or 300 level (depending on their starting point).

FUTA pre degree school fees

You should remember that before you make your choice and, what’s more important, before you make any payments for the schooling or accommodation or any other expensive things, you should better specify all the possible details with official representatives of the University.

You can get in touch with them via a direct feedback form, which is available at the official FUTA website or on the phone. Search for the numbers at the website, too.

Details to know about the FUTA pre degree 2018 admission

FUTA pre degree school fees

The good news is that FUTA has already started selling out admission forms. If you are interested in the pre degree program, the information about the application and, what’s more, the FUTA application fee will be interesting to you, too.

The pre degree programme in the Federal University of Technologies, Akure, lasts for two semesters or one academic session, just like in any other institution of tertiary education. During this year, you will be trained and prepared to successfully enter the 100 level with other students.

This means that the admission to the 100 level will be based on the UTME results of the candidates and the way they have been performing during the pre degree year. However, FUTA has one more direction of the pre degree course.

The UABS programme (which stands for the University Advanced Basic Science) is mentioned to prepare students for entering the 200 level together with other students who are admitted via the Direct Entry scheme. This programme also lasts for two semesters or one academic session.

FUTA pre degree school fees

There’s a range of requirements you need to meet to enter the programme. In particular, depending on the chosen course of studying, you will need to have credits in the English language and Mathematics, and other subjects (Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Commerce, Literature, Science, Geography, and so on). The credits are valued only in case they are obtained in one or, maximum, two sittings.

In order to apply, you need to fill out a special application form. These forms are available online, at the official website of the Federal University of Technologies, Akure. The application process is quite simple:

  1. Pay the application fee (N15,000) and get the application form
  2. Fill it out correctly and while online
  3. Submit the online form and print it out
FUTA pre degree school fees

To find out the date when the application opens, visit the official FUTA website or reliable sources of information, which post academic updates of this type.

Which are the FUTA pre degree available courses?

Just to be sure what you are entering, you need to know whether the course of your choice is currently available at the Federal University of Technologies, Akure. Below, you will find a list of the available departments and courses.

  • Agriculture: Resource and Economics, Production and Health, Crop and Soil Management, Food Science and Technologies, Fishery, Animal Products, etc.
  • Engineering: Agricultural, Civil, Electronic, Mechanic, Mining, Computer Engineering, etc.
  • Environmental Technologies: Estate Management, Architecture, Industrial Design, Urban Planning and Building, etc.
  • Sciences: Biology and Biochemistry, Computer Science, Bio Technologies and Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Microbiology, etc.
  • Management Technologies: Accounting, Project Management, Economics, Business Administration, etc.
  • Earth and Mineral Science: Geology, Geophysics, Meteorology, Marine Science, etc.
  • Health: Anatomy and Physiology, Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology

Now, when you know which courses are available for you at FUTA, you can specify all the payment details, accommodation and other matters with the official representatives of the university and decide, which pre degree course you would like to undertake.

READ ALSO: Ekiti State University school fees 2018

Source: Naija.ng

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