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David Beckham’s former team-mate becomes referee and one of first ex-players to make the jump

CHRIS BIRCHALL’s football career took him from Port Vale to Los Angeles – and now he’s eyeing up the Premier League.

The former LA Galaxy midfielder has retrained as a referee since hanging up his boots in 2016.

Chris Birchall (right) could finally be ready to achieve his Premier League dream[/caption]
Paul Tonge
The former LA Galaxy midfielder has retrained as a referee[/caption]
Paul Tonge
Birchall played alongside David Beckham in LA[/caption]

Birchall started the process of becoming an official earlier this year.

The 40-year-old signed up for a special PGMOL initiative aimed at fast-tracking ex-pros into refereeing.

Birchall took charge of his first qualification game in April.

And he told SunSport just a month later: “I’d love to ref in the EFL.

“The hardest things are positioning  yourself and making split-second decisions.”

Birchall has now secured a three-year deal with the FA, blazing a trail for ex-players going into the profession.

He revealed on Monday: “I am over the moon to accept a 3yr contract offer from the PGMOL to become one of the first ex-players to transition into professional refereeing!

“Huge thanks to the PFA and Premier League along with PGMOL for this opportunity.”


Tagging in Sky Sports pundit Gary Neville, a vocal referee critic, he added: “Don’t be sceptical, be very excited!”

The new recruitment drive is part of the Elite Referee Development Plan, which is funded and supported by the Premier League.

It aims to revamp refereeing in English football, giving ex-professionals a fast-track route into the system.

Chief refereeing officer Howard Webb explained: “We’ve made no secret that we are looking to broaden our pool of officials and entice people from other areas of the game and society into refereeing who may have historically not been well represented.

“It’s been fantastic to collaborate with the PFA on this programme.

“The level of interest from their members strongly indicates they feel this is an exciting opportunity to explore an avenue which could potentially lead them to the highest levels of our game – this time as a match official.”

VAR: Imagine the future...

Martin Lipton’s pro VAR view

FAST forward 12 months to May 18, 2025.

After 89 minutes at Molineux, Wolves, needing to win their last game of the season to stay up, are beating Manchester United, who require a point for Champions League football.

A ball over the top sends Rasmus Hojlund racing away. The flag stays down. Hojlund scores. Wolves are relegated.

And on the way home, the dejected Wolves fans see the still image on their phones.

Hojlund was 2ft offside. No question. A shocker.
It means at least a year in the Championship, £100million income drop, a firesale of the squad. While United bank an extra £50m.

But it’s OK. Every  one of those fans, plus smiling boss Gary O’Neil and the  Wolves board, will line up to say: “No worries. It’s what we voted for. Rough with the smooth.”

Yes. And I’ve got a bridge to Ireland to sell you.

Birchall spent much of his early career in England’s lower leagues, playing for Vale, Coventry and Brighton.

His world was turned upside down in 2009 when he joined the Galaxy, replacing David Beckham on his debut.

Speaking to SunSport earlier this year, Birchall said: “David was great with me.

“Although I played with him towards the end of his career, wow what a player. He could pick you out with a pass from 40 yards.

“There was banter between us as English guys. He’d come into training every morning and say to me, ‘Hi, Mr Perfect’ and I was like, ‘If anyone should be called that it’s you!’

What do David Beckham’s tattoos mean?


Starting with the hands, and David Beckham has the word “Love” inked across the top of his left hand, with a swallow on either side.

This is joined by the numbers 723, a combination of the shirts he famously wore for Manchester United and later Real Madrid.

On his little finger, he has the year he was married.

Becks also has a small female-stick figure designed by his daughter Harper.

The devoted husband has “Posh” tattooed on a finger as a nod to wife Victoria Beckham‘s Spice Girls nickname.


Becks has two sleeve tattoos on both his arms with the centrepieces paying tribute to his marriage to Victoria.

The most famous of his body art comes in the shape of her name along the inside of his forearm, which is inked in Sanskrit.

Both Posh and Becks have Hebrew tattoos, which they got to celebrate their sixth wedding anniversary.

The matching tatts translate to, “I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine”.

Meanwhile, Becks also has a separate rose inking on his left arm to mark the couple’s tenth anniversary.


One of Beckham’s most famous tattoos is on his neck, which is a gothic style cross and wings.

It is symbolic of to his religion and acts as a protective guardian of his son Romeo, whose name is tattooed just below the angel wings.

Beckham also has the name of his daughter, Harper, on the side of his neck.

This was later updated to include the words “Pretty Lady”, to mark her fourth birthday.


Beckham’s back tattoos serve as tribute to his sons.

He has angel wings at the top as a sign of protection for them.

Becks has both his eldest on Brooklyn, and his youngest son Cruz‘s names inked across his back.


Beckham has a large chest tattoo that is an image of himself as Jesus, with three cherubs representing his sons, Brooklyn, Romeo, and Cruz.

The footy ace also has a vertical tattoo down his left side in Chinese symbols – this translates as “Death and life have determined appointments”.

Paying homage to his father, he has an inking of a ship at full mast – which is identical to the same one his dad has.

“He sends video messages when it’s my lad’s birthday and I’ll text him when any big news happens. He’s humble and the type of person you want to be associated with.”

Birchall played international football for Trinidad & Tobago, facing off against Golden Balls in the 2006 World Cup.

He remembers: “My biggest memory was Beckham shaking my hand at the end and telling me, ‘You had one hell of a game’.

“He was my hero so that was special.”

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