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Новости за 17.11.2017

Times of Malta 

Gżira bounce back with a win over Naxxar

GŻIRA          3    Samb 29, 51, Okoye 85 NAXXAR       1    Yuri 58’  Amadou Samb scored twice as Gzira United returned to winning ways thanks to a 3-1 win over Naxxar Lions. A win which puts the Maroons temporarily at the top as they await Valletta’s clash with Ħamrun on Sunday. Gżira managed to take the lead on the 29th minute when off a cross by Andrew Cohen from the left, Amadou Samb headed home past the Naxxar custodian. Six minutes in th second half, Gżira doubled the score. It was a good triangular move between Andrew Cohen... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

AUM should not build Żonqor campus yet – Education Minister

Education Minister Evarist Bartolo said yesterday that the operators of the American University of Malta should first focus on building their reputation rather than developing a full-blown campus at Żonqor Point, Marsascala. Speaking to State broadcaster PBS, Mr Bartolo said his advice, following reports that the AUM was struggling to recruit students, was to concentrate on building its reputation and utilise the current campus in Cospicua before proceeding with their plans for Żonqor. “Were it for me to decide... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Former Serie A striker joins Ħamrun Spartans

Ħamrun Spartans have made another high-profile signing after the arrival of World Cup winner Cristian Zaccardo, as they have officially acquired the services of Italian forward Davide Succi.  He has been on trial with the club for the past few weeks and has also featured in friendly match against Gżira United, where he netted twice for the Spartans.  Succi is no new name to Italian football fans having featured for over 200 games between Serie A and Serie B throughout his career.  The 36-year old... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Malta International Organ Festival returns

Eighteen concerts and two master classes by world renowned professors are being held as part of the Malta International Organ Festival, which is in its fourth year running. The festival, that’s being held between November 21 and December 7, includes14 concerts in Malta, four in Gozo. Star guest performers include organist Julian Mallek from Germany, who will be collaborating with Semjon Kalinowsky on the viola to offer a varied programme using a combination of the two instruments, playing works by Bach... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Malta withdrawing bid to host European Medicines Agency

Malta is withdrawing its bid to host the European Medicines Agency. The government said in a brief statement it was withdrawing the bid following extensive discussions with the agency and other national competent authorities within the European Union. Malta was one of 19 EU states bidding to host the prestigious agency, which will have to relocate from London after Brexit. A final decision is to be made by EU leaders this month. The Times of Malta reported last month that according to a leaked staff survey... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Man killed, another grievously injured in Attard shooting

A man was killed and another grievously injured in a shooting in Mdina Road, Attard, on Friday evening. The incident at the establishment of Raymond's Upholstery, happened at 6.20pm. The victim, who has not yet been identified, is still inside the building. The police are on the lookout for the shooter, a tall man who was wearing a helmet and, according to witnesses, escaped on a motorbike in the direction of Rabat. A helicopter is involved in the search. An ambulance escorted by a police car took the injured person to hospital. Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Court turns down request by KNPD over accessibility to Ta’ Qali Enclosure

A court has turned down a request by the National Commission for Persons with Disability (KNPD) for the Enclosure at the National Stadium to be adequately restructured to cater for wheelchair-bound sports enthusiasts. In a civil suit, instituted by against the Malta Football Association, the commission argued it had sought to reach an amicable solution, over the issue of accessibility to the West Stand through a meeting with the association, claiming that the situation amounted to illegal and abusive... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

PN leader meets AD delegation

A delegation from Alternattiva Demokratika was welcomed at the PN headquarters today for a meeting with PN leader Adrian Delia. Dr Delia said political parties had the duty to work together in the interest of Malta’s reputation especially considering what the country was going through. At such a critical time it was more important than ever before that political parties shared ideas for the benefit of the people. It was through differences that they would have the ability to represent the full diversity of the people. Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

­­­­Turin’s TIR4 to embark on TV rights venture in Maltese league

Football, investments and media rights. This triangular scheme seems to be among the most established and recurring of successful business stories of modern times when it comes to sports. In fact, TIR4 has grown in its activity and become one of the most active in the market, thanks to that ethos. Besides Malta, TIR4 also has branches in Lugano, Milan and Naples with the headquarters in Turin. It employs over 50 persons and is run by CEO Nicola Davolio, CTO Bruno de Risi, Simone Artina as CMO and Reuben Debono as COO. Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

ŻiguŻajg festival launched

The 7th edition of ŻiguŻajg, the arts festival for children and young people, was launched by the Culture Minister on Friday. The festival has a multidisciplinary programme and 25 projects, some of which are to be taken on by commissioned Maltese artists. There are more than 150 artists participating in this edition. There is also a specific programme for Gozo where some projects will be exhibited to ensure that it is made as accessible as possible. The festival also includes the participation of... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Minister 'unaware' of legal services contract to firm founded by cabinet colleague

European Affairs and Equality Minister Helena Dalli said she was not aware a commission falling under her political remit had given a service contract to a law firm founded by Cabinet colleague Chris Cardona. Dr Cardona, the Economy Minister and the Labour Party’s deputy leader for party affairs, said he had severed all ties with Cardona & Vassallo Advocates and was no longer involved in running it. According to The Malta Government Gazette, Mark Vassallo, on behalf of Cardona & Vassallo Advocates... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Two killed in Kenya as police clash with Opposition protesters

At least two persons have been killed in confrontations between Kenyan police and supporters of opposition leader Raila Odinga as tensions over the disputed presidential election continued. Police fired live rounds and tear gas to prevent Mr Odinga's convoy from making its way from the airport to Nairobi's main park so he could address supporters after returning from a trip overseas. Legislator Otiende Amollo said his car was shot at by officers. Police warned earlier this week they would not allow... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Hawfinch trapping season closed as quota is reached

The trapping season for hawfinch has been closed as the quota has been reached, the government said. It said in a statement that according to Maltese law, once the quota for this species was reached, trapping for it had to stop. The government said this showed that the real time reporting system adopted in Malta was working in an efficient manner and according to the parameters of the applied derogation. Sources said that before the season started, hawfinches were sold on the black market for €200 each. Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Robert Abela made €580,000 in consultancy fees - PN

Labour MP Robert Abela has been paid more than half a million euros in consultancy fees under this administration, the Nationalist Party highlighted today.  The backbencher, who also attends Cabinet meetings as the Prime Minister's "legal adviser", made more than €580,000 as a consultant.  The information was revealed following a series of parliamentary questions made by PN MP Jason Azzopardi.  In its statement, the PN said that the six-figure sum did not include income Dr Abela earned as a consultant to Transport Malta. Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

From 'brejk' to 'kompjuter': final chance to comment on English-to-Maltese loanwords

The public is being given one last chance to have their say on the writing of English loanwords in Maltese. A report on this, ‘Towards Decisions 2’, drafted by an ad-hoc committee of the National Council for the Maltese Language, was made available online in March. Read: It's 'fire extinguisher' not 'fajerekstingwixer' It is primarily aimed at offering guidelines on how to best write loanwords from English in the context of the Maltese language. Current regulations on this issue go back to 1984.... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Castille to turn red in memory of those killed for their beliefs

Auberge de Castille will be light up red from 7 to 11pm on Friday in memory of all those who were killed for their religious beliefs, Aid to the Church in Need said. The coloured illumination will coincide with the launch in Malta of a major report published by the international Catholic charity at the Good Shepherd church in Balzan. The report warns that persecution of Christians has reached the highest historic levels, with growing attacks on the faithful by governments and fundamentalist groups including ISIS and Boko Haram. Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Air Malta inches closer to staff deal

Talks between Air Malta and workers’ unions are reportedly making significant progress with preliminary deals already struck with three of them, the Times of Malta is informed. Negotiations with the Union of Cabin Crew, the Airline Engineers’ Association and the General Workers’ Union were moving ahead but the same could not be said for the Airline Pilots’ Association – ALPA – which was still not satisfied with what was on the table, civil aviation industry sources said. The sources said it was rather “unorthodox”... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

PN prepares local council reform proposals

The Nationalist Party is drafting proposals to reform local councils, with the aim of reducing bureaucracy and improving enforcement of legislation.  Addressing a news conference, PN MP Robert Cutajar said the party would be holding a conference on December 2 at a Sliema hotel to discuss the party's ideas. Among the issues being tackled are the role of councils in the social sector, improving efficiency in day-to-day operations, responsibilities within the Committee of Regions , enforcing legislation with a focus on the environment... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Karin Grech evidence has gone missing

Forty years after teenager Karin Grech was murdered, crucial evidence has gone missing. In a judicial protest filed today, Edwin Grech, his wife Pearl and son Kevin have formally held the Attorney General, Commissioner of Police and the Director General of Courts responsible for the disappearance of a crucial piece of evidence. Karin was killed by a letter bomb in 1977, and the inquiry into her death is still ongoing. The Grech family said the defendants were responsible for the lack of progress... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Company says it's deeply sorry after train leaves 20 seconds early

A rail company in Japan has apologised after one of its trains departed... 20 seconds early! Management on the Tsukuba Express line between Tokyo and Tsukuba said they "sincerely apologise for the inconvenience" caused after the 9.44.40am train pulled away at 9.44.20am. In most of the world, public transport showing up early or later than the stipulated time is a daily occurrence, but not in Japan, which is known for its all-round efficiency. The train's operator believed the foul-up was serious enough to warrant an apology. Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

New award for EC language schools

Maltese-owned EC English Language Centres has once again been awarded a coveted one star accreditation in this year’s Best Companies Survey, achieving the school’s highest score to date since its initial participation in the survey in 2011. The highest possible rating is three stars. EC’s achievement places the school among global institutions such as Deloitte, Ernst & Young and Kia Motors, and indicates that the company takes employee engagement seriously. The Best Companies Survey is a measure of employee engagement... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Drone collision-prevention solution made in Malta

With hundreds of thousands of unmanned drones filling the skies, the risk of collisions with aircraft has increased, prompting a local company to come up with a solution. Hawk Aerospace started looking into the idea in 2013 which led to the Sagro Project being initiated in 2015 through a collaboration with Idox Health (formerly 6pm) and the Institute of Aerospace Technologies of the University of Malta.The project was funded through the MCST National Research & Innovation scheme to develop technology... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

'Now where on earth did I park the car?'

A man who reported his car stolen has been reunited with it – 20 years later.An old building was about to be demolished in the German city of Frankfurt, and the car was found in its garage. The authorities tried to track down its owner and discovered that he had reported it as stolen. Apparently, the man, now 76-years-old, had forgotten where he had parked it and assumed that someone had taken it. According to German regional paper Augsberger Allgemein, the car is long past its sell-by date and will have to be scrapped.

Times of Malta 

Malta ready to close any money-laundering gaps if any found

“Malta has the ability to close any lingering gaps, if any are found, within its coordination mechanism and the respective institutions to ensure that it remains fully compliant to the principal international standards to counter money laundering,” Finance Minister Edward Scicluna said today. He was addressing a two-day training programme organised by Moneyval as part of the Country Preparation Programme. Moneyval is a permanent monitoring mechanism of the Council of Europe, a pan-European organisation... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

WATCH: Celtics rally to beat Warriors for 14th straight victory

Rockets 142, Suns 116 James Harden had 33 of his 48 points during the Houston Rockets' 90-point first-half explosion that led to a 142-116 rout of the Phoenix Suns on Thursday. The 90 first-half points by Houston were the most in franchise history and the second-most in NBA history. Phoenix still holds the league record, putting up 107 points in the first half of a 173-143 win against Paul Westhead's run-and-gun Denver Nuggets on Nov. 10, 1990. Houston had scored 45 points or more in a quarter 15... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Под Симферополем продолжается строительство нового крупного микрорайона

Путин в России и мире

Политический директор премьера Венгрии: наша страна сдалась бы в случае

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Как только НАТО нападет на Беларусь, будет применено ядерное оружие – Лукашенко

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