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Новости за 14.06.2016

Times of Malta 

Led Zeppelin's "Stairway" lawsuit opens today

A copyright infringement lawsuit involving Led Zeppelin's song "Stairway to Heaven" is scheduled to begin today in Los Angeles. The lawsuit alleges that the descending guitar opening of "Stairway" was lifted from the 1968 instrumental "Taurus," recorded by the long-defunct band Spirit. The lawsuit was brought by a trustee for the late Randy Wolfe, who was Spirit's guitarist and the composer of "Taurus." Senior editor of the Hollywood Reporter, Eriq Gardner said that there is a similarity. "I think it's pretty easy to hear. Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Eiffel Tower lights up in support of Orlando victims

France's iconic Eiffel Tower lit up in rainbow colours last night in support of those killed by a gunman who attacked a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida. The gunman massacred 49 people after pledging allegiance to Islamic State. It was the deadliest mass shooting in US history. Islamic State has reiterated a claim of responsibility for the attack. The mass shooting was reminiscent of the killings in the Bataclan concert hall in Paris last November 13, when gunmen opened fire during a show and killed dozens. Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

All eyes must be on the public interest

The sudden proliferation of property development projects has numerous implications but there is one aspect that should not be overlooked: the rights of the taxpayer. Many of the projects are being built by the private sector on public land, which has been granted on emphyteusis for a distinct purpose. The government first determines the economic policy behind the concession: does it need to stimulate economic activity and, if so, what kind? This has varied over the years. For decades, tourism was... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Brexit: leading, not leaving

Leading, not leaving: this is the basic appeal being used by the ‘Remain’ camp in the final days of the Brexit debate. By all accounts, this is going to be a close call, with the ‘Leave’ arguments seemingly taking the upper hand in these crucial final days. The spectre of a European Union without the United Kingdom is becoming increasingly real. The debate at the moment is of course all very centred on what remaining in or leaving will mean for the UK. After following some of these debates, there... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Stable diabetes prevalence

May I thank George Debono for his cordial and reasoned response to my letter about the prevalence of diabetes in Malta? We both agree that the prevalence of diabetes in Malta has been found to be 7.7 per cent among a population of over-15s in Antoine Schranz’s epidemiological study published in 1989. That would be around 6.2 per cent standardised to the entire Maltese population, rather than just adults. Debono quotes a prevalence of 13.9 per cent, reported on the website of the International Diabetes Federation. Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 


ABDILLA. On June 12, at Mater Dei Hospital, VINCENT of Żurrieq, residing at Fgura, aged 77, passed away peacefully comforted by the rites of Holy Church. He is loved and remembered by his wife Yvonne, his daughters Nadia and her husband Kevin Abela and Olivia and her husband Stephen Portelli, his grandchildren Celine and Matthew, his brothers and sister, in-laws, their respective spouses, nephews and nieces, other relatives and friends. The funeral leaves Mater Dei Hospital today at 1.30pm for Our Lady of Mount Carmel parish church... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Bailing out the poor

Time and again in various instances in public life, Marie Louise Coleiro Preca, now President of the Republic, has shown the real mettle she is of. In an emotional speech she recently delivered in the wake of the publication by Caritas Malta of a report themed ‘Minimum essential budget for a decent living – 2016’, she called on the government to allocate funds to bail out those living in poverty. This piece is inspired by yet another bold statement by the President: her appeal for good and responsible... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

A personal appeal to the PM

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico quoted Joseph Muscat on immigration, only a few weeks before Slovakia will take over the EU presidency. Many worry about Fico’s strong anti-immigrant sentiments. He seems to imply that even a person like Muscat, who is more moderate on the subject, is worried by what can happen through immigration. “I have talked about this several times with the Maltese Prime Minister, who told me that the problem is not that they were coming but they are changing the character of the country,” Fico said... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

MPO arts season to culminate with grand gala concert

The Malta Philharmonic Orchestra is closing this year’s indoor concert season with a grand MPO Soloists Gala Concert on Saturday, which will also serve as the culmination of the orchestra’s new vision, and a celebration of all milestones achieved throughout the year. Under the direction of Brian Schembri, the orchestra will perform Gioachino Rossini’s La Gazza Ladra Overture. and Maurice Ravel’s Boléro (Finale). Eleven of the MPO’s musicians will perform as concerto soloists, accompanied by the 80-strong... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

English competence

The English language is of critical importance to Malta. When the Constitution assigned English the status of an official language it gave us the tool to communicate globally, the tool to go beyond our own insularity. English is our main commercial and financial lifeline to the rest of the world. It complements our competence in Maltese, our national language, which underpins our social and cultural identity. We need to have excellent comprehension, speaking, writing and reading skills in both. The... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Ignored traffic signs

At the entrance to Old Railway Track, Attard, corner with St Anthony Street, is a traffic sign reading ‘No heavy vehicles’, exempting route buses. However, this sign is completely ignored by heavy vehicle and truck drivers. Strangely enough, there is no such sign for traffic coming from the opposite direction. It is likely that the drivers of heavy vehicles and trucks who proceed along this road from the other end do not understand why they should not enter the road from the direction of St Anthony Street. Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Lecture on two national heroes

The Institute of Maltese Studies at the University of Malta will on Thursday be holding the second in its series of public lectures about various aspects of the Maltese culture and identity. Entitled Eroj tal-poplu? Kif jilħaq eroj, studju fuq Mikiel Anton Vassalli u Manwel Dimech, the lecture delivered by Henry Franz Gauci will draw on original research which the speaker carried out for his dissertation in Maltese studies. Gauci will analyse how the world hero in the collective imagination portrays... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Stop dallying on censorship

As Parliament debates Bill 113, the removal of the crime of vilification of religion has become the object of heated debate. Several interventions have been made in the House, most notably by Claudette Buttigieg and Jason Azzopardi from Opposition benches and by Godfrey Farrugia from the government’s side. What is most disappointing is the lack of logic behind the statements being made. Buttigieg stated that vilification of religion should only be allowed for artistic purposes. The immediate consequence... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

YWCA (Malta) tea card party

The Young Women’s Christian Association is holding their popular monthly tea card party at the Plaza Hotel, Sliema, tomorrow at 4.30pm. Bookings may be made by calling 2132 4424 or 7925 2246.

Times of Malta 

Furniture sale

An antique furniture and household decorative items sale is being held at the St Helen parish centre in Birkirkara (behind the basilica) from tomorrow until Sunday. A quantity of antique coins will also be available for sale individually. Opening hours: daily between 9am and 12pm and 5 to 7.30pm. Sunday, morning only.

Times of Malta 

Mission Fund garage sale

Mission Fund (VO/0015), is holding a garage sale at Garage St Mary Flats, Triq il-Ħġejjeġ, Buġibba, from today till Saturday. Do not miss this opportunity to help others in need. Household goods, sewing/crafts and other items on sale at clear away prices. Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 9.15am to 1pm and 4.30 to 7pm, Saturday from 9.30am to 1pm.

Times of Malta 

VIAF 2016

VIAF 2016 continues with a series of chamber recitals. This evening, Slovenian clarinettist Jože Kotar will be accompanied by Italian pianist Luca Ferrini in a concert of works by Stanford, Widor, Vella, and others at 8pm. Tomorrow, the world class Ensemble 4.1, comprised of Jörg Schneider (oboe), Alexander Glücksmann (clarinet), Christoph Knitt (bassoon), Sebastian Schindler (horn) and Thomas Hoppe (pianoforte) will perform works by von Herzogenberg and Gieseking at 8.30pm. Both concerts will take place at the Aula Mgr G. Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Giaccherini and Pelle strikes earn Italy win over Belgium

Update 11.31pm - Full report A superbly executed strategy by coach Antonio Conte gave Italy a richly deserved 2-0 win over Belgium in their Euro 2016 Group E match after Emanuele Giaccherini and Graziano Pelle delivered outstanding goals tonight. At their vintage best defensively, and threatening time and again on the counter-attack, Italy extended their unbeaten competitive run against the Belgians to 44 years having last lost to them at the 1972 European Championship. Monday's win put the Azzurri top of the section... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Под Симферополем продолжается строительство нового крупного микрорайона

Путин в России и мире

Рябков назвал «развернутой» реакцию Запада на заявления по ядерной доктрине РФ

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко дал ответ на вопрос, в каком случае Минск применит ядерное оружие

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Иницитатива Киева: Белый дом снял ответственность за визит Зеленского на военный завод

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Певец Алексей Глызин призвал молиться о здоровье госпитализированного Добрынина


ТАСС: суд наложил арест на счет экс-замглавы Минобороны РФ Дмитрия Булгакова

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