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The 11 easy lifestyle hacks to look younger that DON’T involve exercise – from cold showers to orgasms and a massage

WHILE ageing is a privilege, who doesn’t want to look a little younger?

If you don’t fancy going under the knife in an attempt to roll back the years, there are plenty of other simple hacks that can help you to look younger, without the expense and post-surgery recovery.

You may not be able to remove your wrinkles, but you can look and feel younger with some simple hacks[/caption]

Stress, UV rays, booze and sugary foods as well as just general ageing can all contribute to fine lines, puffy eyes and wrinkles.

So it’s a good idea to start there, by cutting down on excess amounts of alcohol and sugar, reducing stress and always wearing SPF 30 or higher.

But if you want to maximise that youthful glow, these expert-approved tips might just help you say hello to a younger you…

1. Nail your skincare regime 

There’s no doubt that skincare can be very worthwhile in anti-ageing your skin.

Show your skin plenty of love by exfoliating at least twice a week.

Aesthetic surgeon, Mr Mark Solomos, explains that dull, blocked pores instantly age you. 

He says: “Moisturise frequently and ideally use an oil which sinks into the skin much deeper. 

“Dry skin is a telltale sign of ageing whereas keeping skin looking hydrated gives the appearance of youthfulness.”

2. Sit upright 

Your posture goes a long way to improve your physical appearance. 

Dr Ross Perry, Medical Director at Cosmedics Skin Clinics, says: “If you’re hunched over your keyboard as you work, you won’t be doing yourself any favours. 

“When you sit, focus on elongating your neck, aligning your ears and shoulders and making your chest slightly puff; good posture instantly makes you look younger.”

Plus, you’ll be helping your back too as poor posture can lead to aches and pains.

Orgasms increase levels of the hormone testosterone in males and the hormone oestrogen in females. This is key for supporting skin health by increasing collagen production

Annabelle KnightSex and relationship expert for Lovehoney

3. Use the tea bag trick 

You’ll find all sorts of eye de-puffing cosmetics on the market.

But a cheaper tool could be in your kitchen cupboards. 

Before you go throwing your teabags away, let them cool and use them as a look-younger tool instead. 

Dr Perry says: “Lie back and place cold tea bags under the eyes for five minutes to lessen eye bags and puffiness.

“The results are temporary but will instantly make eyes look more youthful.”

4. Get the sex glow 

Getting busy between the sheets won’t just feel good, but it could help you look younger too. 

Annabelle Knight, sex and relationship expert for Lovehoney, says: “Just like vigorous exercise, sex-ercise will get blood and nutrients flowing to your skin, giving you rosy cheeks and a dewy look.

“More importantly, sex and orgasms increase levels of the hormone testosterone in males and the hormone oestrogen in females. 

Having sex can boost collagen, experts say[/caption]

“This is key for supporting skin health by increasing collagen production and hyaluronic acid levels to improve skin elasticity, and thicker and fuller hair, which all work towards giving you a more youthful appearance.”

Sex also promotes the release of the love hormone oxytocin as well as feel-good endorphins which not only help repair the skin, but provide an instant feel-good boost too. 

5. Go easy on your makeup 

Laura Kay, beauty expert and Founder of Laura Kay London, suggests laying off the heavy makeup if you’re going for a youthful look. 

“Use a concealer to hide any imperfections and lift any dark circles,” she says.

“Anything too heavy will look more ageing; it is all about smoothing out any fine lines and softening up your appearance to look younger than you are. 

“Light textured products are good and avoid slathering on your foundation as this will make you look dull and draw attention to imperfections.”

Laura also suggests using a CC cream if you are in your thirties or early forties.

She says: “CC Creams combine skincare and make-up together making them very versatile and perfect for when you see your first signs of ageing.”

How to look amazing in your 50s

A GP has revealed the best anti-ageing skincare routine to help you look younger in your fifties.

Dr Ginni Mansberg, from Sydney in Australia, said that your skin will become more sensitive in the decade after you turn 50 – so you’ll have to “up your skincare game”.

She told the Express: “At this age, most women go through, or have just hit menopause.

“What comes with this hormone change is sensitivity.

“Plus rosacea often makes an unwelcome appearance at this time causing flushing, redness, dilated blood vessels, and burning/ stinging.”

Ginni cited a Dutch study which found that nearly one in three women who had started or been through the menopause suffered dry, itchy or red skin triggered by “shaving, weather, toiletries and emotions”.

The GP added that strong skincare products can actually worsen sensitive skin.

She said: “You might need to cut back on using Vitamin C and Alpha Hydroxy Acids for a bit until your skin settles down.”

Prescription Vitamin A, known as Tretinol, can also irritate sensitive rosacea skin – so it best to go for Retinal, a gentler type of Vitamin A.

Ginni recommended microneedles, which stimulate the growth of collagen, elastin and new skin cells.

Microneedles, which are often less than one millimetre long, work by puncturing the outer surface of your skin – causing tiny injuries which send your skin’s internal upkeep systems into overdrive.

She said: “Everything you’ve been doing up until now needs to continue but you might want to turbocharge your skincare by adding some microneedles.

“New technology has allowed us to make microneedles out of hyaluronic acid which is hard enough to penetrate the skin, but then dissolve in the outer layer of the skin.

Hyaluronic acid has anti-ageing properties of its own, and allows a controlled release of active ingredients into worn-out skin.

6. Go for a V-neck 

Forget round necks, it’s the V-neck collar that you need to go for if you want to look a little younger. 

Mr Solomos explains that a classic v-neck with a collar creates a line that makes us look taller and thinner.

“The collar detracts from the appearance of an older neck while spotlighting the face.”

7. A moment to mediate 

You don’t need to devote much time to meditation. In fact, just 10 minutes could make all the difference. 

Why? Mr Solomos says that stress can instantly show on the face, so by reducing stress with meditation, you’ll help relax tense muscles and potentially knock a few years off your age. 

“Try to meditate for 10 minutes in the morning and at night; meditating can help slow ageing by reducing stress, boosting wellbeing and regulating hormones,” he adds.

Daily face massage can help improve the appearance of wrinkles and sagging

Mr Mark SolomosAesthetic surgeon

8. Flip upside down 

If you can, do a handstand against a wall in the morning (before food!).

Mr Solomos explains: “Doing a daily handstand helps improve circulation and helps with blood flow which in turn goes directly to the sensory organs and face. 

“It can’t get rid of wrinkles but the boost of blood flow will help you look and feel younger.”

Plus, research has even found that handstands can delay the signs of ageing, however this does involve holding a handstand for an extended period of time. 

9. Get in the cold 

A cold shower can boost circulation and reduce puffiness[/caption]

Rather than spending your entire shower in hot water, turn the tap all the way to cold and spend a few minutes in chillier temperatures.

Cold water could help boost blood flow to your skin according to research, which in turn can help to de-puff your face and give you a youthful glow. 

Plus, Dr Perry adds that hot water strips the skin of its natural oils leaving it dry.

10. Avoid second-hand smoke 

Just because you may not smoke, it doesn’t mean that other people’s cigarette smoke won’t have negative effects for you. 

Although it may not be an instant youthboost, avoiding secondhand smoke could help prevent further ageing as research has found that being around other people’s smoke fumes could actually reduce levels of collagen, the protein which gives our skin structure. 

11. Try a face massage 

A quick 90-second face massage could make a big difference to your appearance. 

“Daily face massage can help improve the appearance of wrinkles and sagging and it can help with blood flow too,” says Dr Solomos.

A study published in the journal, Skin Research and Technology, has even found that face massage can lift and tighten the skin.

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