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I’m a mum-of-four on a budget – I don’t buy my kids toys or clothes and my coupon shopping hack saves so much cash

A MUM of four has revealed the simple ways she cuts costs and saves cash.

So if the cost-of-living crisis has meant that you’re on a budget, you’ve come to the right place.

A savvy saver has revealed her top money-saving tips, leaving people divided[/caption]
Cassandra Ann not only avoids buying clothes and toys for her kids, but she also swears by her couponing hack too[/caption]

Cassandra Ann, a savvy mother from the US who describes herself as an ‘extreme couponer’, revealed that she doesn’t buy her kids toys or clothes and certainly wouldn’t pay for them to get a haircut.

As well as this, she explained that she drives an old car and doesn’t pay for a TV.

If that wasn’t enough, the super saver revealed that another way she saves money is by her coupon shopping hack, which she admitted gets on her kids nerves.

Posting on social media, Cassandra revealed the budgeting tips she swears by for raising “four kids” on “two low incomes”.

She claimed that whilst some of her hacks are “controversial”, they have “really made a difference” in her life. 

She said: “We do not have cable at all – we don’t have the time to sit around and watch TV, and it was just another expense that we did not need, nor could really afford it anyway, so cutting it out really helped us.”

Cassandra revealed that she and her husband “value quality over quantity” and so “do more things together as a family instead of just watching TV”.

Whilst they do have a family movie night every Friday, instead of paying for films or a TV subscription, instead, they pick a film from one of their free channels on their TV.

When it comes to haircuts, Cassandra added: “I do not go to the salon, I can’t remember the last time I’ve been to the salon, I just get it trimmed by a friend, and my husband dyes my hair at home.”

Similarly, with her kids’ hair, she explained that her friend cuts their locks for free.

And for her husband’s hair, Cassandra gives him a trim herself in their garden.

Where transport is concerned, Cassandra shared that she drives “an old car” with a 2005 registration plate.

As a result, she doesn’t have to spend money every month on a car payment, and although it has over 220,000 miles on it, it gets her from point A to point B.

Cassandra then revealed her coupon hack that saves her so much cash on shopping.

She shared: “If I can’t coupon for it and there’s not a rebate for it, I’m not buying it.

“I live by this motto – I coupon, I have a stockpile in our basement and if we need groceries, I do not buy something unless I can get a rebate for it, some money back for purchasing it or I have a coupon for it.”

I do not buy something unless I can get a rebate for it, some money back for purchasing it or I have a coupon for it

Cassandra Ann

Cassandra admitted that this can be “aggravating for the kids” but they “don’t complain and haven’t for a long time”, as it helps the family to “save a lot.”

Not only is Cassandra strict with her food shopping, she also explained: “We do not buy toys – we do a lot of swap shops or we swap toys with other parents.”

Cassandra highlighted that she does this once a month, so when her kids grow out of their toys, they can swap it with other toys from other kids.

She does the same with their clothes, as she continued: “We do not buy new clothes for them, we swap their clothes out.”

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Not only this, but Cassandra also shared the importance of “listing out all your bills”, as she hailed this as a useful method to see what you can “cut down, cut back on, or cut out completely.”

Lastly, Cassandra stressed side hustles as a great way to relieve financial stress. 

She revealed that she does social media “on the side”, which “helps with grocery trips” and petrol


The TikTok clip, which was posted under the username @cassandrankids, has clearly left many open-mouthed, as it has quickly racked up 729,400 views. 

But social media users were left hugely divided by Cassandra’s money-saving hacks – whilst some praised her, others weren’t as kind.

Better for the planet as well as your bank balance

TikTok user

One person said: “I think you are doing great as a mum.” 

Another added: “Amazing parents. These lessons will bring your children so much further in life than you can imagine.” 

A third commented: “Very admirable. Better for the planet as well as your bank balance. Family trips I remember, not the toys I was given.”

Why have four kids you can’t afford?

TikTok user

However, at the same time, someone else wrote: “Sounds miserably exhausting and unfair.”

Another chimed in: “Sickening! This is abuse.” 

Whilst one person slammed: “Why have four kids you can’t afford?”

Here's how to cut the cost of your grocery shop

SAVING on your shop can make a big difference to your wallet. Here are some tips from Money.co.uk about how you can cut the cost of your shopping bills:

  • Write yourself a list – Only buy items that you need. If it isn’t on your list, don’t put it in the trolley
  • Create a budget – Work out a weekly budget for your food shopping
  • Never shop hungry – you are far more likely to buy  more food if your tummy is rumbling
  • Don’t buy pre-chopped veggies or fruit – The extra they’ll charge for chopping can be eye watering
  • Use social media – follow your favourite retailers to find out about the latest deals
  • Be disloyal – You may want to go to different stores to find the best bargains
  • Check the small print –  It’s always worth checking the price per kg/lb/litre when comparing offers so you’re making a like for like decision as a bigger box won’t necessarily mean you get more
  • Use your loyalty cards – Don’t be afraid to sign up to them all. They all work slightly differently – work out what bonus suits you better and remember to trade in your points for additional rewards

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