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General Election ‘will be held on July 4’ with Rishi Sunak to hold press conference TONIGHT

A SHOWDOWN general election will take place on July 4, Rishi Sunak will confirm today.

The PM will battle for his political life as millions take to the polls at the height of British Summer time.

Rishi Sunak is set to announce that a general election will take place on July 4[/caption]
At PMQs Mr Sunak refused to rule out finally announcing the date[/caption]
Mr Sunak will battle Sir Keir Starmer in a historic fight for his political career[/caption]

He will take on Sir Keir Starmer‘s Labour Party in what is set to be a historic fight for the keys to No10.

A formal announcement from Downing St is due to take place at 5pm.

As things stand, Sir Keir is on track for victory.

Labour is currently polling at 44 per cent, while the Tories are trailing behind on 23.

Reform UK are third most popular on 11 per cent while the Lib Dems are sitting one point behind on 10.

The announcement of an election came after a day of high drama in Westminster.

The rumour mill began spinning in the early hours of Wednesday morning.

No10 sources initially played down talk of a major statement from the PM. But by mid-morning they’d gone underground.

At PMQs Mr Sunak refused to rule out naming a date and in the early afternoon a Downing St spokesperson wouldn’t budge on ruling out any move.

After taking the unusual step of hosting a Wednesday afternoon Cabinet the ground was laid for a major speech.

The timing of the announcement came as the Office for National Statistics confirmed inflation hit 2.3% today.

Mr Sunak hailed the figure as a “major moment for the economy” and vowed that vowed that “brighter days are ahead”.

Consumer Prices Index (CPI) inflation stood at 2.3% in April according to fresh figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

This is down from 3.2% in March and marks the lowest level since July 2021.

Why is Rishi Sunak calling a general election now?

By Noa Hoffman, Political Correspondent

RISHI Sunak’s No10 team will have determined that right now the political landscape is as good as it’s going to get for the Tories.

The PM’s advisors will have also been keen to avoid a “summer of chaos” that could sink Conservative election hopes even further.

There’s a sizeable chance no flights to Rwanda will be ready to take off over summer as promised – an embarrassing blow for Mr Sunak.

And the Treasury are likely to have determined there simply isn’t room for major tax cuts in an Autumn Statement, previously intended as a pre-election sweetener.

With the small win of inflation hitting 2.3 per cent, now will be seen as the “least bad” option for calling an election.

That way huge issues including small boats, NHS waiting lists and a weak economy will become the problem of whoever forms the next government.

The data shows inflation is now closer towards the Bank of England’s 2% target.

It comes just a day after the IMF (International Monetary Fund) upgraded UK growth for this year and forecast the economy will grow faster than any other large European country over the next six years.

Meanwhile, food price inflation saw further falls over the year, although these were partially offset by a small uptick in petrol prices.

The key issues set to define the general election

By Jack Elsom, Chief Political Correspondent


Both Tories and Labour will want to stake a claim as the party of economic stability and prosperity.

Previous elections show that voters tend to reward the incumbent government if they feel better off – and punish them if they do not.

Sunak – an unashamed numbers bod – is most comfortable when defending his economic record and has a flurry of recent victories to sell.

Inflation has been sharply reduced to within touching distance of the 2 per cent target, Britain has exited recession, and the IMF has projected strong growth.

He will also point to a recent spate of tax cuts – and almost certainly promise some more if he were to win. 

Labour will aim to trash that record and ask voters whether they really feel better than they did 14 years ago when the Tories first got to power.

Expect Starmer and his shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves to remind the public of Liz Truss’ disastrous mini-Budget. 

But having backed most of the government’s future tax and spend plans, their challenge will be to prove they would do things any differently.


Tackling immigration is shaping up to be the central election dividing line between the Tories and Labour. 

Sunak has staked his political life on getting flights off to Rwanda, while Starmer has vowed to axe them altogether.

Were the PM to get a plane to Kigali before polling day, the pressure would be on Labour to justify scrapping a visible possible deterrent. 

Labour has struggled to explain its policy to curb Channel crossings in a way that cuts through clearly with voters. 

The Tories have dismissed their “Small Boats Command” as a rip-off of an existing anti-gangs taskforce. 

But the numbers are currently not in Sunak’s favour, with illegal migration running at a higher rate than any year on record.

And legal migration is still stubbornly high and miles off Boris Johnson’s 2019 pledge of 250,000. 


In recent months both Sunak and Starmer have made big pitches as being tough on law and order.

Realising voters are fed up with crime going unanswered and unsolved, expect them to talk in the strongest terms about cracking down on theft, shoplifting and antisocial behaviour.

Crime has traditionally been comfortable Tory territory and Sunak will likely make pledges about giving police more powers to blitz yobs.

But Starmer has spied an opportunity to park Labour tanks on his lawn and has been hamming up his previous career as a top prosecutor.


The world is becoming more dangerous and the public is looking at Sunak and Starmer to keep them safe.

Sunak will point to his recent pledge to ramp up defence spending to 2.5 per cent of GDP by 2030 – and seize on Starmer’s refusal to match that.

Labour has outlined an “ambition” to hit that target but is yet to spell out a pathway to fund it, accusing ministers of cooking the books.

And expect Tory MPs to dredge up Starmer’s years-long support for Jeremy Corbyn.

Middle East

A knock-on effect of global unrest is the domestic reaction to the war in Gaza, which has the possibility to seriously hurt Labour.

Many of the party’s once-solid Muslim support base are furious with Starmer’s support for Israel, and previous suggestion it had a right to cut the water and electricity supply.

The conflict cost Labour in several councils at this month’s local elections at the expense of pro-Gaza Green and independent candidates. 

As the campaign develops and the Gaza bombardment continues, Starmer will be forced to walk a tightrope over placating his Muslim supporters without being too hard on Israel. 


Cutting NHS waiting lists is the single pledge Sunak has openly admitted he is failing to hit.

He has blamed the lack of progress on endless strikes, but now rarely talks about it as an issue compared to the economy and immigration.

Labour on the other hand see it as home turf and will be hammering the government’s handling of the health service. 

Polls consistently put the NHS as one of the public’s top priorities and Starmer will look to weaponise the groaning backlog.

But he will be forced to defend the Welsh Labour administration’s record which is arguably worse than the Tories’.

Stability or change? 

Do voters want to stick with what they know, or is there an appetite for change? 

The question cuts to the heart of the election, with both leaders sensing mileage in the other. 

After being dealt a bad hand, Sunak has insisted he has turned things around and put the country on course for a “brighter future”.

He says Starmer would “take us back to square one.” 

For his part, Starmer insists that “stability is change” and a switching of the guard is desperately needed.

Time will tell which way the voters fall. 

CPI food inflation edged down to 2.9% in April from 4% in March – much lower than its peak of almost 20% in the spring of 2023.

Trumpeting the fall in inflation today, the PM said: “Today marks a major moment for the economy, with inflation back to normal.

“This is proof that the plan is working and that the difficult decisions we have taken are paying off.

“Brighter days are ahead, but only if we stick to the plan to improve economic security and opportunity for everyone.”

What are the odds?

The latest Betfair Exchange odds on which party will win the general election are:

  • Labour majority 1/8
  • No overall majority 9/1
  • Conservative majority 49/1

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