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Новости за 04.07.2020


Mexico joins international labor agreement on maids’ rights

MEXICO CITY — The Mexican government says it has formally adhered to the International Labor Organization’s Convention 189 on the rights of domestic workers. The Domestic Workers Convention sets out guidelines for ensuring that maids are protected from exploitation, violence or unsafe working conditions. The Foreign Relations Department said Mexico formally joined the agreement Friday.


Royals down Sky Blue 1-0 in NWSL’s Challenge Cup

HERRIMAN, Utah — Amy Rodriguez scored in the 41st minute and the Utah Royals defeated Sky Blue 1-0 on Saturday in a group stage match of the National Women’s Soccer League’s Challenge Cup tournament. Rodriguez took a cross from Vero Boquete on a perfectly timed run and evaded three defenders for the goal at Zions


Dixon breaks through at Indianapolis with victory in GP

INDIANAPOLIS — Scott Dixon finally made his second trip to Indianapolis Motor Speedway’s victory lane. Twelve years after winning his only Indianapolis 500 on the Brickyard’s historic 2.5-mile oval, the five-time series champion added a second title Saturday — this one by a dominant 19.9469 seconds over Graham Rahal in the IndyCar Grand Prix. Dixon


Celta held by Betis, stays near relegation zone in Spain

MADRID — Celta Vigo missed a chance to move further away from the relegation zone after a 1-1 home draw against Real Betis in the Spanish league on Saturday. It was the third straight winless match for Celta, which stayed just outside the drop zone with four matches left. Celta took the lead with a


Wolves’ CL hopes dealt a setback with 2-0 loss to Arsenal

WOLVERHAMPTON, England — Wolverhampton’s pursuit of a first-ever qualification for the Champions League received a setback after a 2-0 loss to Arsenal in the Premier League on Saturday. Goals from Bukayo Saka, a highly rated 18-year-old midfielder, in the 43rd minute and substitute Alexandre Lacazette in the 86th ensured Wolves dropped points for the first


European Tour’s Indian Open canceled amid virus pandemic

VIRGINIA WATER, England — The Indian Open event on the European Tour was canceled on Saturday because of the threat posed by the coronavirus pandemic. The tournament was initially postponed from March to an unspecified time later in 2020, but has now been scrapped following consultation with the European Tour and Asian Tour. The European


Trump’s `strong wall’ to block COVID-19 from China had holes

President Donald Trump has repeatedly credited his February ban on travelers from mainland China as his signature move against the advance of the coronavirus pandemic — a “strong wall” that allowed only U.S. citizens inside, he boasted in May. But Trump’s wall was more like a sieve. Exempted were thousands of residents of the Chinese


In troubled times: Independence Day in a land of confusion

It was the worst of times. It was the weirdest of times. It was a season of sickness and shouting, of defiance and tension, of industrial-strength falsehood and spin. It was a moment of ugliness and deep injustice — and perhaps, too, a moment when the chance for justice felt nearer than ever before. On


‘People aren’t stupid’: Pence’s virus spin tests credibility

WASHINGTON — Vice President Mike Pence has long played the straight man to Donald Trump, translating the president’s bombast into more measured, calming language. His job has become even more difficult. As coronavirus cases spike across large parts of the country despite months of lockdown, Pence has spent the past week trying to convince the


Michigan village not waiting for federal, state flood relief

LANSING, Mich — Jenna Hulse was at work out of town as a nurse when she got a message from her brother that a dam three blocks from her house in the Michigan village of Sanford was failing. Six feet (2 meters) of water entered the home, and though Hulse said she’s lucky that the


Indiana report says abortions dropped 5% in state last year

INDIANAPOLIS — The number of abortions performed in Indiana fell by about 5% last year, according to a new state health department report. The annual report shows that the number of abortions in Indiana fell by 400 to 7,637 during 2019. That decline came following two years of increases from the 7,280 abortions recorded in


Indiana farm touts genetically modified, fast-growing salmon

ALBANY, Ind. — A fish farming pioneer in Albany, Indiana, says it expects to harvest genetically modified salmon at its indoor facility in the fourth quarter of this year. AquaBounty Technologies developed the AquAdvantage salmon to grow faster than conventional Atlantic salmon. “We’re very excited,” AquaBounty CEO Sylvia Wulf told the Star Press. “We’re finally


AMERICAN DIARY: July 4 hurts, until I remember my WWII uncle

RIO RANCHO, N.M, — The July Fourth holiday hurts me every year. Waving flags seems out of place, and wearing anything stars and stripes makes me feel like Apollo Creed in “Rocky.” Lee Greenwood’s song “Proud To Be An American” doesn’t invoke patriotism inside of me, and I never take advantage of those exclusive, one-day


Hamilton is again fastest in final practice for Austrian GP

SPIELBERG, Austria — World champion Lewis Hamilton made it a sweep when he posted the fastest time in final practice for the Austrian Grand Prix ahead of qualifying later Saturday, where he will aim for a record-extending 89th pole position in Formula One. The six-time champion was also quickest in both practice sessions on Friday,


Police: 2 women hit by car on Seattle highway amid protest

SEATTLE — A 27-year-old man drove a white Jaguar onto a closed freeway in Seattle early Saturday and barreled through a panicked crowd of protesters, critically injuring two women, officials said. Dawit Kelete of Seattle drove the car around vehicles that were blocking Interstate 5 and sped into the crowd at about 1:40 a.m., according


Officer shot and killed, suspect found dead in Ohio

TOLEDO, Ohio — An officer who was responding to a disturbance call in a store parking lot was shot and killed early Saturday morning by an intoxicated man holding a beer, police said. Toledo Officer Anthony Dia was shot in the chest just after midnight in the parking lot of a Home Depot, and later


Virus spike in Spain reveal plight of seasonal farm workers

LLEIDA, Spain — In the 20 years since he left his native Senegal, Biram Fall has never slept in the streets. This week, when he ran out of savings after failing to find work in northern Spain’s peach orchards, he still refused to do so. As part of an army of cheap labor that follows


Red Bull loses appeal against Mercedes’ new steering system

SPIELBERG, Austria — Red Bull has lost an appeal it lodged against the dual assistant steering system unveiled by Formula One rival Mercedes during winter testing in February. The DAS helps the Mercedes car’s cornering and reduces its tire wear. On-board footage from testing in Spain showed world champion Lewis Hamilton pulling the steering wheel


7 police officers hurt in unlicensed music event in London

LONDON — Seven police officers have been injured while trying to break up an unlicensed music event in west London, the latest in a series of illegal gatherings in the British capital over the past couple of weeks that have descended into violence. Police said everyone in attendance at the event in White City had


1 killed, 3 wounded in shooting at Mississippi sports bar

JACKSON, Miss. — A man was fatally shot and three others were wounded in a shooting early Saturday at a nightclub in Mississippi’s capital, an official said. The shooting happened at M-Bar Sports Grill in Jackson, Hinds County Capt. Tyree Jones told The Associated Press. Cortez Shelby, 41, was shot in the neck and died


Jarmond faces many challenges in taking over as UCLA’s AD

LOS ANGELES — Most new athletic directors who take over in July have the luxury of getting acclimated to their new school before things really ramp up in two months. That isn’t going to be the case for the start of Martin Jarmond’s tenure at UCLA. “You would like have something resembling normalcy, but I


Coronavirus behind him, Utah’s Rudy Gobert looking forward

There were the tweets from strangers. “I hate you.” “You ruined the whole world.” “You deserve it.” And there was the scorn from inside his own locker room, the presumption that he infected a teammate with coronavirus, the suggestion that his recklessness somehow caused the entire sporting world to come to an absolute standstill. Utah


Californians celebrate July 4 with virtual parades, masks

LOS ANGELES — As the coronavirus surges in the state, Californians celebrated Independence Day with virtual parades featuring air flyovers and photos of flag-draped front porches instead of pancake breakfasts and crowded festivities. Meanwhile, law enforcement officers were out and about, reminding people to wear masks in public and turning away disappointed sun-seekers from beaches


The Latest: 3,000 Australians in ‘hard lockdown’ in Victoria

MELBOURNE, Australia — Australia’s Victoria state recorded 108 new coronavirus cases Saturday, forcing authorities to lock down nine public housing towers and three more Melbourne suburbs. Victoria Premier Daniel Andrews said 3,000 people in the housing towers would go into “hard lockdown,” meaning “there will be no one allowed in … and no one allowed


‘I’ll live through this’: 103-year-old woman beats COVID-19

KOKOMO, Ind. — Rosella Bell has lived through World War II and the Great Depression. She’s lived through 18 U.S. presidents and 9/11. She’s survived typhoid fever and the Spanish influenza outbreak in 1918. And now, the 103-year-old resident at Golden Living Center’s Sycamore Village can say she’s also survived COVID-19. Bell tested positive for

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Экология в России и мире

Санкт-Петербург не смог обойти Москву в рейтинге жизни населения

Путин в России и мире

Кадыров пригласил Путина посетить Чечню

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Путин сегодня вечером вылетит в Минск, где встретится с Лукашенко

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский пожаловался, что западная помощь опаздывает

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Тренер СКА Попов назвал Басту адекватным футбольным руководителем


12 участков тепловых сетей отремонтируют в Одинцовском округе в этом году

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