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Новости за 31.08.2017


US awards contracts for prototypes of concrete border wall

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration has taken another step toward building a wall on the U.S. border with Mexico, even as funding for the project remains in question. U.S. Customs and Border Protection announced Thursday it will award contracts to four companies to build four concrete prototypes for the wall. CBP is providing few details


How major US stock market indexes fared Thursday

U.S. stocks rose again Thursday as investors were pleased with a report that showed spending by U.S. consumers grew in July, along with wages and salaries. Health care and technology companies lead the way and the Nasdaq composite closed at a record high. On Thursday: The Standard & Poor’s 500 index jumped 14.06 points, or


Shoe Carnival and Tiffany climb while Campbell Soup dips

NEW YORK — Stocks that moved substantially or traded heavily Thursday: Shoe Carnival Inc., up $3.68 to $20.10 The footwear retailer posted a bigger profit and better sales than analysts expected. Campbell Soup Co., down $4.05 to $46.20 The food company reported weak sales of snack food in the fourth quarter, and it forecast a


Meunier leads Belgium in 9-0 masterclass over Gibraltar

BRUSSELS — With a showtime performance orchestrated by Thomas Meunier against part-timers from Gibraltar, star-studded Belgium produced a 9-0 victory to bring next year’s World Cup finals ever closer. PSG’s Meunier had three goals and three assists and Romelu Lukaku added three goals of his own in an overall demonstration of flicks, backheels and superior


Royals’ core group headed for one last hurrah this September

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Six years ago, a core group that would usher the long-suffering Royals to a pair of World Series and its first championship in nearly three decades arrived in Kansas City amid terrific fanfare. Eric Hosmer and Mike Moustakas, Alcides Escobar and Lorenzo Cain. These are the names, among many others, that


Champion filly Songbird retired after 2nd loss in 15 starts

Champion filly Songbird has been retired five days after she lost for just the second time in 15 career starts. Owner Rick Porter of Fox Hill Farm said Thursday that he made the decision after an examination showed an enlargement of both of the 4-year-old filly’s hind suspensory ligaments. Porter said it would be dangerous


Judge: Trump delay of Obama coal rule was illegal

SAN FRANCISCO — The Trump administration illegally delayed an Obama-era rule intended to increase royalty payments to taxpayers from oil, gas and coal extraction on federal lands, a judge ruled. U.S. Magistrate Judge Elizabeth Laporte, however, stopped short Wednesday of reinstating the Obama rule. Laporte noted that the Trump administration revoked the rule, with the


Repairs done, normal service to resume at NYC’s Penn Station

NEW YORK — Amtrak has completed the track work at New York City’s Penn Station that forced the railroads that share the busy transit hub to curtail service for eight weeks, officials said Thursday. Amtrak co-CEO Wick Moorman said the repairs were completed “on time, on budget and most importantly, safely.” Normal service into and


Ohio plastics company taking over closed Indiana factory

BLUFFTON, Ind. — A plastics molding company is taking over a closed northeastern Indiana factory, with plans to have 100 people working there by the end of this year. Holiday City, Ohio-based 20/20 Custom Molded Plastics says it plans spending $27 million on starting operations in the Bluffton factory that was closed this summer by


Man uses pantyhose defense in appeal of upskirt conviction

BRIDGEWATER, N.J. — A court denied the appeal of a man convicted of taking upskirt videos at a grocery store who argued the victim wasn’t exposed because she was wearing pantyhose. Joshua Nicholson, of Bridgewater, filed the appeal after being convicted in 2013 following his guilty plea to invasion of privacy, NJ.com reported (http://bit.ly/2eHMIpW). In


Trump administration slashes funds for health care sign-ups

WASHINGTON — Affirming its disdain for “Obamacare,” the Trump administration on Thursday announced sharp cuts in programs promoting health care enrollment under the Affordable Care Act for next year. Advertising will be cut from $100 million spent on 2017 sign-ups to $10 million, said Health and Human Services officials. Funding for consumer helpers called “navigators”


Astros top Rangers 5-1 in last game before return to Houston

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — After a difficult three-game “home” series in front of sparse crowds 1,000 miles from their ballpark, the Houston Astros are heading back to their flood-ravaged city. And they’re putting their inconvenience in perspective. Jose Altuve homered, the Houston bullpen pitched 4 1/3 scoreless innings and the Astros beat the Texas Rangers


Lawsuit over Trump’s 1st attempt to ban travel is settled

NEW YORK — Foreigners who were barred from entering the U.S. during President Donald Trump’s first attempt to ban travel from seven Muslim-majority nations will get government help reapplying for visas under a lawsuit settlement reached Thursday. Civil rights lawyers and the Trump administration announced the deal during a conference call in federal court in


With major roads swamped, photographer flies to Port Arthur

Port Arthur’s major roads were swamped by rising waters brought by Harvey, and there were few images showing the devastation that virtually cut off the East Texas city. So as the sun rose Thursday, that’s where Associated Press photographer Gerald Herbert took his plane first. “We heard Port Arthur got hit the worst,” Herbert said,


Lawyers: US is coercing Iraqis targeted for deportation

DETROIT — Lawyers who successfully sued to stop the deportation of 1,400 people to Iraq complained Thursday that federal agents are harassing some in U.S. custody by urging them to give up the fight or face more than a year in detention while their cases slowly move through the immigration system. The American Civil Liberties


BIG 12 SPOTLIGHT: Youngest power league with oldest coach

Maybe Oklahoma State was just well ahead of a trend when making 37-year-old former Cowboys quarterback Mike Gundy their head coach. Now 13 years after Gundy became the man at Oklahoma State, the Big 12 has three 30-something head coaches. Even with 77-year-old Bill Snyder at Kansas State the nation’s oldest Power Five coach by


Immigrant dad arrested after school drop off released

LOS ANGELES — A man has been released from immigration detention in California six months after he was detained by deportation agents shortly after dropping off his daughter at school. The Los Angeles Times reports (http://lat.ms/2xNYbLW ) that 49-year-old Romulo Avelica-Gonzalez was freed after a judge at an Adelanto detention center granted him $6,000 bond


Former presidential hopeful in Rwanda said to be in custody

KIGALI, Rwanda — A women’s rights activist and former presidential hopeful is in police custody in Rwanda, her brother said Thursday, raising concerns about the whereabouts of a rare challenger to longtime President Paul Kagame. Police have said Diane Rwigara is free after her home in the capital, Kigali, was searched on Wednesday. But Rwigara’s


School meant to ease overcrowding to open at half capacity

JERSEY CITY, N.J. — A new $54 million school meant to ease overcrowding in a district will open for the first day at only half its capacity. School 26 in Jersey City was built for 770 students from pre-K to fifth grade, but current enrollment is at 350 students, The Jersey Journal reported . The


Rossi ‘not optimistic’ over leg injury in training accident

URBINO, Italy — Seven-time motorcycle world champion Valentino Rossi fears he may have broken his right leg after a training accident in Italy on Thursday. In a brief statement, Rossi’s Yahama team said he was involved in an enduro accident close to his home town of Urbino, in the east of Italy, and had been


Canadian Cavallini will play in Mexico

MEXICO CITY — Canadian striker Lucas Cavallini has signed a contract to play with Puebla FC in the Mexican Apertura tournament. Puebla announced the move Thursday. Last season, Cavallini played for Uruguay’s Penarol, where he scored six goals in 11 matches. Cavallini, who played for team Canada in the last Gold Cup, is the first


Police in England taunt Arsenal on transfer deadline day

LONDON — Police forces in England used the final day of the transfer window to get an important message across, while taunting Arsenal in the process. Thames Valley Police and Dorset Police sent Twitter posts on Thursday, warning soccer fans not to check their phones for updates on any deadline-day transfers if they are driving


The Latest: Dealer guilty in Fort Campbell equipment theft

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — The Latest on the trial of a military equipment dealer (all times local): 4 p.m. A Tennessee man has been convicted for conspiring with soldiers to steal sensitive military equipment and sell it to foreign buyers. A federal jury on Thursday found John Roberts, of Clarksville, guilty of conspiracy to steal and


2 dead as Mexico City bandits fight over right to rob bus

MEXICO CITY — Armed thieves frequently board buses to rob passengers in Mexico City and its suburbs. But the robberies hit a new high — or low — when three began to work over the same bus simultaneously and got into a gun fight among themselves. Two young men were robbing passengers in the back


The Latest: Doctors say library victims saved others

CLOVIS, N.M. — The latest on the deadly shooting at a New Mexico public library (all times local): 4 p.m. Trauma surgeons at a Texas hospital who treated patients wounded during a shooting at a public library in New Mexico this week described them as heroes for saving other people the day of the rampage.

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Экология в России и мире

Сергей Собянин. Главное за день

Путин в России и мире

Путин: РФ продолжит взаимодействие с Ираном как при Раиси

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Запись от имени Президента Беларуси сделана в книге соболезнований в посольстве Ирана

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Мы не навязываем Вам своё видение, мы даём Вам объективный срез событий дня без цензуры и без купюр. Новости, какие они есть — онлайн (с поминутным архивом по всем городам и регионам России, Украины, Белоруссии и Абхазии).

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В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость мгновенно — здесь.

Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский заявил, что обеспокоен заявлениями республиканцев в США

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




На Улан-Удэнском ЛВРЗ прошел конкурс «Лучший по профессии 2024»


Вирусолог Малинникова развеяла миф о легкой переносимости ОРВИ летом

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