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Новости за 29.09.2016


Trump’s old military prep school looks overseas for renewal

CORNWALL-ON-HUDSON, N.Y. — While Donald Trump talks tough about dealing with China, his old military prep school is building bridges to that country. The New York Military Academy began classes this fall with new Chinese backing and a former New York City high school principal, originally from China, in charge. Students here still march and


De Kooning painting going on the auction block in the fall

NEW YORK — A large painting from one of Willem de Kooning’s most productive periods is going on the auction block in the fall. Christie’s is offering “Untitled XXV” in New York on Nov. 15, where it believes it could realize around $40 million. The auction house sold the same painting in 2006 for $27.1


Cardinals waste scoring chances, fall 2-1 to the Reds

ST. LOUIS — Mike Matheny managed with a playoff intensity. His offense didn’t respond. “It’s baseball, you’re going to have times when you just don’t get it done,” Matheny said after his St. Louis Cardinals fell 2-1 to the Cincinnati Reds on Wednesday night. “Tonight was one of those times guys make good pitches in


MLS Capsules

WASHINGTON — Lloyd Sam opened the scoring in the 71st minute, Lamar Neagle had a late goal and assist, and D.C. United beat the Columbus Crew 3-0 on Wednesday night for their first two-game winning streak of the season. D.C. United (9-9-13) remained in sixth place in the Eastern Conference, but moved just two points


Marshall’s first-half goal enough, Sounders beat Fire 1-0

SEATTLE — This time, Chad Marshall made sure the goal was credited to him. Marshall headed in a corner kick in the 24th minute, and the Seattle Sounders beat the Chicago Fire 1-0 on Wednesday night to get back into the MLS playoff picture. The Sounders (12-13-5) have 41 points and climbed into a tie


Segura, Miller lead Diamondbacks past Nationals

WASHINGTON — Jean Segura admits that he never imagined having the type of season he’s had in 2016. The Arizona Diamondbacks leadoff man reached another milestone Wednesday, joining Luis Gonzalez as the only players in franchise history with 200 hits in a season. Segura went 3-for-3 with two runs and a stolen base as the


2 MVPs too much; Sparks rout Sky 95-75 in playoff opener

LONG BEACH, Calif. — Two MVPs were too much for the Chicago Sky. Candace Parker scored 19 of her 30 points in the first half, Nneka Ogwumike added 27, and the Los Angeles Sparks won 95-75 in the teams’ semifinal playoff opener Wednesday night. Two-time WNBA MVP Parker had nine rebounds and newly crowned MVP


Jaso hits for cycle as Pirates beat Cubs 8-4

PITTSBURGH — With the Chicago Cubs supposedly fine-tuning things for postseason form, ace Jake Arrieta was roughed up by the Pittsburgh Pirates in an 8-4 loss Wednesday night. Pirates first baseman John Jaso hit for the cycle and Arrieta (18-8) gave up seven runs and 10 hits — both season-highs — in five innings. But


Seoul says North Korean soldier crosses the border to defect

SEOUL, South Korea — South Korea’s military said Thursday that a North Korean soldier had crossed the border between the rivals to defect. South Korea’s Joint Chief of Staff said military officials were investigating the North Korean solider, who defected across the central-east portion of the military demarcation line, which is inside the 4-kilometer-wide (2.5-mile-wide)


Baseball Capsules

NEW YORK — Mark Teixeira hit a grand slam with two outs in the ninth inning, and the New York Yankees staved off playoff elimination at the last possible moment with a 5-3 victory over the Boston Red Sox on Wednesday night. Boston clinched the AL East title nearly 30 minutes before Teixeira connected, thanks


Twins’ 102 losses matches most since move to Minnesota

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — With their major league-worst 102nd loss, Twins matched their most since moving to Minnesota for the 1961 season. Kendrys Morales and Alex Gordon keyed an eighth-inning rally and the Kansas City Royals beat the Twins 5-2 on Wednesday night. Still, the defending World Series champions were eliminated from postseason contention with


Frazier’s 40th HR leads Gonzalez, White Sox over Rays 1-0

CHICAGO — The never shy Todd Frazier had been focused on one thing: 40 home runs. “I don’t if you guys know, but he’s been talking about it for a while,” White Sox manager Robin Ventura said, smirking. “I know I’ve heard it a lot.” Frazier picked a good time to reach the mark for


In Argentina, freedom still distant for Sandra the orangutan

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina — A sign outside Sandra’s cage explains that “orangutan” comes from the Malay expression for “person of the forest.” But she remains in a concrete cell in a Buenos Aires zoo and may never see the rainforests of her ancestors. Sandra’s release seemed imminent after an Argentine court said in 2014 that


UN says EU may ratify Paris Agreement soon

UNITED NATIONS — The Paris Agreement on Climate Change appears likely to enter into force with India announcing that it has ratified the agreement and the EU signaling it may ratify within the next few days, officials said. The two ratifications would mean countries accounting for nearly 65 percent of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions


Osuna blows save again as Blue Jays lose to Orioles 3-2

TORONTO — This is a bad time for the Blue Jays bullpen to be going through a bumpy patch. Hyun Soo Kim hit a pinch-hit, two-run homer in the ninth inning off closer Roberto Osuna, and the Orioles beat Toronto 3-2 on Wednesday night to move within one game of the AL wild card-leading Blue


Phillies vets call team meeting after 12-2 loss to Atlanta

ATLANTA — Pete Mackanin had to meet with reporters in the tunnel outside the clubhouse. The Philadelphia Phillies manager didn’t mind the inconvenience. Ryan Howard and A.J. Ellis called a team meeting after the Phillies lost for the fourth time in five games, falling 12-2 to the surging Atlanta Braves on Wednesday night. “It’s nice,”


Mets help playoff chances by beating grieving Marlins 5-2

MIAMI — Before Wednesday’s game, Mets manager Terry Collins joined other spectators to watch the funeral motorcade for Jose Fernandez outside Marlins Park. After the game, Collins crossed the field to give Miami manager Don Mattingly one last hug of consolation. In between, Collins’ team took care of business. Jay Bruce hit his 32nd home


Cabrera’s homer gives Tigers rain-shortened win over Indians

DETROIT — Miguel Cabrera’s fifth-inning homer might as well have come in the ninth. Cabrera hit a tiebreaking three-run shot moments before the game was halted for good, and the Detroit Tigers came away with a rain-shortened 6-3 victory over the Cleveland Indians on Wednesday night, keeping pace with Baltimore in the AL wild-card race.


Gomez homers in 8th, Rangers rally again to beat Brewers 8-5

ARLINGTON, Texas — Carlos Gomez was a struggling outfielder when released by another AL West team just over a month ago. Now he is helping the AL-leading Texas Rangers close in on home-field advantage throughout the postseason. Gomez hit a towering, tiebreaking three-run homer in the eighth inning Wednesday night, giving the Rangers their MLB-best


Duvall’s single lifts Reds to 2-1 win over Cardinals

ST. LOUIS — Closers need nerves of steel. Raisel Iglesias is showing he has what it takes. Adam Duvall’s two-run single was all Cincinnati needed as the Reds beat the St. Louis Cardinals 2-1 on Wednesday night. The Reds’ third win in their last four games dealt a blow to the Cardinals’ playoff hopes. St.


LEADING OFF: Ortiz plays last game at Yankee Stadium

A look at what’s happening around the majors Thursday: KISS IT GOODBYE David Ortiz says so long to Yankee Stadium when the AL East-champion Red Sox finish a three-game series against their longtime rivals. New York, which is trying to hold off postseason elimination, has planned a pregame ceremony, but how will Yankees fans salute


WGU Indiana offers financial aid to former ITT Tech students

INDIANAPOLIS — A state-sanctioned online university has created a program aimed at giving financial aid to help students impacted by the closure of the for-profit college chain ITT Technical Institute. Western Governors University of Indiana University announced Wednesday it has raised $150,000 in scholarships to help students. ITT Tech announced in early September it was


Teixeira hits game-winning slam, Yankees stun Red Sox 5-3

NEW YORK — His playing days dwindling, Mark Teixeira gave himself a moment to savor Wednesday night and rescued the New York Yankees in the process. Teixeira hit a game-winning grand slam with two outs in the ninth inning, and the Yankees staved off playoff elimination at the last possible instant with a 5-3 victory


Jaso hits for cycle as Pirates beat Cubs 8-4

PITTSBURGH — Coming around second base in the seventh inning of the Pittsburgh Pirates’ 8-4 victory over the Chicago Cubs on Wednesday night, John Jaso stumbled. Then, he went for it. Ninety feet later, Jaso was safe at third base with a triple to become the first player to hit a cycle in the 16-year


Diamondbacks beat Nationals in rain-shortened game

WASHINGTON — With Stephen Strasburg not expected to pitch in the National League Division Series and Joe Ross not yet fully stretched out after a two-month layoff, the Washington Nationals are counting on Gio Gonzalez to come through in the playoffs. But in his final start of the regular season, Gonzalez struggled with his command

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Экология в России и мире

Эколог Рыбальченко оценил вероятность формирования теплового купола в Москве

Путин в России и мире

Путин распорядился создать в Экспоцентре национальный центр «Россия»

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лавров сообщил о планах Путина и Лукашенко встретиться в ближайшее время

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Орбан встретится с Зеленским

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Найк Борзов

Найк Борзов рассказал, с какой песней у него ассоциируется Питер


Сбербанк повысит ставки по базовым ипотечным программам со 2 июля

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