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Новости за 11.09.2016


Ex-swimmer in rape case joins thousands in Ohio sex database

COLUMBUS, Ohio — A former Stanford University swimmer whose six-month jail sentence for sexually assaulting an unconscious woman sparked a national outcry has registered as a sex offender in Ohio, where he is living with his parents. Brock Turner, 23, registered at the Greene County sheriff’s office four days after he was released from a


UK minister: Britons may need visas to visit EU after Brexit

LONDON — Britain’s immigration minister says U.K. citizens may have to pay for visas to visit European Union nations after the country leaves the bloc. Home Secretary Amber Rudd said that would not be desirable, “but we don’t rule it out.” Rudd told the BBC on Sunday that Britain would get the best deal it


Participants of Indiana event to wear uniforms made abroad

ANGOLA, Ind. — Participants in Indiana’s Bicentennial Torch Relay will wear uniforms made in foreign countries. The Indiana Office of Tourism Development hired Indianapolis-based Personalized Corporate Services Inc. to supply the outfits, which were made in China, Honduras and Nicaragua, The (Angola) Herald Republican reported (http://bit.ly/2cLm3dM) It comes at a time when Gov. Mike Pence


Correction: North Carolina-Illinois story

CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — In a story Sept. 11 about North Carolina’s game against Illinois, The Associated Press misspelled the last name of North Carolina’s quarterback on some references. It is Mitch Trubisky, not Trupisky. A corrected version of the story is below: Trubisky leads North Carolina past Illinois, 48-23 Tar Heels ride Trubisky’s big night


French premier warns about radicalization as boy is arrested

PARIS — French police have arrested a 16-year-old at his Paris home to abort what they feared was a planned weekend attack, as the prime minister warned some 15,000 people in the country could be in the process of being radicalized. A security official said that France’s intelligence services “detected a threat” and a judicial


Magnitude-5.3 quake hits Macedonia; no injuries reported

SKOPJE, Macedonia — Macedonian authorities say an earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 5.3 struck on the outskirts of the capital on Sunday, causing minor damage to buildings but no injuries. The quake occurred just after 3 p.m. (1300 GMT), seismologist Dragana Cernih from the national seismological observatory told The Associated Press. She said she


Macedonia celebrates Saint Teresa’s canonization in capital

SKOPJE, Macedonia — Hundreds of people have gathered in the main square of Macedonia’s capital for a ceremony dedicated to Macedonian-born Saint Teresa, whom Pope Francis canonized last week at the Vatican. Sunday’s ceremony was held near the site of the now-demolished house where the Roman Catholic nun and missionary was born in Skopje in


Hop growers look to new parts of US to slake thirst for crop

GORHAM, Maine — Geoff Keating grows a prized plant at the northeastern edge of the country, some 3,000 miles away from the region of America most associated with his crop — hops. Americans’ growing thirst for bitter, flavor-packed styles of beer has brought an unprecedented demand for hops, so growers are looking to new places


Pedrosa surges through the field to win San Marino GP

MISANO ADRIATICO, Italy — Dani Pedrosa surged through the field to win the San Marino and Rimini Riviera Grand Prix after starting eighth on Sunday. Valentino Rossi passed pole sitter Jorge Lorenzo early on and had a comfortable lead until Pedrosa overtook rivals Marc Marquez and Lorenzo in quick succession. Pedrosa then passed Rossi with


Turkey replaces 28 elected officials with appointees

ISTANBUL — Turkish police used water cannons and teargas to disperse protesters Sunday after Ankara announced it had replaced 28 elected municipal and district mayors in several predominantly Kurdish towns in Turkey’s east and southeast. The removed officials are suspected of colluding with groups the government considers terrorist organizations, the Interior Ministry announced Sunday, adding


Belarusians cast ballots for parliament, doubt change

MINSK, Belarus — Belarusians cast ballots Sunday for a new parliament in the authoritarian former Soviet republic that has been taking steps toward rapprochement with the West. There are 484 candidates for the 110 lower-house seats that are being contested, but opposition leaders hold little hope of establishing a substantial presence in the legislature. The


Body cameras, clocks among ideas in play for tennis’s future

NEW YORK — What if they put tiny cameras on players to get more dramatic TV angles? What if serves that dribbled over the net were fair game? What if servers were on a 20-second clock to start points? And how about scrapping the pre-match warmup so matches actually start on time? These are among


South Africa reports drop in rhino poaching in biggest park

JOHANNESBURG — Protection efforts in South Africa’s biggest wildlife park have reduced rhino poaching there, though poaching syndicates may be moving operations to parks elsewhere in the country, a top official said Sunday. The carcasses of 458 poached rhinos were found in Kruger National Park between January and the end of August, down about 18


The Latest: College: Monitoring students in deck collapse

HARTFORD, Conn. — The Latest on the deck collapse at an off-campus house near Trinity College in Connecticut (all times local): 7:45 a.m. Trinity College officials say most of the 28 students injured in a deck collapse at an off-campus house party have been treated at a hospital and released. College spokeswoman Kathy Andrews said


Conservative push to impeach IRS chief; effort won’t succeed

WASHINGTON — A campaign-season drive by conservative House Republicans to impeach the IRS commissioner won’t succeed. With solid Democratic opposition and resistance from many in the GOP, there simply aren’t enough votes to oust John Koskinen from his post. Members of the conservative House Freedom Caucus are pushing it anyway, and it could come to


Libyan troops recapture key oil terminals from militia

BENGHAZI, Libya — Libyan forces loyal to a powerful general on Sunday recaptured two key oil terminals from militias in a surprise attack, according to officials familiar with the operation, a move that adds a new layer to the turmoil gripping the North African nation since 2011. They said forces led by Gen. Khalifa Hifter,


Pope prays for victims of clashes in Gabon, urges dialogue

VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis has prayed for victims of violent protests in the west African nation of Gabon, calling attention to what he described as a “grave political crisis” in the former French colony. In remarks to the faithful in St. Peter’s Square, Francis on Sunday also encouraged the Gabonese people, particularly Catholics, to


Iran welcomes Syria cease-fire

BEIRUT — The Iranian Foreign Ministry on Saturday welcomed a U.S.-Russian agreement on a cease-fire for Syria, where it has been a key ally of President Bashar Assad during the five-year war that has resulted in as many as 500,000 deaths. Iran’s semi-official ISNA news agency quoted Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Ghassemi as saying that


India says 4 rebels killed in gunbattle near Kashmir border

SRINAGAR, India — The Indian army said it killed four militants in a fierce gunbattle Sunday near the Kashmir border separating Pakistan from India’s portion of the Himalayan region. Army spokesman Col. N. N. Joshi said the gunbattle began early Sunday in the state’s Kupwara district, when the rebels were seen moving in the area.


Saudi launches Farsi-language hajj TV amid dispute with Iran

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia — Saudi Arabia has launched a Farsi-language satellite television channel broadcasting the hajj as Iranians abstain from the pilgrimage amid a dispute between the two regional rivals. The Saudi Minister of Culture and Information Adel al-Toraifi tells Saudi media that the channel is also being broadcast by radio to Iran, Iraq and


Woman in iconic V-J Day Times Square kiss photo dies at 92

NEW YORK — The woman in an iconic photo shown kissing an ecstatic sailor in Times Square celebrating the end of World War II has died. Greta Zimmer Friedman was 92. Friedman, who fled Austria during the war as a 15-year-old, died Thursday at a hospital in Richmond, Virginia, from complications of old age, her


After American rebuke, Israeli leader says he stands by ally

JERUSALEM — Israel’s prime minister has marked the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks by saying his country stands by its “greatest ally, the United States of America.” Benjamin Netanyahu’s comments Sunday came two days after a rare American rebuke for statements in which he insisted settlements were not an obstacle to peace and that


2 dead after cruise ship hits bridge in southern Germany

FRANKFURT, Germany — Authorities say two crew members of a river cruise ship have been killed in southern Germany after the vessel struck a rail bridge, crushing the wheelhouse. Police said the ship had just cast off early Sunday from the town of Erlangen on its way to the Hungarian capital, Budapest, along the Main-Danube


Kenyan police kill 3 women who attacked police station

NAIROBI, Kenya — Three women have been killed after they attacked a police station in the Kenyan coastal city of Mombasa, a police official said Sunday. One of the women threw a petrol bomb at officers while another pulled out a knife, Mombasa police chief Parterson Maelo said, adding two policemen were wounded in the


Radio drama’s tale of domestic abuse grips Britain

LONDON — The trial of Helen Titchener, who stabbed her husband Rob after months of emotional and physical abuse, has gripped Britain, sparked a national debate about domestic violence and brought a flood of donations to women’s shelters. That’s quite an achievement, since Helen and Rob are characters in a 65-year-old rural radio drama whose

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Экология в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге: «Ингушетия может стать настоящим открытием даже для опытных туристов»

Путин в России и мире

НАЛОГИ С ЗАРПЛАТ И НДС МОГУТ ОТМЕНИТЬ?! Государственная Дума и Правительство РФ оптимизируют налоги.

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Песков рассказал о планируемой 23 мая в Минске встрече Путина с Лукашенко

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский пожаловался, что западная помощь опаздывает

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Тренер СКА Попов назвал Басту адекватным футбольным руководителем


Нового депутата представили в парламенте Карелии

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