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Новости за 10.01.2017

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Toyota shows off the new Tundra at the Detroit auto Show

Toyota unveiled the new Tundra pickup truck at the Detroit auto show this week. Toyota announced it will reinvest in the United States during the next five years after President-elect Donald Trump threatened to impose an import tax for building a plant in Mexico. 

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Judge rules that woman can't sue Trump over insulting tweet

Manhattan state Supreme Court Judge Barbara Jaffe ruled that though Trump's tweets about public relations strategist and Republican consultant Cheryl Jacobus were "rife with vague and simplistic insults," they were expressions of opinion protected by the First Amendment. "[...] although the intemperate tweets are clearly intended to belittle and demean plaintiff," they wouldn't prevent her from working as a consultant and political commentator, Jaffe wrote in a 20-page decision signed Monday. In her decision... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Al-Shabab says it kills teenage boy, man over homosexuality

HARGESIA, Somalia (AP) — The al-Shabab extremist group announced Tuesday it has killed a teenage boy and a young man for engaging in sexual conduct. The Somalia-based extremist group announced the killings via its Andalus radio, saying they were carried out in a public square in Buale, a town in Middle Jubba region.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Governor pitches $122.5B California budget, warns of deficit

(AP) — California Gov. Jerry Brown proposed a $122.5 billion state spending plan Tuesday and warned of a looming $1.6 billion budget deficit because of slow growth in tax revenues. Brown announced his proposed budget as the state faces uncertainty about changes to come from President-elect Donald Trump and the Republican-led U.S. Congress on a host of programs that affect California, from health care policy to immigration. Trump has pledged to repeal President Barack Obama's health care law, which... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Alexander Hamilton's letters to be auctioned in NYC

NEW YORK (AP) — The hottest Broadway show is now shining its spotlight on a collection of historic American documents: [...] a Sotheby's manuscript expert says the feverish interest in the musical is likely to drive prices up.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Police ID driver killed when car plunged into Novato creek

Police identified on Tuesday a man who was killed when his car skidded off a wet road and plunged into a creek in Novato — one of four deaths linked to a weekend storm that clobbered the Bay Area with heavy rain and powerful winds. A preliminary investigation found that speed, severe weather conditions and significant lack of tire tread on his car apparently contributed to fatal crash. “It was raining pretty consistently in this area so it would be fair to say that the roadway was wet at the time... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Lawsuits over Trump business threaten to tie up presidency

Just last week, the president-elect sat for a deposition in a lawsuit involving his Washington hotel , and he is still tied up in legal disputes that are to proceed after Inauguration Day. Given the heated political climate, Eisen said Trump could end up on the other end of a strategy that one of his advisers, billionaire PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel, used in a civil privacy lawsuit against Gawker Media LLC : bankrolling someone else's lawsuit to further a personal or political agenda. The president-elect... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Volkswagen: Draft deal in scandal contains $4.3B in fines

FRANKFURT, Germany (AP) — German automaker Volkswagen AG said Tuesday that it was in "advanced talks" with United States authorities over a proposed settlement in its diesel emissions scandal under which the company would pay $4.3 billion in criminal and civil fines. The draft settlement with the U.S. Department of Justice and U.S. Customs and Border Protection would include the appointment of an independent monitor to oversee the company's compliance and control measures for three years. "A final... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

The Latest: House speaker offers veiled bathroom bill swipe

House Speaker Joe Straus has marked his re-election as head of the chamber by offering what appeared to be a veiled swipe at a transgender bathroom bill cheered by top conservatives. Straus is popular among both Republicans and Democrats, who see him an even hand and not a provocative firebrand like other GOP leaders. Republican Gov. Greg Abbott has opened a Texas legislative session that will likely eventually feature bitter partisan battles by urging lawmakers to put aside their differences.... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Police: Driver left boy on school bus during grocery run

Driver left boy on school bus during grocery run PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Police in Philadelphia say a school bus driver is facing charges for leaving a 7-year-old boy on a running bus while he went grocery shopping. Henry then stopped at a ShopRite supermarket, where police say told the child to stay on the bus while he went inside.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Abbott urges unity ahead of potentially contentious session

A cash crunch and a potential policy showdown over a North Carolina-style transgender bathroom bill are already raising tensions as economic realities clash with promises to cut taxes and fix a broken child welfare system. A prolonged oil slump has badly chewed away at the state budget, leaving a revenue gap that one top Republican and budget observers say is at least $5 billion short of what Texas needs over the life of its two-year budget just to preserve the status quo. Democrats say the spending... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Ship traffic, January 11

Ship traffic, January 11 Ship traffic Cap Capricorn Horizon Pacific Port Unknown SFO Port Unknown Port Unknown SFO Cap Pasado CMA CGM Gemini Fuqing, China Port Unknown SFO YM Utility Busan, South Korea SFO Source: S.F. Marine Exchange

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Environmental groups want work halted on Snake River dams

BOISE, Idaho (AP) — Environmental groups are asking a federal court to halt 11 infrastructure projects on four lower Snake River dams in Washington state that could ultimately be removed if a pending review determines the dams need to come out to help salmon. The National Wildlife Federation and the other groups in a separate, 29-page filing also late Monday asked that the federal government be ordered to spill more water in the spring over the four Snake River dams and four more on the Columbia River to help migrating salmon. Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Woman sentenced to life in Oklahoma State homecoming crash

(AP) — A woman charged with killing four people and injuring dozens more by driving her car into spectators at Oklahoma State University's 2015 homecoming parade was sentenced Tuesday to life in prison after accepting a plea deal. Adacia Chambers, 26, was sentenced in Payne County District Court after pleading no contest to four counts of second-degree murder and 39 counts of assault and battery. Chambers' attorneys had argued in pretrial hearings that she had a mental illness and was experiencing... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Pennsylvania jurors award $88M in child rape civil case

(AP) — Jurors in central Pennsylvania say a man serving decades in state prison after pleading guilty to raping a 6-year-old boy should have to pay the victim $88 million. A jury in Harrisburg on Tuesday issued the verdict on damages against 62-year-old Ira Scott Task of Harrisburg, who's serving 17½ to 40 years in prison.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

The Latest: Wyden pushes Comey to talk Russia, Trump

Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., cited news reports and comments by the Russian foreign minister who said the Russians had contact with people associated with the president-elect's campaign. Kelly says in a questionnaire from the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs that achieving that goal starts with "physical obstacles like a border wall and supporting surveillance technologies." President-elect Donald Trump's pick to lead the Department of Homeland Security is emphasizing his... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Ex-top Utah prosecutor arrested to make sure he'll testify

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — A former top deputy Utah attorney general was arrested Tuesday to make sure he'll testify against his ex-boss next month despite a family trip to Guatemala. Torgensen is a minor witness had refused to sign a subpoena, but he had been trying to arrange a video testimony or to be flown back for his court appearance, Tolman said. "To arrest a former longstanding prosecutor who gave a lot to this state when he's here for his mother's funeral, I think it makes you sit back and say... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Man arrested in Fargo, accused of threatening US senator

FARGO, N.D. (AP) — Federal authorities have arrested a Fargo man suspected of making threats against U.S. Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, of North Dakota. A spokeswoman for Heitkamp says it was the Democratic senator who was threatened, but that further details would have to come from the U.S. attorney's office. An affidavit filed in federal court alleges that the suspect sent an email last month threatening to shoot a senator in the head.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Warriors’ Klay Thompson to rest against Miami

Thompson, who has played through an undisclosed illness the past two games, was not seen at shootaround late Tuesday morning. With the two-time NBA All-Star sidelined, head coach Steve Kerr is expected to start rookie Patrick McCaw in Thompson’s place. A second-round pick from UNLV, McCaw’s playing time has fallen off significantly in recent weeks as Ian Clark has beaten him out for the backup shooting guard spot. On Dec. 5, when Thompson scored a career-high 60 points in 29 minutes, he needed only 88.4 seconds of possession... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

St. Charles high school cancels classes due to stomach virus

Blaney says all of the district's 17 buildings were cleaned with bleach Monday night after Centers for Disease Control and Prevention officials recommended the method to kill viruses. District officials became aware of the illness Saturday when 10 of the 14 varsity boys basketball players at the high school became sick overnight.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

State board restores accreditation for St. Louis schools

ST. LOUIS (AP) — The Missouri Board of Education restored full accreditation to St. Louis city schools on Tuesday, citing a significant turnaround in the decade since poor academic and financial performance forced the state to seize control. Assistant education commissioner Chris Neale told board members at a meeting in Jefferson City that the district "has been on a significant upward trend," improving in virtually every category — test scores, graduation rates, attendance and financial performance. Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Paralyzed New York detective who became voice for peace dies

NEW YORK (AP) — New York Police Department Detective Steven McDonald, who was paralyzed by a teenage shooter's bullet in 1986 but publicly forgave the shooter and became an international voice for peace, died Tuesday at age 59. McDonald had been hospitalized Friday on Long Island after suffering a heart attack and died there, the NYPD said. "No one could have predicted that Steven would touch so many people, in New York and around the world," police Commissioner James O'Neill said. Like so many cops... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Trump pushes GOP leaders for fast action on health care

WASHINGTON (AP) — President-elect Donald Trump pushed Congress Tuesday to act swiftly to repeal President Barack Obama's health care law, and follow up quickly with a replacement. The push for speed and coordination came as growing numbers of Republicans expressed concerns about GOP leadership's plans to repeal the Affordable Care Act without a replacement in hand, even though the party has had more than six years to come up with one. [...] even before Trump's comments Tuesday, the notion of a... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

‘Duck Dynasty’ Producers File $100 Million Extortion Countersuit Against ITV

The producers claim the studio used launched and “outrageous campaign of intimidation and extortion” in order to lower the cost of Gurney Productions, of which ITV acquired a majority stake in 2012. “Though this filing comes as no surprise as the Gurneys attempt to salvage their reputation, ITV absolutely refutes all of the allegations in this claim as completely baseless and without merit,” ITV said in a statement in response to the Gurneys’ suit. According to ITV, an audit determined that the... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Ricketts proposes easing some Nebraska job-licensing rules

The proposals would ease requirements for aspiring cosmetologists, massage therapists, audiologists, car salesmen, potato shippers and school bus drivers, among others. The measures take aim at "the barriers that we put up in front of job creators or people who are willing to make changes in their careers, who are seeking upward mobility," Ricketts said at a news conference Tuesday. Sen. Merv Riepe, of Ralston, said the effort could help Nebraska compete more effectively with neighboring states... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Мария Багреева: глобальные климатические цели достижимы лишь при участии городов

Путин в России и мире

Крестьянин или князь: откуда идет род семьи Путина

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Концерт с известными артистами пройдет в Санкт-Петербурге на День России


Посол Индии в РФ заявил о намерении углублять отношения Москвы и Нью-Дели

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