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10 The Walking Dead Memes That Perfectly Sum Up The Show

To describe The Walking Dead in a few words might include ones like death, destruction, apocalypse, survival, and power. There is no shortage of The Walking Dead memes, but only a handful manage to sum up these themes with just a simple image and a few words. The show is, after all, about much more than surviving an apocalyptic event.

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It's about the characters, the difficult decisions they have to make, and the possibilities of rebuilding a society and humanity in the face of tremendous adversity. Memes are designed to be funny and light-hearted, but some of them truly capture the essence of the show.

Via: Inverse.com 

Rick's transformation on The Walking Dead has been extraordinary, but not quite as dramatic as depicted in this meme. He went from a clean-cut, clean-shaven innocent-looking man to having straggly hair, a scruffy beard, and dirt and blood covering his face most days.

When Rick left the show, he looked somewhere in between these two versions of himself. But the ape-man image is an exaggerated reflection of how he could have looked had he continued transforming into someone completely unrecognizable from the man fans came to know and love.

Via: HorrorSociety.com 

It's easy to forget how Rick looked in the first season of the show, a lowly sheriff who found himself the leader of a group of people. He has also experienced a range of emotions throughout the show's many episodes, which are perfectly captured in this meme.

While the meme features images of Rick from the first season of the show, it's a perfect representation of everything the show is about as well: love, survival, morals, battling against enemies, and dealing with the undead.

Via: PasteMagazine.com 

Fans who have stuck with the show know that it went through a period when things were less than thrilling and the story about the fight against the Saviors dragged on for too long. That lull period on the show, while intense, is beautifully captured in this meme.

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Several episodes appeared like they might be the perfect ones to show a climax and an end to a storyline that dragged. Instead, the group simply talked and planned and strategized while not much exciting happened.

Via: Stella Johansson on Pinterest 

Also one of the most hilarious The Walking Dead memes, one of the biggest moments on the show was the death scene with Abraham and Glenn. Except all everyone talked about after was how much Glenn would be missed.

The image of Abraham standing in the rain looking despondent perfectly captured how the character, a main one on the show and a big part of it for many years, was completely forgotten. This is despite being the first of two main characters killed in the one big, and polarizing, episode.

Via: Mandatory.com

Carol has become synonymous with freshly baked cookies for interesting reasons. The cookies represent Carol's pre-apocalypse self, a quiet, battered housewife who cooked, cleaned, and cared for her daughter. But when she made cookies as her newly confident self, it was only to put on an act and make her seem unassuming when she was anything but.

Making freshly baked cookies was one of the things Carol did in Alexandria to make herself seem not only useful but completely harmless. Little did everyone know, of course, that the cookies represented only one, small side of the true Carol.

Via: PostApocalypticMedia.com 

This calendar was created to pinpoint the most challenging times throughout the year 2020 at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. But it also perfectly encapsulates the emotional journeys and action, and all the highs and lows, seen in The Walking Dead episodes as well throughout its long run.

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From quiet moments of solace to horrifying moments of grief and times when the group was ready for battle, it sounds a lot like what everyone went through in real life during this time as well.

Via: TellTalesOnline.com 

It's no secret that Carol is a fan-favorite character, and while Alpha has gone down as one of the best villains on The Walking Dead, she was still no match for Carol. While she did manage to get under Carol's skin in the worst ways, when it comes to powerful female characters on the show, no one is as admirable as Carol.

Thus, while some might consider Alpha, Michonne, and even Maggie to be the most fearless, strong, and confident women on the show, Carol's mix of quiet skill and unassuming look is what makes her the one no one should ever cross.

Via: CBR.com

Negan was one of the biggest adversaries Rick ever faced on the show, seemingly possessing no moral compass and never thinking twice about doing something gruesome and horrifying. Thus, this meme perfectly sums up who the character used to be: he wouldn't bat an eye at killing even a young man while his pregnant wife looked on.

Negan has had one of the most interesting character arcs on The Walking Dead, but that doesn't negate who he once was. And this meme perfectly sums up who the barb-wired bat-wielding man was when he was first introduced, and through much of his run on the show.

Via: @WalkingDead_AMC on Twitter

While this image has been turned into a meme over and over again in many different humorous ways, thanks to the awkward placing of the words that should read "don't open, dead inside" but appear to read "don't dead, open inside," this particular image speaks to the theme of the show. This is especially since it relates to one of the most powerful communities on The Walking Dead, Terminus.

At every turn, the group finds themselves chasing something. It might be a sanctuary or some kind, a cure, someone or something they believe can help. But at almost every turn, the place or the person or the thing turns out to be not what they had expected. Signs like this are juxtaposed by signs that promised sanctuary at Terminus, which the group trusted simply because they needed hope. Even though they were skeptical, hope is all they have. It's a powerful image that speaks to the overarching themes of the show.

Via: Geek.Cheezburger.com 

Any long-time fan of the show knows that Sunday evenings are always The Walking Dead nights. It's a day to celebrate knowing that once the chores are done and the kids are in bed, it's time to turn on the TV, cozy up on the couch, and enjoy the intense action and thrilling drama alongside favorite characters.

Of course, Daryl Dixon is one of the most popular characters on the show, and the image of him dancing is a far cry from anything the character he plays on the show would ever do. But this juxtaposition is precisely what makes the meme work.

NEXT: 10 Burning Questions Fans Have After The Second Half Of Season 11 Of The Walking Dead

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