Afghans, New To The U.S., Go From War Zone To COVID-19 Hot Zone
Afghans who helped U.S. troops back home in Afghanistan have ended up in the New York area with their families, and they're helping fight the coronavirus.
Afghans who helped U.S. troops back home in Afghanistan have ended up in the New York area with their families, and they're helping fight the coronavirus.
The National Cowboy Museum in Oklahoma is closed during the pandemic. NPR's David Greene talks to Tim Tiller, who's in charged of the museum's security, and is manning the museum's Twitter feed.
Vietnamese author Nguyen Phan Que Mai grew up amid the devastation of war. Her memories of that time, and her family's experiences, became the inspiration for her new novel, The Mountains Sing.
As parts of the U.S. aim to move out of lockdown, a key tool to contain coronavirus cases will be contact tracing. It's something health workers in low-income countries have lots of experience with.
Banks handling the federal government's loan program for small businesses made more than $10 billion in fees, while thousands of small businesses were shut out of the program.
President Trump seems to be itching for states to reopen — frankly, faster than his own administration's guidelines recommend.
Donald Trump accuses Joe Biden of being cozy with Chinese leaders. The Biden campaign says Trump is ineffective with China on the coronavirus, escalating a central showdown in the campaign.
The Navajo Nation high coronavirus infection rate means schools are closed. But online learning is impossible for many who lack electricity and can't access the internet.
Americans are looking for help from Washington, at a time when Democrats are pushing a stronger safety net and Republicans are debating small-government conservatism vs. big-government populism.
Widespread testing is key to lifting social distancing and preventing more waves of COVID-19. But how do communities know if they're doing sufficient testing to stay on top of outbreaks?
Climate change activists had planned three days of protests and other events for the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. But with the coronavirus pandemic, they will be virtual.
Millions of children are taking classes online due to the coronavirus pandemic. But for families who live in homeless shelters, homeschooling is more than just inconvenient. It's overwhelming.
Nick Hakim premieres new music from a dark corner of his bedroom in Bushwick, Brooklyn.
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police originally reported at least 16 dead after Saturday's attacks, in which the assailant shot victims at multiple locations and then set fire to the crime scenes.
Cuomo said at their White House meeting Trump committed to procure more testing supplies from China and other overseas manufacturers. He said they agreed the Navy ship Comfort could leave New York.
On this broadcast of The National Conversation, a philosopher tackles your questions about the pandemic's effect on ethical frameworks. We also answer questions about the economy and mental health.
The Census Bureau is trying to measure how the pandemic is affecting jobs, spending, housing, education and health in the U.S., so it's asking close to 14 million people to fill out an online survey.
Wall Street Journal chief economics commentator Greg Ip talks about the new aid package passed in the Senate and answers listener questions about the economy and stimulus checks.
David Chan, a philosophy professor at the University of Alabama, puzzles over the moral quandaries listeners face during the coronavirus outbreak.
ICU nurse Jennifer Binstock, head of the American Psychiatry Association Dr. Bruce Schwartz and NPR's Yuki Noguchi discuss the mental toll the COVID-19 crisis is taking on health care workers.
ICU nurse Jennifer Binstock, head of the American Psychiatry Association Dr. Bruce Schwartz and NPR's Yuki Noguchi discuss the mental toll the COVID-19 crisis is taking on health care workers.
How does one prepare legal documents if diagnosed with COVID-19? Estate planning attorney Stephanie Perry advises listeners on whether and how to prepare a will and get other documents in order.
Suzanne Clark, president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, tells All Things Considered that reopening the economy "will be phased in." She also says businesses will need more help to survive.
Robert O'Brien said the White House doesn't know if money from China influenced the organization's decision-making, "but there are very few explanations for the way the WHO has conducted itself."
NPR's Mary Louise Kelly speaks with Sen. Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich., about the latest deal to expand the Paycheck Protection Program. — информационный сайт, транслирующий новости города Вашего города онлайн. Всё, что происходило и происходит в городе — в оперативной ленте ежедневных новостей в интерактивном режиме на сайте
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