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Новости за 03.12.2020


COVID-19 Rant now a Heavy Metal Song

Portuguese Guitarist Hilariously Turns US Television Evangelist's COVID-19 Rant Into a Heavy Metal Song by Lori Dorn on December 1, 2020 FacebookTwitterMore Portuguese Guitarist Hilariously Turns US Television Evangelist's COVID-19 Rant Into a Heavy Metal SongWhile playing with his daughter, guitarist Andr'e Atunes saw an American television evangelist passing judgment upon COVID-19 and banishing it from the United States for good. Atunes did what any good father would do and hilariously turned... Читать дальше...


Chinese woman blocks alleged ex-boyfriend's wedding car in attempt to 'change his mind'

A woman stopped her alleged ex-boyfriend's wedding car on a busy road in southern China by standing in front of it. The video, filmed in the city of Yulin in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region on December 2, shows a woman standing in front of a wedding car forcing it to stop in the road. According to reports, the woman shouted into her phone, "I will not separate with you," before rushing into the busy road to stop the wedding car. The woman finally left after failing to change the groom's mind. Читать дальше...


US homeowner films close-up footage of bear cubs inspecting a bin outside their window

A homeowner in Canton, Connecticut filmed the family of bears investigating a dumpster just outside her window. Tristian Luke recorded the moment three bear cubs started climbing on the dumpster as their mum is seen pacing back and forth nearby. Luke told Newsflare: "Only four feet away from the camera, a super shiny black mama bear and her three cubs explore the dumpster. "Life is for fun when you're just a pup. And raiding the garbage with mom, of course. "A beautiful black mama bear in Canton, Connecticut. Читать дальше...


Vertigo-inducing footage shows barefooted workers negotiating bamboo scaffolding to re-paint 155ft pillar

Vertigo-inducing footage shows barefooted workers without any safety ropes balancing on bamboo scaffolding to re-paint a 155-ft tall monument in Myanmar. The fearless builders used flimsy poles tied together with frayed string to climb the huge independence pillar in the centre of the capital Yangon. They scampered to the top as white paint splashed on their feet - all without any harnesses, ropes, helmets or safety gear. Astonishing footage captured by one of the decorators shows the dizzying view from the top of the statue... Читать дальше...


Chilling moment king cobra slithers through flooded home as woman sits on sofa

This is the terrifying moment a 14ft-long SNAKE swam through a family's flooded home. The serpent emerged after heavy rain caused severe floods which killed at least five people in southern Thailand at the start of December. CCTV footage shows the deadly king cobra floating in from the entrance to the restaurant which is attached to the family's home in Nakhon Si Thammarat. Chillingly, the serpent was just a few inches from owner Rinrada Kaewruang, 30, who was sitting on a sofa in the corner of the room. Читать дальше...


Victoria. Jackson returns

star witness Melissa Carone turns out just like one would assume. "I know the best people... yadda, yadda, yadda.." (deemed "not credible" for which she's lucky. she could go to jail for being a lying .)


Brave policeman grapples with huge python found inside car engine

This is the dramatic moment a brave policeman caught a huge python that was hiding inside a car engine. Officers rushed over when the driver heard hissing noises coming from the silver Honda in Bangkok, Thailand, on November 29. One of the cops opened the hood revealing a ferocious snake which made onlookers gasp with surprise. Footage shows how one cop used a bamboo stick to catch the 6ft long snake as it frantically tried to wriggle away. The serpent even wrapped itself around the officer's arm. Читать дальше...


Chinese officials rescue dozens of dogs locked in cages at slaughterhouse

Officials rescued around 40 dogs waiting to be butchered and made into sausages in a rural village in southern China. In the video, shot in the city of Leshan in Sichuan Province on December 1, local officers took the dogs which were locked in cages out from a small yard and loaded them onto a vehicle where they were transferred to a shelter. According to reports, animal lovers found the farmhouse which is used for slaughtering and cooking dogs and reported it to the local authorities. After negotiating with the farmhouse owner... Читать дальше...


Talented 6-year-old sets national record for football kick-ups in India

A 6-year-old boy has entered the Indian Book of Records for the most amount of football kick-ups in one minute. Karunavataram Dhyani from Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh managed to complete 137 kick-ups with both feet in just one minute, earning himself a national record. Footage from June 22 shows Dhyani effortlessly juggle the ball from one foot to the other without it touching the ground.


Joe Rogan

From podcast


Pedestrians and motorists team up to free girl trapped underneath car in China

Kind-hearted passersby lifted up a car together to free a biker trapped underneath in southern China. The CCTV video, shot in the city of Zhongshan in Guangdong Province on December 1, shows a car running over a primary school student who was riding to cross a road on a bike. The car then stopped and two people came out of it to check the situation. Nearby pedestrians were seen gathering to the car to try to lift it up together to free the girl. After around 90 seconds, the girl was rescued and was sent to hospital. Читать дальше...


Chinese artist turns utility pole transparent with clever optical illusion painting

An artist turned a utility pole transparent with a painting that allowed the pole to blend in with its surroundings. The impressive clip, filmed in the city of Chenzhou in Hunan Province on October 26, shows a man named Huang Yao painting the surrounding field, grass and trees onto a part of a utility pole so it would blend in. According to reports, Huang has been painting for 14 years. It took him around one to two hours to finish the illusion. The video was provided by local media with permission.


Villagers catch fish on flooded roads in southern Thailand

Locals caught fish on flooded roads after heavy rain in Songkhla, southern Thailand, on Tuesday (December 1). The deluge from an overflowing river covered surrounding roads in the Singhanakhon district. Villagers then brought their own nets to catch their lunch. The region, close the border with Malaysia, has been lashed with storms and is expected to suffer more heavy rain and flash floods until December 4. Officials said that in the neighbouring province of Nakhon Si Thammarat, at least... Читать дальше...


Indian river is turned pink as thousands of beautiful aquatic plants bloom

This river in Kozhikode, Kerala has been turned pink as thousands of aquatic plants named forked fanwort bloom. The river in the village of Avala Pandi has transformed colour as the flowers blossom and sit on the water's surface. Known locally as mullan payal, the forked fanwort is not native to the Indian state and it is thought that the flower could have a negative impact on the river's ecosystem. Biologists have suggested the plant could drain the river of its natural resources and oxygen. Читать дальше...


Rescuers drive tractor through Thailand floods to reach stranded residents

A tractor battled through flooded roads to reach stranded residents after heavy rain caused severe flooding in southern Thailand, killing at least five people. Footage from Wednesday evening (December 2) shows the desperate scenes in the Thung Yai district of Nakhon Si Thammarat province, the worst affected area. Many elderly residents were carried out in rafts and loaded onto the tractor, which is normally used on a farm, before being taken to the hospital. Officials said that at least five... Читать дальше...


Do you want to survive 2021?

A conspiracy theorist talks about the history he learned from World War I Veterans, the Great Depression, Gold Confiscation, and the Banker/Corporate attempted coup of America 1934. History not only heard 2nd hand, lived 1st hand. My Great Grandparents came from Sweden. They lives in a single room shack made out of dirt, a sod house. They burned all the furniture, kitchen table, chairs, and anything flammable to survive a cruel winter out on the plains of North Dakota. 3 or 4 months shut in a single room... Читать дальше...







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Экология в России и мире

«Чистая Арктика» разработает стандарт сбора и вывоза отходов из удаленных мест

Путин в России и мире

Американская разведка предупредила Байдена: Путин не пошутил, Зеленский тянет нас в ад

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Александр Лукашенко анонсировал название для 2025 года и всей пятилетки, у студентов было другое предложение

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Иницитатива Киева: Белый дом снял ответственность за визит Зеленского на военный завод

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Сергей Рахманинов

В Тамбове пройдут конные бега под музыку Рахманинова


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