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Новости за 03.07.2018

History News Network 

Looking Back at the Making of a Legendary Play, "Rent"

A standard story in show business is that of the scrappy composer/writer/actor who struggles for years and then makes good. We all know that man or woman is one out of a million, but the story always works. Sometimes, though, it has a tragic edge. That’s the tale of Jonathan Larson, the creator of the epic Broadway musical hit Rent.

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History News Network 

Trump’s GOP Is Now at War with Families?

The heart-rending images of migrant families being separated at the border generated a political maelstrom for Republicans that resulted in the capitulation of President Trump on June 20th. Trump signed an executive order that, he said, would keep migrant families together at the border. At the time of writing, 2000 migrant children continue to be in detention centers, separated from their families, as the Republican-dominated Congress struggles to consider an immigration reform bill. (The House... Читать дальше...

History News Network 

Supreme Court Nominations: Questions and Answers

Related Links

●   Supreme Court Nominations:  HNN's General Coverage

●   HNN Hot Topic:  Filibusters

How many people have been appointed to the Supreme Court?

125 people have been appointed to the Court. According to the US Senate website seven declined to serve.

Why was President Obama denied a chance to make a third appointment to the Court?

President Barack Obama is a Democrat.  The US Senate was controlled by the Republicans when Antonin Scalia died and a seat opened up on the Court. Читать дальше...

History News Network 

Remember When Pence Praised Trump to His Face 14 Times in Under 3 Minutes?

The presidency of Donald J. Trump has stressed many institutions of American government and democracy, and the vice presidency is no exception. Prior to Trump’s presidency, six consecutive administrations, three from each party, had embraced the White House vice presidency, the new model for the nation’s second office that Jimmy Carter and Walter Mondale created more than 40 years ago. Vice President Mike Pence has benefitted from these precedents during his first 17 months in office but Trump’s... Читать дальше...

History News Network 

Seymour Hersh Vs. Our Official Narratives

Murray Polner, formerly HNN's senior book review editor, blogs at There's No There There. He is the author of No Victory Parades: The Return of the Vietnam Veteran, Branch Rickey: A Biography, and co-editor of We Who Dared Say No To War.

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History News Network 

How We Got the Statue of Liberty

Although historians don’t typically play the game of What If, it's hard to know if the United States could have won independence from the British without the aid of the French. At critical times during the Revolutionary War, the French provided munitions, ships, money and men, and some Frenchmen, including the Marquis de Lafayette, became high-ranking officers in the Continental Army. It was, as one historian proclaimed, “an alliance of respect and friendship that the French would not forget.”... Читать дальше...

History News Network 

An Accident of History Gave Us Anthony Kennedy, SCOTUS, Supreme Court

Another accident gave us Harry Blackmun. What does that tell you?

Presidents Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan both had the opportunity to appoint four Supreme Court Justices, with three appointments each being accomplished without much fanfare. But both Presidents had one situation where not one, but two, Supreme Court selections became controversial, and forced both Nixon and Reagan to go to a “third choice” to accomplish the goal of completing an appointment to the highest court in the land. Читать дальше...

History News Network 

Why It Mattered that Lawyers Dominated Politics on the Eve of the Civil War and After

There’s a constitutional crisis brewing in the United States. At the center of the maelstrom are a group of lawyers. Their names are familiar to everybody who follows the news: special prosecutor Robert Mueller; presidential legal advisor Rudy Giuliani, attorney general Jeff Sessions; and legal fixer Michael Cohen. They carry on combat in courts, in Congress, and in the media. But no one draws a sword. No one threatens secession. No blood is let, and none is likely to be shed. We expect nothing less from lawyers. Читать дальше...

History News Network 

Journalists Need to Keep in Mind that Donald Trump Didn’t Win a Mandate for Anything

Commentators in the print and video media often complain about President Donald Trump’s aggressive actions regarding immigration, tariffs, health care, climate change, guns, the Iran nuclear agreement, and other controversial topics, but they recognize that he won the election. Reluctantly, they acknowledge that Trump has a mandate to take strong positions on the issues. But they are wrong. Donald Trump does not possess impressive authority to move the nation dramatically in new directions. Pundits... Читать дальше...

History News Network 

FROM OUR ARCHIVES Ten Myths for the Fourth of July

Related Link HNN Hot Topic:  July 4th

1. On July 4, 1776, the United States declared itself an independent nation. This is almost true, but the timing is a tad off. According to the historical record, we should be celebrating Independence Day on July 2, the day Congress finally approved the motion made by Richard Henry Lee on June 7: “That these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States, that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown, and... Читать дальше...

History News Network 

HNN Hot Topics: July 4th

Click HERE for our most recent articles.


  • Ten Myths for the Fourth of July By Ray Raphael
  • Top 5 Myths About the Fourth of July By Rick Shenkman
  • Old Glory: Patriotic Symbol? By Rick Shenkman
  • Frederick Douglass: What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?
  • July 4, 1965:  Gay protests held in Philadelphia
  • News Stories

  • Marist Poll reveals ignorance of July 4th history (7-5-11)
  • Tea party gatherings on the Fourth mix the educational... Читать дальше...
  • History News Network 

    Review of “Denmark Vesey’s Garden: Slavery and Memory in the Cradle of the Confederacy” by Ethan Kytle and Blain Roberts

    On March 21, 1865, the recently emancipated black residents of Charleston South Carolina, staged a parade to celebrate their new freedom. The city had been taken a month earlier by Union Army troops led by a thousand soldiers from the 21st United States Colored troops. When the parade got underway, it was led by the black soldiers, marching in formation, followed by more than five thousand people. 

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    History News Network 

    The Little-Known Reason for the Battle of Gettysburg

    On the eve of the 155th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg, does anyone remember why it took place there? Or why it began on July 1st? Most recent scholarship would answer that Robert E. Lee designed an offensive operation into Pennsylvania to offset recent Rebel setbacks and to gain greater access to the rich harvests of the Shenandoah Valley. But that doesn’t really answer the questions of why there and why then.        

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    History News Network 

    The Making of the Führer

    The collapse of any society brings forth monsters, to adapt Goya.

    In this sense, there was nothing uniquely German about the Nazis. Hitler and the National Socialist party he created could have happened anywhere.

    It is fair to say that had America, Britain, France or any nation for that matter, been left in the brutalized state of Germany in 1918-19, they may have found their own Führer, preying on their humiliation and social chaos, and blaming it all on a defenseless minority.

    In this light... Читать дальше...

    History News Network 

    Was the “Wizard of Oz” a Feminist Tract?

    “Does The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Have a Hidden Meaning?” That’s the title of a TED-Ed video from last year. Since I had written, years ago, a couple essays on Oz and American culture, the TED folks asked me to write a script for the video. I started with Henry Littlefield, a high school history teacher who, in 1963, used L. Frank Baum’s story to teach some of the difficult (and, for many students, boring) issues of the Gilded Age. Littlefield suggested that the Tin Woodman (no heart) represented... Читать дальше...

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    Экология в России и мире

    Под Симферополем продолжается строительство нового крупного микрорайона

    Путин в России и мире

    Акции Газпрома на Московской бирже поднялись на 1,76% после поручения Путина

    Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

    Лукашенко дал ответ на вопрос, в каком случае Минск применит ядерное оружие

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    Здоровье в России и мире

    Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



    Елена Волкова

    В Москве ежегодно состоялся юбилейный, всероссийский, патриотический гала-концерт «Проза и поэзия» «Россия - семья семей»


    Терапевт Кондрахин посоветовал идти к врачу при наличии болей в грудной клетке

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