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Новости за 04.07.2024

France24.com (en) 

Lebanon's Hezbollah rains 200 rockets on Israel as Gaza war rages

Lebanon's Hezbollah launched a barrage of more than 200 rockets and drones at Israeli army positions on Thursday as tensions soared amid the almost nine-month-old war raging in Gaza. FRANCE 24's Irris Makler reports from Jerusalem.

France24.com (en) 

Blind warns Netherlands over Turkey 'away' Euros quarters clash

An estimated three million Turkish people live in Germany and their fans have flocked to their matches so far this summer, creating fierce and raucous atmospheres. One-time winners in 1988, Netherlands face Turkey in Berlin aiming for a spot in the semi-finals against England or Switzerland. "It will be an away match I think, the Turks will be there en masse," Girona centre-back Blind told reporters on Thursday. "They are passionate, it will be an emotional match. We have to be on guard, we will... Читать дальше...

France24.com (en) 

Contepomi names new-look Argentina for first France Test

Contepomi, 46, took over from Australian Michael Cheika after last year's Rugby World Cup and has made nine changes to the starting lineup from the third-place play-off defeat by England for Saturday's game. Winger Bautista Delguy will make his first international appearance since November 2022 having missed out on World Cup selection. The other changes in the backs are full-back Martin Bogado, centre Matias Moroni and scrum-half Gonzalo Bertranou. Among the pack they are No 8 Joaquin Oviedo, flanker Pablo Matera... Читать дальше...

France24.com (en) 

Wimbledon craves Murray magic, Djokovic in action

Murray, the champion in 2013 and 2016, was desperate for one last crack at the singles but ran out of time after recent surgery to remove a spinal cyst. The British former world number one still has a chance to wave goodbye to his adoring fans in both the men's doubles and mixed doubles as he treads the turf for a final time, 19 years after his Wimbledon debut. "I'm hoping maybe for a bit of closure. I just want the opportunity to play one more time out there, hopefully on Centre Court, and feel... Читать дальше...

France24.com (en) 

US elections: White House says zero chance Biden will withdraw

Joe Biden is "absolutely not" pulling out of the US presidential race, his spokeswoman said Wednesday, as pressure mounted following his disastrous debate performance against Donald Trump. Panic has gripped his Democratic Party in the wake of last week's TV debate, and internal rumblings about finding a replacement candidate before November's election have been amplified by polls showing Trump extending his lead. FRANCE 24's Kethevane Gorjestani tells us more.

France24.com (en) 

Labour hopeful, Conservatives morose as voters deliver their verdict on UK's election day

British voters are picking a new government Thursday in a parliamentary election that is widely expected to bring the Labour Party to power against a gloomy backdrop of economic malaise, mounting distrust in institutions and a fraying social fabric. A jaded electorate is delivering its verdict on Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's Conservative Party, which has been in power since 2010.

France24.com (en) 

French legislative elections: More than 200 candidates exit runoff to block far-right

More than 200 centrist and left-wing candidates pulled out of France's legislative election runoff by a Tuesday deadline, in a move President Emmanuel Macron hopes will block the far right from winning power. France votes on Sunday in the final round of snap legislative polls Macron called seeking a "clarification" in politics after his camp was trounced in European elections last month.

France24.com (en) 

Back from the field: Reformist, ultraconservative in Iran presidential runoff

Iranians will vote on Friday in a presidential runoff pitting the reformist Masoud Pezeshkian against ultraconservative anti-Western former nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili. Around 61 million Iranians are eligible to cast ballots in the election, which was called after the death of ultraconservative president Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash. It will be held amid heightened regional tensions over the Gaza war, a dispute with the West over Iran's nuclear programme and popular discontent over the state of Iran's sanctions-hit economy. Читать дальше...

France24.com (en) 

Trafficked Cambodian artefacts returned from US

The Angkorian artworks, which included a 10th century goddess sandstone statute and a large Buddha head from the 7th century, were stolen by antiquities trafficker Douglas Latchford before ending up in New York. "I am so glad and so happy to see our ancestors back home," Cambodian Culture Minister Phoeurng Sackona said at the repatriation ceremony. "We have many more treasures at the Met which we also hope will be returned to Cambodia," she added. Sackona said more than 50 stolen artifacts would... Читать дальше...

France24.com (en) 

Turkey’s Erdogan to attend Euro 2024 quarterfinals in Berlin amid diplomatic row

Turkey’s Erdogan is expected to attend the Euro 2024 quarterfinals on Saturday in Germany despite a recent row between Ankara and Berlin over a Turkish footballer, who signalled a nationalist gesture at a match. Germany condemned the behaviour, which drew criticism from Turkey accusing German authorities of xenophobia.

France24.com (en) 

Hajj pilgrimage tragedy: FRANCE 24 reporters meet victims' families in Tunisia

In Saudi Arabia, the annual Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca was deadly with more than 1,300 deaths. Tunisian authorities count 60 dead among Tunisian nationals, most of whom were not authorised under the quota system per country set by Saudi Arabia, and were instead there on tourist visas going through intermediaries. The tragedy has sparked fierce debate in Tunisia as FRANCE 24’s Lilia Blaise and Hamdi Tlili report.

France24.com (en) 

Biden rejects growing pressure to abandon his campaign, vows to stay 'to the end'

US President Joe Biden vowed to stay in the 2024 presidential race during calls with campaign staff and meetings with Democratic lawmakers and governors on Wednesday, as he sought to shake off calls for him to drop out after his shaky debate performance last week. Biden dialed in to a call with worried members of his campaign team and told them he wasn't going anywhere, according to two sources familiar with the call. FRANCE 24's Philip Turle tells us more.

France24.com (en) 

‘Problematic past’: Far-right National Rally candidates scrutinised in French election

As it stands on the threshold of power in France, the far-right National Rally is facing scrutiny about some of the candidates it hopes will help it secure a ruling majority in legislative elections on Sunday, including a woman it has pulled from the high-stakes race over a photo of her wearing a World War II-era Nazi officer’s cap. Other National Rally candidates whose suitability is being questioned by the party’s critics and opponents include a woman said by French media to have once held a town employee hostage at gunpoint... Читать дальше...

France24.com (en) 

India's World Cup winners meet PM Modi before victory parade

Frenzied crowds shouted "India, India" after the team landed at Delhi airport from the Caribbean, having been delayed for days by Hurricane Beryl. The team waved to the crowds and danced to drums and live music at their hotel before heading off to meet Modi at his residence. Rohit and his team wore Indian jerseys emblazoned with "Champions", as broadcasters showed images of them meeting the premier. Modi posed for a photograph with the team before sitting down for a chat with the players. The... Читать дальше...

France24.com (en) 

Hong Kong celebrates design guru who left his mark

Steiner's logos adorn the skyscraper headquarters of multinational companies, emblazon the shopping bags of neighbourhood supermarkets and upmarket department stores, and can even be seen on the face of banknotes issued in the territory. The designs have for decades been familiar to Hong Kong's 7.5 million people -- as well as countless visitors -- but not many people realise they all came from the mind of one man. Now 90, having lived in Hong Kong since arriving as a 27-year-old in 1961, Steiner... Читать дальше...

France24.com (en) 

???? Live: French government spokesperson 'attacked' while putting up campaign posters

French government spokesperson Prisca Thevenot and her team were attacked by multiple people Wednesday evening while putting up election posters in her constituency near Paris, France’s prime minister confirmed. Thevenot, a French MP and member of President Emmanuel Macron’s Renaissance party, was reportedly unharmed, though one of her team members was wounded in the arm. Follow our liveblog for all the latest developments.

France24.com (en) 

'A lot of binationals in France have interiorised that they are discriminated against in job market'

With France's far right set to win Sunday's parliamentary election runoff, voters across the country are wondering what life under a far-right National Rally (RN) government would be like. Over the years, RN leader and three-time presidential candidate Marine Le Pen has sought to craft a softened and more polished image of her party and shed its historical links to antisemitism, racism and France’s painful WWII collaboration with the Nazi occupation. Now as the RN finds itself on the cusp of power... Читать дальше...

France24.com (en) 

Making an impression: Swiss collection shown in a new light

Around 50 paintings, including works by Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Paul Cezanne, Claude Monet and Edgar Degas, are being shown in brighter surroundings at the Hermitage Foundation in Lausanne while the Langmatt undergoes renovation. "I've never seen the paintings in this light," the Langmatt's director Markus Stegmann said. The collection has never been seen outside the cocoon of the Langmatt villa in Baden, near Zurich, where the artworks are displayed under the light of crystal chandeliers and latticed windows. Читать дальше...

France24.com (en) 

New era as Wright named Wallabies captain for Wales Test

The Queensland Reds flanker takes over from Will Skelton, who skippered them during their disastrous Rugby World Cup campaign under Eddie Jones last year. Skelton is based overseas and was not considered for the two-Test series against the Welsh, starting in Sydney on Saturday. Whether Wright, who has played five Tests and none since 2020, is the long-term choice remains to be seen -- there have been six other captains in the space of a year. Allan Alaalatoa and Tate McDermott, who both start from the bench... Читать дальше...

France24.com (en) 

Verdict due over deadly Oslo Pride attack

Zaniar Matapour, who pledged allegiance to the Islamic State group, is accused of opening fire on June 25, 2022 outside two bars in central Oslo, including a famous gay club, just hours before the Pride Parade. Nine other people were wounded. Norway's public prosecutor has sought the maximum penalty of 30 years behind bars -- with possible extensions -- for the 45-year-old Norwegian of Iranian origin. Matapour's verdict is expected around 1:00 pm (1100 GMT). He is accused of an "aggravated act of terror". Читать дальше...

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Путин поздравил Московский джазовый оркестр с 25-летием

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

País: союзники Киева начали давить на Зеленского для завершения конфликта

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

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Глушаков стал игроком клуба Басты из Медиалиги


Голикова порадовала: деньги для детей и подростков на этой карте по-прежнему будут — халява, плиз

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