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Exact dates huge energy firm with 4million customers will pay £150 discount to thousands

A HUGE energy firm with four million customers is set to pay thousands of customers a £150 automatic discount on their bills.

Ovo Energy is giving eligible customers extra cash through the Warm Home Discount to help lower bills this winter.

Ovo Energy will begin paying the Warm Home Discount to thousands of customers within weeks[/caption]

The eligibility requirements for the Warm Home Discount are the same as last year.

Between now and December, the government will issue letters to households that are eligible for the scheme.

Ovo Energy has now said that it will aim to pay the discount by the end of December 2024 or within six weeks of being told by the government at the beginning of October.

However, a selected number of customers could be paid between January and the end of March is their eligibility confirmation is delayed.

To qualify, you need to claim either the guaranteed credit element of pension credit or a different qualifying benefit form the list below:

If you weren’t claiming any of the above benefits on August 11, 2024, you won’t be eligible for the payment.

Where someone claims a qualifying benefit, the government will assess their energy costs based on the type, age and size of property. 

This means that you may not be considered eligible for the Warm Home Discount if you live in a more energy-efficient property for instance, even if you receive a qualifying benefit.

However, this rule doesn’t apply to recipients of the guarantee credit portion of pension credit.

Around 800,000 pensioners are eligible for pension credit but not claiming it.

As well as missing out on a £300 winter fuel payments, they won’t get the £150 Warm Home Discount payment.

Even if you weren’t getting pension credit on August 11, thousands of pensioners who apply for the benefit now can still qualify for the £150 payment.

This is because pension credit rules allow first-time claimants to backdate their benefit entitlement by three months.

So you’ll need to launch your claim by Friday, October 11 and then successfully get it backdated to cover the August 11 Warm Home Discount qualifying date.

But if you fail to apply before this date you’ll miss out.

What is pension credit and how do I apply?

PENSION credit tops up your weekly income to £218.15 if you are single or to £332.95 if you have a partner.

This is known as “guarantee credit”.

If your income is lower than this, you’re very likely to be eligible for the benefit.

However, if your income is slightly higher, you might still be eligible for pension credit if you have a disability, you care for someone, you have savings or you have housing costs.

You could get an extra £81.50 a week if you have a disability or claim any of the following:

  • Attendance allowance
  • The middle or highest rate from the care component of disability living allowance (DLA)
  • The daily living component of personal independence payment (PIP)
  • Armed forces independence payment
  • The daily living component of adult disability payment (ADP) at the standard or enhanced rate.

ou could get the “savings credit” part of pension credit if both of the following apply:

  • You reached State Pension age before April 6, 2016
  • You saved some money for retirement, for example, a personal or workplace pension

This part of pension credit is worth £17.01 for single people or £19.04 for couples.

Pension credit opens the door to other support, including housing benefits, cost of living payments, council tax reductions, the winter fuel payment and the Warm Home Discount.

You can start your application up to four months before you reach state pension age.

We’ve explained everything you need to know about Ovo Energy’s scheme below.

Do I need to apply for the discount?

Households in England and Wales don’t have to apply to get the cash and receive it automatically.

You should look out for a letter between October 2024 and early January 2025 telling you:

  • You’re eligible and you’ll get the discount automatically; or
  • You might be eligible, and you need to give more information.
  • The letter will tell you to call the helpline by 29 February 2024 to confirm your details.

If you don’t get the letter by early January 2024 and you think you’re eligible, you need to call the helpline on 0800 030 9322.

If you’re eligible, your electricity supplier will apply the discount to your bill by 31 March 2025. 

Some Scottish households do have to apply for the discount.

In Scotland there’s a “core group” that’ll receive an automatic payment and a “broader group” which has to apply for the scheme with their energy provider.

You’ll need to check with your energy supplier directly to see the eligibility requirements and details on how to apply.

The scheme will have more applicants than places, so make sure you apply as soon as possible.

Scottish Gas customers can apply by visiting

How will I receive the discount from Ovo Energy?

If you pay by direct debit or on receipt of your bill the £150 Warm Home Discount will be added to your electricity account as a credit.

If you have a traditional prepayment meter, Ovo Energy will send you a letter explaining how you’ll get your discount.

If you have a smart prepayment meter, Ovo Energy will credit your meter with the discount.

What other energy bill help is available?

THERE'S a number of different ways to get help paying your energy bills if you're struggling to get by.

If you fall into debt, you can always approach your supplier to see if they can put you on a repayment plan before putting you on a prepayment meter.

This involves paying off what you owe in instalments over a set period.

If your supplier offers you a repayment plan you don’t think you can afford, speak to them again to see if you can negotiate a better deal.

Several energy firms have grant schemes available to customers struggling to cover their bills.

But eligibility criteria varies depending on the supplier and the amount you can get depends on your financial circumstances.

For example, British Gas or Scottish Gas customers struggling to pay their energy bills can get grants worth up to £1,700.

British Gas also offers help via its British Gas Energy Trust and Individuals Family Fund.

You don’t need to be a British Gas customer to apply for the second fund.

EDF, E.ON, Octopus Energy and Scottish Power all offer grants to struggling customers too.

Thousands of vulnerable households are missing out on extra help and protections by not signing up to the Priority Services Register (PSR).

The service helps support vulnerable households, such as those who are elderly or ill, and some of the perks include being given advance warning of blackouts, free gas safety checks and extra support if you’re struggling.

Get in touch with your energy firm to see if you can apply.

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