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I’m a cruise expert – the common mistakes that can ruin your holiday… and my lesser-known tips to avoid them

HEADING on a cruise this summer?

The Sun’s Head of Travel, Lisa Minot, has buckets of experience sailing across continents on some of the most renowned cruise lines.

Most cruise lines will allow you to book parts of your cruise in advance

She shares her top tips for cruising here:


With such a huge variety of cruise ships on the seas right now, making sure you get the right cabin is vital.

I’d always go for a balcony or outside cabin with a window so you’ve got the perfect place to relax privately, perhaps to enjoy a sundowner cocktail or for a fabulous breakfast at sunrise. 

It’s also great for when you’re sailing somewhere like the Norwegian fjords as you’ll be passing some astonishing scenery. 

If you’re looking to spot the Northern Lights though, make sure you book at the right time.

It’s not known as the Land of the Midnight Sun for nothing – there will be daylight for many hours in summer so book in autumn or winter to guarantee it will be dark enough to spot the lights.


A little forward planning before you board can enhance your experience no end.

Most cruise lines will allow you to book parts of your cruise in advance, be it a pampering treatment in the spa or a slap-up dinner in one of the specialty restaurants.

And of course, there are those all-important excursions for the days when you’re in port. 

If you’ve got some absolute must-see or must-do’s then pre-booking an excursion will take the stress out of arriving in a new destination. 

One mistake I made when first cruising was trying to see and do too much, particularly on Caribbean islands.

You end up frazzled and exhausted – the best bet is to choose one or two signature experiences where you’ll really have time to immerse yourself. 


One of the joys of taking to the ocean wave is having your cases whisked away before you’ve even stepped onboard, but my top tip is to take a small bag to bring onboard with all your essentials like passports, medication and chargers. 

A change of clothes is a great idea if you’ve flown from chilly England to sizzling temperatures in the Mediterranean or Caribbean. 

Take time to familiarise yourself with the ship on the first day – make a note of any restaurants or facilities you’re keen to explore further. 


One of the most daunting things for cruise first-timers is navigating the dress code onboard.

There’s no one-size fits all answer but in general, cruising is not as formal as in years gone by. 

By day, think general summer holiday gear and swimwear and by night, think smart casual in the main dining rooms and speciality restaurants. 

Formal nights are when you can get your glad rags on – from cocktail dresses and gowns for women to black tie for men.

Keep an eye out on your cruise itinerary for any special themed nights – do you need to pack clothes in certain colours for example?  

It’s also worth checking if you’ll need any specific kind of clothing for your shore excursions, such as a shawl for religious temples.


Cruise ships generally don’t accept cash to pay for purchases onboard – in most cases your stateroom key card will be linked to your personal cruise account. 

You’ll be asked to connect a bank card to your account and it’s wise to make sure you use a credit card not a debit card for this. 

Most cruise lines will have the facility for you to check your account from your stateroom TV or an app on your phone so you can keep an eye on what you are spending. 

Of course, cruises take you to some amazing destinations so it’s also worth having a certain amount of local currency. 

Buying that currency online and having it delivered to your home address generally ensures you get the best rates – never fall into the trap of exchanging your money at the airport, the exchange rates are always among the worst.

Cruising is a safe and secure environment for families with non-stop entertainment and fun on tap –[/caption]


When planning a cruise, the savviest of travellers will include a land-based stay alongside their ocean journey, perhaps in port before or after a cruise. 

Should the worst happen and your flight is delayed or cancelled, there’s wiggle room there to get you to your destination before the ship sails.

But there’s also another good reason.

Many Mediterranean cruises set sail from some fabulous cities like Barcelona or Rome and if you go straight to the ship you’ll miss out on the chance to explore.  

It’s also worth thinking about the days you’ll be in port while on your cruise.

Unless you’re on a booked excursion, I’d always recommend  getting off a bit later to avoid the initial crowds and spend a little more time on board having a leisurely breakfast. 

Depending on how much you like to indulge, it may be worth buying a drinks package in advance
Depending on how much you like to indulge, it may be worth buying a drinks package in advance[/caption]


Simply sitting back and admiring that incredible ocean horizon with a glass in hand is one of my absolute favourite joys on a cruise ship.

And that’s why it’s worth exploring the options for drinks onboard your chosen ship before you sail. 

There are so many different ways to enjoy not just alcoholic drinks but premium coffees, smoothies and more. 

Depending on how much you like to indulge, it may be worth buying a drinks package in advance as some cruise lines offer incentives when you first book. 

It is also worth researching what you are allowed to bring onto the cruise in terms of alcohol – most lines will allow you to generally bring one or two unopened bottles of wine or champagne.

Some lines will also allow you to bring the bottle you brought onboard to dinner, for a small corkage fee. 


Cruising with the kids could not be easier – I took my lot onboard for the first time when my youngest was just 18 months.

It’s a safe and secure environment with non-stop entertainment and fun on tap – often far more than any land-based resort – and of course you’ve got the added benefit of exploring all those amazing ports.

There’s some great deals for families sharing a stateroom with some lines even allowing kids to sail for free.

No matter what they say, getting the kids registered at the onboard kids club is THE way to help them make friends. 

I’ll never forget going back to our room on the first night of one cruise before going to pick my two up from the kids club only to find a note on our door saying they were off to a magic show on Deck 9 with their new pals. 

With that freedom, it does make sense to arrange times and places where you will all meet up at regular intervals, some cruise lines even have apps that help you track your family members around the ship.

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