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‘Confusing mess’ at Birmingham Airport AGAIN with Brits stuck in huge queues snaking outside after ‘painful’ rule change

BRITS have slammed Birmingham Airport for being a “confusing mess” after passengers were left stuck in huge queues.

Disgruntled holidaymakers travelling through the West Midlands airport stood for hours outside as travel mayhem struck again.

Brits were stuck in huge queues at Birmingham Airport today[/caption]
One passenger filmed the scene at 5.30am[/caption]
Some claimed to have been waiting over two hours[/caption]
The West Midlands airport was yet again hit by chaotic queues[/caption]

Jet-setters were warned to arrive early as confusion over the U-turn on security rules meant travellers were being held up.

But video and pictures shared on X, formerly Twitter, this morning showed long lines snaking around at the airport’s entrance.

Holidaymakers were stuck outside with reports that queues were already mounting by 4am.

The chaotic queue marks another stressful morning for flyers who have not known whether they will get through security on time.

Some shared on social media that they had barely made it in time for their flight after queuing for hours.

One wrote: “What an absolute s*** show BHX is.

“Chaotic queues, very few staff present. Scanners that isolate bags as they don’t work properly. This is meant to be an improvement.”

Another posted a picture of an alarmingly long queue stretching outside said: “Best advice is to avoid Birmingham airport. This is the departures queue. Unacceptable.”

While a third said: “It was awful honestly, you’re better of arriving at the airport 4 hours before. I arrived 3 hours and got onto my flight at last call.”

Birmingham Airport has recruited 100 staff members, said to be in place on Friday June 14, to deal with the fall-out over the sudden UK liquid rule change.

Airport chief executive Nick Barton said that BHX has hired specialist “liquids consultants” after confusion over the 100ml hand luggage rules.

These staff will monitor every single entrance to the airport and help passengers get their bags ready for the security hall.

They will be based before any scanners to help ensure passengers are only carrying 100ml containers of liquid.

It comes as the airport says incorrect volumes of liquids have been partly responsible for delaying passengers, along with a last-minute government change to liquid rules for carry-on hand luggage, described as “painful” by Mr Barton.

Many have called for an urgent re-think to get the terminal in order ahead of the anticipated summer holiday rush, as the airport deals with a change in liquid rules, traveller confusion, and restricted queueing space.

BHX had anticipated that by June 1, the 2 litre rule would come into force.

But government transport chiefs announced they needed to re-validate all the software on every machine.

That, combined with ongoing building works and those who still mistakenly bring through more than 100ml, say BHX, is causing a major hold up to reach the scanners, particularly during the peak morning rush.

Mr Barton insisted they are hopeful that the situation will ease with the steps they are taking: “We definitely want to improve from where we are and we will.”

Why are there long queues at Birmingham Airport?

BIRMINGHAM Airport has recently opened a new £60million 'state-of-the-art' security hall.

The hall is part of a wider £300million upgrade to the airport which is expecting to handle 18million flyers a year by 2033.

The upgrade will eventually allow passengers to carry liquids of up to two litres in cabin baggage.

But regulatory approval is yet to be granted for the increased liquid limits at Birmingham.

A spokesperson has previously said that work continues on the hall.

“Although our new security hall is operational, we still have on-going building works on-site and are awaiting regulatory approval that will allow liquids of up to two litres to be taken through in cabin baggage.

“These building works will continue for the foreseeable future as we redevelop the airport, which is part of our planned, and previously announced, £300m investment.

“Until further notice, passengers are advised that they can only carry liquids up to 100ml, albeit it can stay in hand luggage and no longer needs to be in a plastic bag, when departing from Birmingham Airport.”

A Birmingham Airport spokesperson previously pinned the issues on flyers who arrived with more than 100ml of liquids in their bags.

They said: “Our new security area was designed, and resourced, to accommodate the increase to two litres being carried in cabin baggage, this currently cannot be operated with the temporary restriction.

“In order to have full compliance to this new directive we have further amended our operating process.

“We now have ‘liquid check stations’ at all entrances to the terminal where colleagues are directly assisting passengers to ensure liquids containers over 100ml are removed.

“With these additional checks we have seen a large proportion of customers still arriving with liquids over 100ml in their bags and these have to be regrettably removed and disposed of.

“Containers that can carry more than a 100ml are permitted but, need to be completely empty.

“Our security flow rate has been continuous today, helped by these extra checks and we welcome and appreciate the co-operation of our passengers in eliminating oversized liquids from their cabin baggage.

“The outdoor queues seen today are from ‘liquid check stations’.

“Since our new security area opened in May, we have seen continuous non-compliant bags coming through security causing unnecessary queues and delays to customers’ journeys.

“This new step in the process is to remove the issue before customers proceed.

“It is now, more than ever, imperative that customers abide by the 100ml rule.

“This additional layer of control risks slowing down the security process without the support of passengers.

“For customers who are less able to stand for durations we advise they book the assisted travel service.

“However, if a customer is queueing during our peak periods and feels they need assistance then our customer ambassadors are in the area and can assist them without losing their place in the line.”

The 100ml hand luggage rule at UK airports explained

GOING through airport security can be a stressful experience, so it's important to be aware of strict hand luggage rules before you travel. Most UK airports will be implementing the following rules:

  • All liquid items packed in a passenger’s hand luggage must be less than 100ml
  • Liquids include items like gels, aerosols, moisturisers, sunscreen and makeup products
  • All liquid items must fit into a 20cm x 20cm sealed plastic bag, before they go through the scanner at airport security
  • Electronic items like laptops and tablets must be removed from bags and placed in a separate tray.

New CT scanners have already been installed at Teesside Airport, London City Airport and Aberdeen Airport, which means holidaymakers will be able to pack two litres of liquid in their hand luggage.

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