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10 Nicholas Sparks Movie Quotes That Will Make You Swoon On Valentine's Day

These quotes from movie adaptations of Nicholas Sparks’s books make audiences swoon with their romance and passion.

Leave it to Nicholas Sparks to remind everyone what true love is supposed to be like. The author is known for his romance novels. While most of them have sad endings, people still want to have a relationship like the couples in Sparks’s stories. He knows how to write sappy passages, and many of these can be recited on Valentine’s Day.

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These quotes are also in the movie adaptations of Sparks’ books. They make audiences swoon from the passionate sense of urgency in the words. Celebrate Valentine’s Day this weekend with these romantic quotes from Nicholas Sparks’s movies. Warning: This list contains spoilers!

10 “Two Weeks Together, That’s All It Took, Two Weeks For Me To Fall In Love With You.” (Dear John)

Fans probably wanted to start writing love letters after watching Dear John. While on military leave, John Tyree (Channing Tatum) starts dating college student Savannah Curtis (Amanda Seyfried). Their relationship is sweet, but it’s also fast-paced.

In fact, Savannah tells John how quickly she fell in love with him. She says, “Two weeks together, that’s all it took, two weeks for me to fall in love with you.” Love can happen instantly without any hesitations. That’s what happened between John and Savannah.

9 “Your Heart Beat For Mine.” (The Choice)

The Choice was the least successful adaptation of Sparks’ books, but it still features an endearing romance between the girl-next-door Gabby Holland (Teresa Palmer) and Travis Parker (Benjamin Walker). Through life’s events, they start to fall for one another. They eventually marry and life seems perfect.

However, life changes when Gabby is in a car accident and is in a coma. Travis must make the difficult choice of whether to take her off life support. During an emotional scene at the hospital, Travis says, “Come bother me.” He just wants her back. When she finally wakes up, she knows he was living for her. She tells him, “You were breathing for me, baby. Your heartbeat for mine.”

8 “You Are The Very Best Of Me.” (The Best Of Me)

In The Best of Me, Sparks flirts with the idea of two former lovers reuniting and having a second chance. Former high school sweethearts Dawson Cole (James Marsden) and Amanda Collier (Michelle Monaghan) broke up a long time ago, but when they reunite as adults, they remember their romantic, sweet relationship.

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By revisiting the past, Dawson and Amanda remember why they fell in love in the first place. They have never stopped loving each other. Amanda tells him, “You want me to fall back in love with you? How do I do that if I haven’t ever stopped?” Being even more romantic, Dawson says, “I love who I am when I’m with you, Amanda. You are my dearest friend, my deepest love. You are the very best of me.”

7 “You Should Be Kissed, Every Day, Every Hour, Every Minute.” (The Lucky One)

The Lucky One is probably one of Sparks’ less memorable movies. The relationship between Logan Thibault (Zac Efron) and Beth Clayton (Taylor Schilling) might not be the best one out of Sparks’ fictional couples, but it’s still inspirational.

In the movie, Logan found a picture of Beth while he was serving overseas as a U.S. Marine Sergeant. This saved his life, and he will do anything to meet her. After they meet, the two are compatible and eventually fall in love. Logan says, “You should be kissed, every day, every hour, every minute.” Who could resist that beautiful remark?

6 “I Don’t Know What The Future Holds But I Know There Is No Future Without You.” (The Longest Ride)

The Longest Ride has two separate love stories. Professional bull rider Luke Collins (Scott Eastwood) and art enthusiast Sophia Danko (Britt Robertson) are the modern-day couple. They’re trying to work through their differences.

Their relationship is guided by advice from the elderly Ira Levinson (Alan Alda), who shares love letters he wrote to his beloved wife, Ruth (Oona Chaplin). Ira and Ruth’s relationship is shown through flashback sequences. They have their own dilemmas, but they’re destined for each other. During an intense moment, Ruth tells Ira (young version played by Jack Huston) that she wants to be with him, no matter what. She says, “I don’t know what the future holds but I know there is no future without you.”

5 “If You Stay, I Promise There’s No Safer Place In The World Than With Me.” (Safe Haven)

Nicholas Sparks is known for writing romantic, emotional stories. However, Safe Haven is the most intense thriller he has ever written. Katie Feldman (Julianne Hough) flees an abusive relationship and meets single father Alex Wheatley (Josh Duhamel).

Katie doesn’t want Alex to get too attached to her, considering she has a dark past. When he finds out that she’s in danger, he will do anything to protect her. He says, “I’m not going to let him hurt you anymore...If you stay, I promise there’s no safer place in the world than with me.” He’ll be her knight in shining armor.

4 “You Are Every Reason, Every Hope, And Every Dream I’ve Ever Had.” (The Notebook)

The Notebook is the definitive Nicholas Sparks movie. It has everything audiences expect in a good romance movie: memorable kissing scenes, sweet romances, and cliché, cheesy dialogue.

RELATED: The Notebook's 10 Most Romantic Quotes, Ranked

An elderly Noah Calhoun (James Garner) reads a notebook to his wife, Allie (Gena Rowlands), who has Alzheimer’s disease. It’s a notebook of their love story, and the flashback scenes show how young Noah (Ryan Gosling) and Allie (Rachel McAdams) fell in love. They faced many challenges, mostly from their different social classes, but they’re meant for each other. Falling in love with Allie made Noah a better man. He tells her: “I am who I am because of you. You are every reason, every hope, and every dream I’ve ever had, and no matter what happens to us in the future, every day we are together is the greatest day of my life. I will always be yours.”

3 “But I’ve Loved Another With All My Heart And Soul, And To Me, This Has Always Been Enough.” (The Notebook)

Who doesn’t love the elderly Noah Calhoun in The Notebook? He visits his wife every day, despite the fact that she no longer remembers him and the life they had together. She doesn’t know how they fell in love, which is why he reads their notebook.

Noah loves Allie with all of his heart. Loving her has been the greatest joy of his life. The beginning of the movie describes Noah’s feelings. In a monologue, he says: “I am nothing special, of this I am sure. I am a common man with common thoughts, and I’ve led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten. But I’ve loved another with all my heart and soul, and to me, this has always been enough.” Everyone wishes to be loved by someone like Noah.

2 “Our Love Is Like The Wind. I Can’t See It, But I Can Feel It.” (A Walk To Remember)

A Walk to Remember is one of the most emotional Nicholas Sparks movies. The budding high school relationship between sweetheart Jamie Sullivan (Mandy Moore) and bad boy Landon Carter (Shane West) is too adorable to resist. Even though Jamie is battling leukemia, their love continues to grow stronger. They eventually marry before she passes away.

Jamie and Landon’s relationship is inspirational. Jamie changed Landon into a better man, and he gave her the greatest adventure of her lifetime. While it’s heartbreaking that she dies shortly after they get married, Landon knows that she is always with him. He beautifully says: “Our love is like the wind. I can’t see it, but I can feel it.” Pass the tissues, please.

1 “I Want All Of You, Forever. You And Me. Everyday.” (The Notebook)

Noah and Allie’s relationship goes through many ups-and-downs in The Notebook. Her parents don’t approve of him, which causes them to break up numerous times. Noah doesn’t want her to leave him. In one of the most powerful, emotional speeches of the movie, he tells her: “So, it’s not gonna be easy. It’s gonna be really hard. And we’re gonna have to work at this every day, but I wanna do that because I want you.”

He continues, “I want all of you, forever. You and me. Everyday.” Noah will do anything to be with Allie. He will fight for her for as long it takes. His dream comes true, and Noah and Allie have one of the most beautiful relationships in movie history.

NEXT: Disney: 10 Of The Best Quotes About Love

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