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Westworld: The Top 5 Pieces of Delos Tech (& The Top 5 From Incite)

HBO's hit series Westworld introduced viewers to Delos Inc., the corporation behind the Westworld theme park that allowed wealthy guests to live out their fantasies in the American West. Comprised of both Delos Robotics and Delos Destinations, the corporation was responsible for creating some of the most advanced technology in the world with its mind-blowing artificial intelligence.

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In Season 3 of the series, another powerful corporation has emerged that rivals Delos in the scope of its tech; Incite. Everything about Incite's products are user friendly, from its psycho-pharmacology to its virtual assistants. As the citizens of the future soar through the sky in Incite's driverless quadcopters amidst construction sites built by Delos's autonomous androids, their lives are carefully manipulated by both.


Thanks to Dr. Robert Ford and his incredible team of behavior and programming experts, Delos Robotics was able to change the field of artificial intelligence and advanced robotics with their synthetic lifeforms known as "hosts". Found throughout the theme parks of Delos Destinations, they serve a special purpose.

A perfect amalgamation of super computer and advanced organic life form, they look living breathing people, programmed with their own backstories to give them the capacity to experience life similar to a human. Like humans, they're able to emote (if only in a simulated form), as well as draw breath, and even bleed.


With Incite's OS, the next Elon Musk never has to decide between one task or another, because the Virtual Assistant will take on whatever mundane task they can't get to, leaving them free to pursue their true entrepreneurial purpose. With the use of sleek XR glasses, virtual assistants are ready and waiting to file taxes, handle stocks, to take meetings.

RELATED: Westworld: 10 Darkest Moments So Far, Ranked

XR Glasses also provide a full visual overlay, allowing even semi-skilled workers the ability to become a neurosurgeon at a moment's notice, with step by step instructions broken down in front of them. Wearers are in total control of their life, or they may pass the wheel to their virtual assistant with confidence.


As Dr. Robert Ford once intoned in the first season, there was no blade of grass that he hadn't designed in Westworld. A superior programmer, he had made himself master of all he surveyed by designating everything about his theme park with a particular purpose. Delos Destinations let high paying guests experience the American West down to every detail.

RELATED: Westworld: 10 Things That Make No Sense About The Theme Park

Aside from Westworld, there were several other mind-blowing parks based on different historical time periods, from feudal Japan and Shogunworld to Imperial colonization in The Raj. New parks like Medievalworld and Warworld were being designed all the time, allowing guests to Live Without Limits.


Tapping into the limbic system via the olfactory nerve, Incite markets its limbic tabs as a means to notsomuch stabilize moods but help customers tap into "themselves". The process begins by customers receiving a small metal implant painlessly affixed to the roofs of their mouths.

Once paired with Incite's ID8 app, they may place a limbic tab into their mouths to dissolve, instantly sending digital codes to their brains which transmits electronic impulses immediately. Precise sensations tailored to each individual can have whatever desired effect they want. For instance, taking Soaring Eagle will make someone a tireless worker.


Delos deep dove into the field of husbandry with the quadrupedal smart tractor, allowing farmers to use its multi-functional programming to increase harvest productivity. They could plow fields, rear calves, and allow their owners to tend the more important things, like increasing their profit margins.

RELATED: 5 Things That Make No Sense About Westworld (& 5 Fan Theories That Do)

Not only can they boost productivity on the farm, they do so with a sizable decrease in carbon emissions, making them one of the most efficient machines in their category. They're capable of navigating any terrain, have rated dispensers for pesticides or feed, and come equipped with a wide array of attachments for any agricultural need.


The future is driverless with Incite's autonomous transportation technology, allowing passengers to relax in style and comfort in a rideshare they can call by voice command. With a choice of either quadcopter or cab, passengers are guaranteed a smooth, safe journey with anti-collision features throughout.

Like with many of Incite's products, there's more than just an engine beneath the hood. A strategy engine capable of computing and calculating every passenger's morning and evening commute gets them where they want to go, all in ergonomic comfort and cutting edge style.


Requiring only minimal supervision, the fully autonomous android from Delos Robotics is the perfect machine for any construction or demolition job. Requiring neither food, water, or break time, it works tirelessly until its task is done, regardless of any safety precautions.

RELATED: Westworld: 10 Hidden Details About The Main Characters Everyone Missed

Nicknamed "George", each android's industrial frame can sustain heavy damage, all the while keeping its biosensors attuned to any of its human coworkers. Each android comes with a removable CPU that can be stored safely.


Incite developed Rehoboam as a means to offer the world's population a way to seize their potential. By building a strategy engine that computes the millions of choices humans make every day and learn from them, they're able to make better choices and avoid costly mistakes.

Never again would a citizen have to slog through dozens of jobs until they found their dream career, or dozens of partners until they found their true love. While it might seem to take away a person's agency, they're now free to put their energy into more worthwhile pursuits.


Though not yet in production, Delos Robotics hope to change how civilians are protected and how criminals are apprehended with The Mech, a large android developed for crowd and riot control. Visually intimidating still has hopes they will strike fear in criminals and reassuring in the public.

Charlotte Hale is personally overseeing their development, supervising the marriage of a bullet-proof construction with easily compartmentalized parts for easy travel and reconfigurement. Each machine comes with a variety of lethal and non-lethal attachments.


Along with the driverless quadcopters and the rideshare cabs, Incite developed another piece of transportation technology that literally is lifesaving; the driverless ambulance. It can hold several passengers at once, allowing for several life-saving opportunities without the wait for emergency responders.

Every ambulance is equipped with full suites, maximizing the comfort citizens experience even as they're going through traumatic ordeals. With the AI medical equipment onboard, medical personnel are assisted by the best in medical field advancements.

NEXT: Westworld: 10 Worst Things That Delos Ever Did, Ranked

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