Swine flu tally touches 34, Gurugram sees seven new cases
The city has seen a rise in confirmed swine flu cases with 34 patients testing positive for the virus with seven new cases being reported in the last three days.
The city has seen a rise in confirmed swine flu cases with 34 patients testing positive for the virus with seven new cases being reported in the last three days.
BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) — Colombia is pressuring Cuba to turn over leaders of the South American nation's last remaining rebel group who had been on the island for peace talks that have been stifled by the bombing of a police academy that left 21 dead. The National Liberation Army claimed responsibility Monday for the car bombing, stating the attack against a military installation was a legitimate response to the armed forces' bombing of a guerrilla camp during a recent unilateral ceasefire. "It is... Читать дальше...
South Sydney and Queensland captain Greg Inglis has made a shock retirement announcement in a video sent to Rabbitohs members.The NRL star has announced that this season will be his last for Queenslan
A new recording spotlights the tenacious composer, who was the first African-American woman to have her work performed by a major symphony orchestra.
Ted Monachino, who has extensive experience with new coordinator Chuck Pagano, will be the Bears' new outside linebackers coach, the team said Monday.
Predictive data engineer Mike McClure has revealed his lineups for the NFL Playoff Challenge
Actress Jamie Lee Curtis has apologized for making a "snap judgment" about the encounter between a Native American elder and a group of Catholic boys, saying she should have known better than to "judge a book by its cover."
Читать дальше...26-year-old victim’s in-laws booked; husband detained for questioning
Chelsea have joined Manchester United in making an enquiry over the availability of £100m-rated Barcelona attacker Philippe Coutinho
How a doctor named Tanja Erath turned a virtual reality game into a pro cycling career ESPN Tanja Erath was a triathlete first, but she switched to bike racing in 2016. That same year, a friend told
Ozon launched in the 90s as “the Amazon of Russia”, but since the end of 2017 it has dramatically accelerated its development and begun to move into new niches.
Met Éireann has issued a status yellow snow-ice warning for Ireland with scattered sleet and snow showers expected across the country.
Fifteen years of work in disability performance, which has put Christchurch at the forefront of research and practice in a growing global movement, has culminated in the publication of a new book for Ara theatre tutor Dr Tony McCaffrey.
If The National Football League had its way, proposition bets would be restricted or even outlawed as too risky
Noncompetes scare workers into inaction – not looking for a higher wage as well as turning down better job opportunities at competitors and not asking their boss for a counter offer when they are offered a higher wage.
A medical emergency and broken door left customers and crew members stranded at Goose Bay Airport in northeastern Canada.
DFS begins training 563 new fire operators; new station to be launched this year
Paris Saint-Germain striker Kylian Mbappe has potentially opened the door on a future move to Real Madrid after refusing to rule out a transfer to [] The post Kylian Mbappe refuses to rule out Real Ma
President Trump's attorney Rudy Giuliani told Fox News on Monday that his team communicated with Special Counsel Robert Mueller's office about last week's BuzzFeed News article alleging that Trump ordered his former lawyer attorney Michael Cohen to lie to Congress -- and agreed a significant portion of it was false.
Stephens outdoes Azarenka in US Open marquee match WTA Tennis In an extremely anticipated encounter, defending champion Sloane Stephens eliminated two-time finalist Victoria Azarenka in straight sets
Staff visits to Cafe du Jour, Revival and more.
Ankara has “almost completed” preparations for another military operation in Syria and will launch it if “promises” made by other parties about the protection of its borders are not kept, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said.
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Campaign slams 'hypocrisy' of industry anti-plastics group Materials Recycling World Founders of plastic waste alliance investing billions in new plants The Guardian Alliance to End Plastic
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Authorities say police in Tennessee fatally shot a motorist who was driving toward officers. The Knoxville News Sentinel cited a statement from the Knox County Sheriff's Office that says a Knoxville police officer shot 30-year-old Jason C. Minnick of Clinton in the parking lot of an apartment complex. The statement says Knoxville officers were called to the scene Saturday night due to a man "possibly dealing drugs in the parking lot of Tanglewood Apartments." When officers arrived... Читать дальше...
The shutdown reminds us that government is not the problem but the solution.
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