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Technology Analysis Trainings

TRAINING IN SOCCER INTER-ACTION IS ONGOING The SIA High Performance Centre, located in Enguera (Valencia, Spain), continues to enhance its sporting resources. The implementation of technology focused on player development is key for an International Football Academy. Soccer Inter-Action can boast of having its own facilities in line with today’s needs. After a year full

La entrada Technology Analysis Trainings se publicó primero en International Football Academy Soccer Interaction in spain/ Academia de fútbol.


The SIA High Performance Centre, located in Enguera (Valencia, Spain), continues to enhance its sporting resources. The implementation of technology focused on player development is key for an International Football Academy. Soccer Inter-Action can boast of having its own facilities in line with today’s needs. After a year full of innovations in this area, the first results can already be seen.

Technology Analysis Trainings

Players, coaches and other trainers who live daily at the Soccer Inter-Action High Performance Centre are benefiting from the many advantages of being able to count on the latest technology in our exclusive sports facilities. GPS devices to observe all the details of the player on the pitch, multiple cameras around the football pitches to record training sessions and football matches or video analysis room with interactive screen and computers with the best video analysis and video editing software installed are some of the most important examples that shine with their own light in Soccer Inter-Action.

How to train in football in Spain?

Spain is one of the cradles of world football. There is no player or coach who does not want to compete in Spain because of the high level of football in the country. However, it is not easy to reach the elite because of the fierce competition, so to achieve the dream of becoming a professional you have to know how to choose which hands to put yourself in. Professional Clubs, Soccer Schools and International Soccer Academies are the three best avenues for training, and Soccer Inter-Action has all three at its disposal. Integrated and coordinated for the development of talent.

Technology Analysis Trainings

At the SIA High Performance Centre, the ball never stops rolling. In its elite sports facilities, football players from SIA Academy (International Football Academy), UD SIA Benigànim (Football Club) and FC Porto Dragon Force (Football School) live together on a daily basis. In this way, everything necessary for the player and coach to begin their training period until they reach their full potential is concentrated.

curso de video-analisis

The process is not quick, but it is exciting and exciting. In an environment focused on football like the one at Soccer Inter-Action, footballers and coaches have no excuse not to develop, especially when they have at their disposal all kinds of resources, both the classic and basic ones for the training of the athlete and the technological resources, so necessary for the specialisation and improvement of the football player in Europe.

Technology Analysis Trainings

High Performance Centres in Spain like Soccer Inter-Action are undoubtedly the best places to bet on the training of the footballer and the coach. And the results are there: players competing in international tournaments such as MIC Football, in the best leagues in the Valencian Community, in the Spanish Third Division, etc.

What are the advantages of training in football in Spain?

“Win, win, win, win and win again. And win, and win, and win… and that’s what football is all about”. This is one of the phrases most often repeated by Luis Aragonés, a legend of Spanish football and one of the driving forces behind the sensational moment the sport is experiencing in this country, thanks to what the Spanish national team, world champions and double European champions, has meant, and it is precisely what Luis Aragonés says that represents football in Spain: winning.

Ambition and the desire to surpass oneself on a daily basis are the hallmarks of Spanish sport, something that every player must have in order to achieve his or her goals.

Technology Analysis Trainings

For this reason, football training in Spain is so coveted, as there is no better place than its Academies, Schools or Clubs to imbibe this competitive gene. Beyond the ambition and character of Spanish football, in Spain there are other vital factors for the development of the sport: from the good climate – especially the Mediterranean – to the level of professionalism that football has, where a large part of the population is devoted to it and to improving every day more and more. Global security.

As in the previous case, Soccer Inter-Action also contains all these elements. At the SIA High Performance Centre, competition is the order of the day. There is no training session without competition, and with the Tactical Periodisation Methodology as its flagship, this is further enhanced. In addition, the Mediterranean climate of Valencia is ideal for outdoor training, with natural grass pitches and not looking for indoor alternatives where the game is more artificial. In addition to the climate, the staff and coaches at the SIA Center are qualified and specialised in football, dedicated exclusively to the development of the player or future coach.

curso de entrenador

What football coaching courses are there in Spain?

To coach in Spain you need a qualification. The higher the level of competition and category, the higher the ranks needed to sit on the bench. The process is divided into three qualifications, with Level 1 having to be passed in order to take Level 2 and Level 2 required to take the long-awaited Level 3.

The first level – equivalent to UEFA B – allows you to coach all teams competing up to the National Youth category. This is characterised by the fact that it is the basis of the other two courses, which is why priority is given to technical and scientific teaching in general, although it also contains a specific introductory block and a complementary block – all of them with practical tests –

football coaching courses

Level 2 – equivalent to UEFA A – goes a step further in terms of difficulty, but having this qualification allows you to coach all teams up to the National Youth and Regional Preferente categories. In order to obtain this qualification, it is necessary to study a common block, a specific block and a complementary block in which the subjects introduced in Level 1 are developed and perfected. There is also a practical part in which everything learnt up to that point is put into practice on the pitch.

football coaching courses

Level 3 is the icing on the cake – it is the equivalent of the UEFA Pro. It is compulsory to pass this Football Coaching Course in Spain in order to be able to coach at all levels, both in Spanish and international football. It is the level that opens all the doors. Logically, it is the most complicated of the three and its blocks are focused above all on high performance, that is to say, one hundred percent professional coaching. Biomechanics, sociology, management and other similar modules are covered in the common block. On the other hand, the complementary block goes deeper into the implementation of technology for the development of today’s football; while the specific block finishes polishing any detail of what has been learnt in the previous levels: Rules of the game, Tactics, Technique, Methodology… Of course, it is also compulsory to carry out professional practices and deliver a final project.

Soccer Inter-Action has already started the programme for the Football Coaching Courses in Spain and this year has launched its courses for Level 1 and Level 2, having players and coaches in its classroom being trained. It is worth noting that some of these players are players from Soccer Inter-Action’s International Football Academy in Spain and UD SIA Benigànim in the Spanish Third Division. All of this is promoted by SIA so that its athletes are trained beyond the pitch and understand all the ins and outs of football.

curso de entrenador en España

The importance of video analysis in football

Off the pitch, there is no room for improvisation in football. Everything is studied and analysed in detail in order to be able to compete at high performance. One of the main tools for the study and improvement of this sport is video analysis. Scouting, opponent’s matches, team performances, individual player performances and countless other details that can be analysed as accurately as possible.

Technology Analysis Trainings

Aware of this, Soccer Inter-Action has the resources and technical tools necessary to provide the player and the coach with all the knowledge related to this area, all under the supervision of an experienced professional in the field.

Technology Analysis Trainings

In this way, every day at the Soccer Inter-Action International Football Academy, matches from the UEFA Champions League to the Valencian Primera Regional are analysed, without forgetting the 8-a-side football performances of the FC Porto Dragon Force Football School, whose coaches do not cease in their efforts to teach the youngest players to understand the game. This is and will be key in their development and subsequent success, something that is already being seen in the older players of the School and the Academy.

La entrada Technology Analysis Trainings se publicó primero en International Football Academy Soccer Interaction in spain/ Academia de fútbol.

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