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accessiBe: The AI-Powered Web Accessibility Solution

Website accessibility is one of the hottest topics in the web design industry. Many designers are now paying close attention to the field, to give their website an edge...

The post accessiBe: The AI-Powered Web Accessibility Solution appeared first on Theme Junkie.

Website accessibility is one of the hottest topics in the web design industry. Many designers are now paying close attention to the field, to give their website an edge and make it available to the widest possible audience.

In many situations, it’s a legal requirement to make your website accessible to everyone, including for people with disabilities, such as color blindness. 15% of the world population, or one billion people, suffers from some form of disability. And it’s your job to improve your website to offer a comfortable experience for them.

accessiBe is an innovative solution that allows you to completely optimize your website for the latest accessibility standards with just a few simple clicks. In this post, we explore what this software can really do to improve your website for better accessibility.

What Is Website Accessibility?

Everyone sees the world differently but as designers, you still craft a website based on the way you see it. Have you ever considered how a person with a vision disability might see your website design differently?

Many businesses, even some of the biggest brands like, often fail to look at their website and app designs with this perspective. Taco Bell had to learn this the hard way when they faced an ADA lawsuit for not making their mobile app accessible

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) were put in place to ensure that every business follows the proper guidelines to make their websites and apps accessible to a person with a disability.

This means you should optimize your website design for people with different vision disabilities as well as many other forms of disabilities.

What Is accessiBe and Why Use It?


accessiBe is a web accessibility solution that easily integrates with your website to scan for accessiblity issues and fix them automatically. accessiBe uses a technology powered by artificial intelligence (AI) to fully optimize websites for ADA and WCAG compliance.

accessiBe is a fully automated solution that takes full responsibility of your website accessibility certification. It makes sure that your business is safe from accessibility lawsuits. And it’s the most affordable automatic accessibility solution you’ll find today.

Normally, it costs somewhere between $5,000 to $50,000 per year to hire an agency to maintain a website with the latest accessibility standards. accessiBe provides the highest success rate in the industry for just $490 per year.

Benefits of Using accessiBe

accessiBe comes with many features that makes it one of the best automated accessibility solutions available today. Here are just a few of the benefits that comes with the software.

Uses AI and Machine Learning Technology

The best feature of accessiBe is its state-of-the-art AI that uses machine learning technology to accurately detect acccessibility errors on your website and fix them automatically. It makes the entire process of optimizing websites for accessiblity an effortless task.

Simple and Easy to Use Interface

accessiBe is very easy to use. It installs a simple user interface on your website where users can choose to adjust the website according to different types of disabilities.

Screen Reader and Navigation Adjustments

accessiBe AI adjusts websites in multiple levels, including for screen readers and keyboard navigation. It scans and optimizes the alt-tags, forms, and icons for screen readers. As well as buttons, drop-down menus, and popups for keyboard navigation.

Optimizes Website UI and UX

The software also takes care of the user experience of your website design by adjusting the colors, contrast, animations, and content according to the user’s preference.

Daily Monitoring and Monthly Audits

accessiBe monitors your website every day to make sure your newly published pages and posts are optimized for accessibility. And also emails you a complete website audit every month.

How accessiBe Works

We’ve installed accessiBe on ThemeJunkie to see how well the software performs. And it didn’t disappoint.

Integrating accessiBe with your website is quite easy. In fact, it’s as simple as integrating Google Analytics. You simply copy and paste a single line of code. Or you can use the WordPress plugin as well.

accessibe icon

Once installed, accessiBe icon will appear on your website. Both you and your users can access the accessibility panel by tapping or clicking on this icon.

accessibe panel

accessiBe panel consists of several sections. In the first section, users can choose to automatically adjust the entire website design based on a specific vision disability.

accessibe content

Or, you can scroll down to find the content customization options to manually make the adjustments to your preference. Like adjusting content with custom font size, highlighting links, custom spacing, and more.

accessibe colors

You can also adjust the color and contrast of the website design in the color adjustments section. It provides many options for customizing the saturation, background colors, and even title and heading colors.

accessibe orientation

The orientation adjustments section allows you to disable the animations, sounds, and images that may intefere with the user experience. It also provides a virtual keyboard as well.

Users can activate each of these features and optimizations with a single click. accessiBe only takes a second to make the adjustments. And it works smoothly on both desktop and mobile versions of the website.

Pricing Plans

accessiBe has affordable pricing for websites of all sizes.

accessibe pricing

  • Standard: For just $490 a year, this plan lets you optimize a website with up to 1000 pages
  • Large: For $1,490 a year, this plan is ideal for websites with up to 10,000 pages
  • Huge: This plan is designed for websites with up to 100,000 pages. And it costs $1,999 per year
  • Jumbo: If you have a website with 1 million pages, this plan is for you. It costs $3,490 per year

Who Should Use accessiBe?

Everyone deserves equal access to a website. Especially at a time like the pandemic when online shopping is the safest option. Whether you have an eCommerce store or a magazine blog, every website should be accessible for a disabled person.

With a solution like accessiBe, you can make sure your website is properly optimized for accessibility without an effort. And for a very low cost.

It’s especially a must-have solution for small businesses, online retail stores, SaaS platforms, and corporate business websites.

You can test drive accessiBe for 7 days using its free trial. And see its powerful features in action on your own website.

The post accessiBe: The AI-Powered Web Accessibility Solution appeared first on Theme Junkie.

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