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Новости за 24.06.2015

Washington Post 

Obama scores a major trade win, burnishing his foreign policy legacy

President Obama won new powers from Congress on Wednesday to bring home an expansive Pacific Rim free-trade deal that analysts said could boost U.S. economic standing in fast-growing Asia and stand as one of his most important foreign policy legacies.Read full article >>

Washington Post 

Federal government likely to bring hate-crime charges against Roof

COLUMBIA, S.C. — The federal government is likely to bring hate-crime charges against the gunman accused of killing nine parishioners in a Charleston, S.C., church last week, a law enforcement official said Wednesday.Read full article >>

Washington Post 

Is Donald Trump the honey badger of American politics?

If Donald Trump was a YouTube sensation, he'd be the honey badger. He talks like he just don't care, people laugh, and none of it seems to hurt him.The notoriously brash real-estate mogul and reality-television star did little to soften his image for a recently announced presidential run as he headlined the Maryland GOP's annual Red, White and Blue fundraiser Tuesday night.Read full article >>

Washington Post 

PowerPost: Senate clears trade bill in victory for Obama

President Obama scored a victory for his trade agenda on Wednesday when after weeks of uncertainty the Senate voted to give him expanded powers to negotiate international deals.The Senate voted 60 to 38 to clear legislation granting the president so-called fast-track trade authority, which would make it easier for the administration to negotiate trade deals by preventing them from being amended by Congress.Read full article >>

Washington Post 

This Life: One woman’s dying wish made another a mom

In 2010, Linda Rahal’s life included 40-mile bike rides and Ironman training sessions. It included travels around the world, dinners out with friends and occasionally long hours as managing partner at the immigration law firm she had helped start.Read full article >>

Washington Post 

Wonkblog: Buying a car could soon be a thing of the past, and Ford is desperate to find what’s next

Ford last month sent letters to 14,000 of its American drivers with an unusual suggestion: For extra cash, they could rent their cars to fellow urbanites wanting a cheap ride.America's second-biggest auto giant wouldn't directly sell any additional cars or trucks off the arrangement; it wouldn't even take a cut. But it would put Ford closer to the front of a movement in which cars are shared, ignored or Uber-ed — not bought.Read full article >>

Washington Post 

How kids became the strongest argument for same-sex marriage

When she was a child, Jenny Rain couldn’t help but wonder whether there was something wrong with her family. There were the jokes on late-night television. The sermons in church. The time those boys hurled slurs on the Virginia Beach boardwalk, her two dads strolling obliviously as she boiled inside.Read full article >>

Washington Post 

McAuliffe creates commission to study bringing parole back to Virginia

RICHMOND — Gov. Terry McAuliffe announced Wednesday that he will create a commission to study reinstating parole in Virginia, two decades after it was abolished by former governor George Allen.McAuliffe (D) signed the executive order during an appearance on WTOP.Read full article >>

Washington Post 

France rebukes U.S. after leaked reports claim years of spying

BERLIN — French President Francois Hollande convened high-level emergency meetings on Wednesday after the disclosure of purported top-secret reports showing that the United States has spied on him and two predecessors.Read full article >>

Washington Post 

Google can now take you on the breathtaking climb up Yosemite’s El Capitan

The glory of El Capitan is no secret. The Yosemite rock formation has been beguiling naturalists, climbers and BASE jumpers for years and has been captured in countless photographs — none more famous than the iconic Ansel Adams image, “El Capitan, Winter, Sunrise.”Read full article >>

Washington Post 

Autopsy reportedly shows Gray suffered single ‘high-energy injury’

Freddie Gray suffered a single “high-energy injury” — such as those seen in shallow-water diving incidents — most likely caused when the police van in which he was riding suddenly decelerated, according to a copy of the autopsy report obtained by the Baltimore Sun.Read full article >>

Washington Post 

The Fix: What it’s like to be a white supremacist

Todd Blodgett spent two years going undercover for the FBI at white supremacist meetings and conventions across the country.Kind of like in the movies, the former Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush operative put the wires on after he got mixed up in the wrong crowd (though he emphasizes that he never did anything illegal).Read full article >>

Washington Post 

As women keep washing up dead, Ohio town fears a serial killer is on the loose

For years, Chillicothe, Ohio, was known as just another notch on the Rust Belt, afflicted by the same old problems of drugs, poverty and unemployment. If the town ever made national news, it was because a presidential candidate stopped by vowing to fix things, only for those promises to evaporate after Election Day.Read full article >>

Washington Post 

Bobby Jindal to announce presidential plans Wednesday

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, a one-time rising star in the Republican Party now struggling to become one again, will announce Wednesday afternoon whether he intends to run for president in 2016.Jindal's appearance -- to be held in the New Orleans suburb of Kenner at 5 p.m. Eastern time -- does not seem much of a mystery. The 44-year-old two-term governor has given every indication that he will run.Read full article >>

Washington Post 

A border village in Haiti struggles with new Dominican rules

OUANAMINTHE, Haiti — Several mornings a week for the past five years, Smith Laflur has left his one-room cinder-block shack, walked past the stray goats and the sour cherry tree, down the quiet dirt lanes and out into the shouts and motorcycle roar of this clamoring border town. Read full article >>

Washington Post 

Leaked autopsy report finds Freddie Gray suffered ‘high-energy’ injury

An autopsy report obtained by The Baltimore Sun concluded that Freddie Gray’s death was a non-accidental homicide after he suffered a “high-energy” injury to his neck and spine while in the Baltimore Police van transporting him after his arrest in April.Read full article >>

Washington Post 

‘Titanic’ composer James Horner feared dead in Southern California plane crash

James Horner, an Academy Award-winning composer best known for scoring the 1997 blockbuster “Titanic,”  is missing and feared dead after one of his planes crashed in Southern California on Monday.According to the Federal Aviation Administration, the crash occurred near Los Padres National Forest about 60 miles north of Santa Barbara.Read full article >>

Washington Post 

What Metro train operator heard in tunnel: ‘Yelling, screaming, kicking and banging’

The fatal smoke calamity in a Metro tunnel Jan. 12 was exacerbated by the transit agency’s slow response to the crisis, including a critical communications breakdown and poor coordination among subway workers as they tried to help scores of riders trapped in a train filled with noxious fumes, according to documents made public Tuesday.Read full article >>

Washington Post 

Once politically sacrosanct, Confederate flag moves toward an end

After decades of bitter debate over whether the Confederate battle flag is a proud symbol of regional heritage or a shameful emblem of this nation’s most grievous sins, the argument may finally be moving toward an end.Read full article >>

Washington Post 

PowerPost: Manchin, Toomey both interested in reviving gun control push

In the wake of the Charleston shooting, Sens. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) are considering ways to renew their failed push to pass meaningful gun-control legislation.In separate interviews Tuesday night, at a reception before a ceremony hosted by Sandy Hook families where Toomey was honored, the senators discussed their desire to find a new way forward.Read full article >>

Washington Post 

Guns, race remain Obama’s biggest missed opportunities

The killing of nine black worshipers at a church in South Carolina has compelled President Obama to look back with anger, then melancholy and finally some distance at the two most in­trac­table issues he has faced as president: guns and race.Read full article >>

Washington Post 

Does Don Lemon offend you? For CNN, that might not be a problem.

Once again, Twitter is howling about Don Lemon. And that’s a bad thing?The CNN anchor whipped social media into a frenzy — another frenzy — Monday night with a stunning stunt on his program. Attempting to twin President Obama’s use of the N-word during a podcast interview with the highly charged debate over the Confederate flag, Lemon held up the banner and a placard with the racial word spelled out in block letters. “Does this offend you?” Lemon asked.Read full article >>

Washington Post 

Editorial: Get well soon, Governor Hogan

IN HIS news conference Monday announcing that he faces the fight of his life against “very advanced and very aggressive” cancer, Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R) was a picture of grace, courage and admirable candor under pressure. He surely won admiration from Marylanders of all political stripes for his good-humored and remarkably detailed account of how he learned of his lymphoma, how his doctors described it to him and how he is preparing to grapple with it.Read full article >>

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Экология в России и мире

Результативность, вовлечённость, трудоголизм — где грань? Книга от автора российской модели факторов вовлечённости персонала.

Путин в России и мире

Тема дня: Путин назвал сохранение духовных ценностей условием укрепления суверенитета

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

В Минске открывается ВНС: что будет

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Ru24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Во Франции назвали бредом слова Зеленского про угрозу Путина Европе

Навальный в России и мире

Священнику, отпевавшего Навального, запретили носить рясу и крест

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Концерт в музее-заповеднике П.И. Чайковского


Подмосковный школьник выиграл сертификат на образование в олимпиаде

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