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Новости за 14.01.2016

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Hit the trails

When the much-anticipated Pismo Preserve opens this fall, the public will have access to 15 miles of multiuse trails and gorgeous vistas. [...] here are three other scenic treks to try. The 3-mile Bob Jones Bike Trail is named for the environmental conservation pioneer who spent years focused on San Luis Obispo Creek; it fittingly follows the meandering waterway to Avila Beach. A number of bike rental spots, restaurants and more wine tasting rooms than ever — and the beach — await in Avila. The... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Wikipedia gets another source of cash for 15th birthday

Wikipedia is a pretty rare thing, and the endowment is there to ensure this cultural treasure will never go away. Since starting out as an experimental patchwork of information, Wikipedia has turned into indispensable tool for hundreds of millions of people looking to quickly answer questions covering everything from schlock to science. Satisfying all that curiosity has become increasingly expensive as Wikimedia has spent more on the computers, software and other technology that keeps Wikipedia running. Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Taco Temple takes road food to exalted heights

Not unlike Taco Temple, a Morro Bay favorite dropped into a colorful backdrop with fun murals and glimpses of the ocean across Highway 1. “When someone orders a lot, we’ll try to steer them to (fewer),” says Jim Leage, the restaurant’s new owner. Because they’re big. [...] the signature “killer” Alaskan cod taco comes piled at least 2 inches high with spring mix, cabbage, tomato, carrots, radish, cilantro and addictive Temple house dressing — a zingy balance of garlic and pepper that works equally... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

‘13 Hours’ a long and dispiriting war movie

Give director Michael Bay credit for making an action movie about a real event in the recent past. The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi, a war movie that doesn’t go well for the good guys. In that way, it’s something like another Bay film, “Pearl Harbor,” except that we know how World War II worked out. [...] you will at least feel admiration for the handful of men whose courage and military skill allowed them to survive and save others. Apparently, the GRS, which is made up of former special-ops guys... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Manfred Wrembel on-board as Huxley’s new chef

Photo By Photo: HuxleyNew Huxley chef Manfred Wrembel Related Links Chef Sara Hauman leaving Huxley Chef Manfred Wrembel signs on to Schroeder's Just a week-and-a-half after it was announced that Huxley opening chef Sara Hauman would be moving on to join Brandon Jew for his much-anticipated Chinatown project, Mr. Jiu’s, the petite TenderNob restaurant has found her replacement. Starting next week (Tuesday, January 19), Manfred Wrembel, who most recently helped bring a modern culinary sensibility to FiDi German classic... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

‘Son of Saul’ a Holocaust movie unlike any other

Few people remain who can testify as to what life was like inside a Nazi death camp, but something about “Son of Saul” — a Holocaust movie unlike any other — feels intuitively true. “Son of Saul,” a prohibitive favorite to win the best foreign language Oscar this year, presents horror with little drama. The opening sequence achieves the outer limits of film art. In two unbroken shots, the camera stays tight on Saul, but we can tell what’s happening all around him from the little that we do see and from everything that we hear. Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Uber driver refuses to drive woman in labor to hospital, still charges her

New York City law says it’s illegal for car services to deny women in labor a ride to the hospital. But a Manhattan man says that didn’t stop an Uber driver from refusing to give a ride to him, his pregnant wife and a birthing coach in November. David Lee, 37, told Fortune his wife (who

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Finding the finest fungi in the cool of the forest

Mushrooms are delicious, and searching for them in a foggy forest is so romantically enticing. [...] I found myself bursting with girlish eagerness to attend the mushroom foray in Sonoma put on by gourmet institution Relish. [...] rule: “Foragers are secretive about their spots,” Rubin-Mahon said, and I noted she’d protected herself against the vicious cold with only fingerless gloves and an extra sweater. With her goddess-gray hair and walking stick she was a NorCal Gandalf, but I got the feeling that if we were to poach her mushrooms... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Healdsburg’s Shed makes its mark in Wine Country

A produce market? A home wares store? A restaurant? Attempting to place Healdsburg’s Shed within the context of any familiar commercial genre will probably be the most challenging task you encounter there. Because Shed is, for a certain type of person, a wonderland of aesthetic and gastronomic pleasures — one that simultaneously pads its visitors with the satisfaction that they are becoming more responsible citizens. “But what does it mean to eat freshly milled flour?” poses Cindy Daniel, who owns the business with her husband... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Worth seeing at the movies, Jan. 15

Taking place over the course of a couple of days, it’s the story of an emotionally isolated man (the voice of David Thewlis) who finds a special connection with a lonely woman (the voice of Jennifer Jason Leigh). Rated R. 90 minutes. Director Ryan Coogler lends energy and a contemporary edge to the venerable Rocky franchise, with Stallone as the aging champ stepping in to train Adonis, the son of Rocky’s late friend, Apollo Creed. Rated PG-13. 133 minutes. Pixar’s dinosaur-themed Western adventure has an original concept... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Nile Rodgers: ‘I wish David Bowie had told me he was ill’

Metropolis Festival 2015 In Dublin - Day 2Nile Rodgers of Chic featuring Nile Rodgers performs at Metropolis Festival at RDS Concert Hall on November 8, 2015 in Dublin, Ireland. (Kieran Frost/Redferns) Nile Rodgers is adamant he could have supported David Bowie through his battle with cancer if the music legend had told him about his health problems. The Chic star worked with Bowie on his 1982 album Let’s Dance, producing hits such as “Modern Love” and “China Girl,” and he was left devastated when he heard the rocker had passed away on Sunday... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Tony Visconti: ‘David Bowie’s cancer was in remission last year’

David Bowie’s cancer was in remission six months ago, but he was dealt a devastating blow in November when he was told the disease had returned and his condition was terminal, according to producer Tony Visconti. The singer passed away on Sunday, 18 months after he was fell ill with liver cancer and just two days after the release of his final record, “Blackstar.” Tony, who worked with David on many of his hit albums over the years, has now revealed the music legend broke the news of his health crisis... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

A little beer is a lot of flavor in these Super Bowl sliders

[...] if you plan to serve a variety of dishes for the Super Bowl, sliders are more sensible than the full-sized guys. The heart of the original version was a quarter-pounder topped by "the Det mix" — canned mushrooms, canned olives, grilled onions, freeze-dried green peppers and Kraft Singles. A generation later, I assembled the same winning combo of ingredients — though in a fresher form — and then focused on the cooking process to make sure that these mini-burgers ended up both juicy and crusty. Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Beer with baby on label gets official approval in Michigan

The Grand Rapids Press reports (http://bit.ly/1nkZeh8 ) the Breakfast Stout label was pulled in August and replaced with an empty chair and a note that the oatmeal-slurping child had "left the crib for a bit." The change was made after a Michigan Liquor Control Commission investigator discovered the label wasn't registered with the state despite the beer having been sold on shelves for about a decade.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Write outstanding cover letters with these quick tips

The power of a cover letter can be taken for granted and they are often the last job search tool that comes to mind until you need one.  Just like your resume, a cover letter plays a distinct role in the job hunting process however they often get a bad rap because they all sound

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Pittsburgh carjackers run away from stick-shift vehicle

PITTSBURGH (AP) — Pittsburgh police are searching for two would-be carjackers who apparently can't drive a stick-shift. Police have been looking for the pair since Tuesday night, when one of them tapped on a 28-year-old driver's side window with a gun. The two ordered the man out of his car and demanded money. When the victim said he had none, they demanded his cellphone and car keys. Police spokeswoman Emily Schaffer says when the victim told the suspect the car had a manual transmission they decided they didn't want it and ran away.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Nachoria, a new Burlingame restaurant devoted to nachos

Interior of Nachoria. Photo: Nick Swinmurn Related Links Taco Bell tries to be hip, woo millennials with new Cantina concept Burlingame has a new restaurant, but it’s not just any old restaurant. Meet Nachoria, which opened on January 6, a restaurant that’s devoted almost entirlely to — you guessed it — nachos. While a nacho-inspired restaurant might sound a bit over-the-top, it stems from the mind of Nick Swinmurn, who back in the late 1990s had another far-out idea — to create an online shoe and... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Program works to increase access to food across Michigan

DETROIT (AP) — The Food Bank Council of Michigan says a program to increase access to food across the state has made progress in its first year. The council received a $5 million grant from the Michigan Health Endowment Fund in 2014 to support the Michigan Food Bank Access to Nutrition program for two years.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Bowie views top daily record on Vevo, beating Adele

LOS ANGELES (AP) — David Bowie fans found a new way to be passing time after the pop star's death: setting a single-day record for video views on Vevo. The music video service owned by Universal and Sony says views of Bowie videos hit 51 million Monday, the day after he died at age 69.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Champions of guaranteed minimum pay are growing

[...] this notion is back, a subject of books and op-eds and speeches, and with some bipartisan political momentum. Feminists and children’s advocates say it would pay people for the crucial work of homemaking and child-rearing. [...] venture capitalists in Silicon Valley see it as vital insurance against the likelihood that artificial intelligence will eliminate millions of jobs. Conservatives often prefer to call it the “negative income tax,” because they would expand the tax system to provide... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Flames rookie Sam Bennett scores 4 goals in win

Rookie Sam Bennett had a first-period hat trick and four goals total, Jonas Hiller made 15 saves, and the Calgary Flames beat the visiting Panthers 6-0 on Wednesday night to give Florida its first regulation loss in 14 games. Bennett is the first Flames player to score four goals in a game since Jarome Iginla on Feb. 23, 2003, according to the NHL. The hat trick was his first in the NHL. Florida goalie Luongo, replaced by Al Montoya to start the second period, yielded four goals on 15 shots. ... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Прием заявок на участие в конкурсе на лучшее путешествие по Дальнему Востоку начнется в мае

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о развитии отечественного судостроения   

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко сравнил Всебелорусское народное собрание с «пустотой»

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В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость мгновенно — здесь.

Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: Западу неинтересны планы Киева по атаке на Крымский мост

Навальный в России и мире

В Москве арестован на пять суток историк-публицист Сергеев за пост памяти Навального

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Shaman разрешил певице из Нижнего Новгорода Ивановой петь свою песню «Встанем»


В выставочном центре Электростали проходит новая выставка «Мгновения»

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