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Новости за 04.06.2015

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Funny plus heartfelt gets ‘Results’

“Results” confirms the promise of writer-director Andrew Bujalski, whose previous feature, “Computer Chess,” was one of the unexpected highlights of 2013. Working with a bigger budget on a broader canvas, and dealing with completely different subject matter, Bujalski still imparts his distinct worldview and sense of humor. Kevin Corrigan, who is like the male Parker Posey — that is, the best actor regularly working in independent films — plays Danny, a multimillionaire, who decides he needs to get into shape. Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

‘Love & Mercy’: Wilson biopic a great movie about an artist

In these opening seconds of “Love & Mercy,” we’re jolted out of the usual and must ask ourselves what we’re seeing — a malfunction of some kind or part of the movie? [...] begins a film that defies expectations and keeps an audience unsettled in the best way. The term for this kind of movie is biopic, but “Love & Mercy” is so unlike conventional biopics that it makes even good ones, like “Walk the Line” or “Ray,” seem obvious, routine and corny. The same guy who can be fumbling for coherence... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Worth seeing at the movies, June 5: ‘Connection, ‘San Andreas’

The Connection Jean Dujardin is terrific in this fact-based story about Pierre Michel, an aggressive police magistrate in Marseilles who went after drug trafficking in the 1970s. San Andreas The movie promises great earthquake effects, and that’s what you get in this straight-ahead action adventure. Nobody’s pretending to make a masterpiece here, but this is a good summer entertainment that, within its limits, is well acted. Sunshine Superman Awe-inspiring action footage highlights this documentary about BASE jumping... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Help for stuck candidates

Feeling stuck in your job search is can be a very awkward state of mind especially when your goal is to sell your value to potential employers. When you are stuck in a rut it’s difficult to talk about yourself much less act as though you know what interests you in a job. It’s not […]

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

‘Insidious 3’: More of the same. That’s not good.

The “Insidious” franchise was already on fumes with “Chapter 2,” and this prequel has nothing left but backfires to try to jolt viewers. The first “Insidious,” introducing us to a haunted family and psychic Elise and her ghostbuster friends, generated some mild creepiness before blowing it all in a third act that tried to explain everything. Credit where credit is due, the mysteriously well-reviewed “Insidious” and its first sequel play as an intended pair — “Chapter 2” sort-of cleverly triggers traps laid in the original. Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

$7.5 million for a modernized Cow Hollow flip

When 1670-1672 Greenwich came to market in the spring of 2013, the Normandy-style building was billed as “a jewel” that would “evoke memories of Paris,” according to the marketing materials at the time. Well, what some saw as a fully-formed jewel others clearly viewed as a diamond in the rough because this traditional, 1947 two-unit

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Warriors party brings on a Golden State-of-mind

Wednesday night’s warm-up for the NBA Finals was in Oakland, home of the Golden State Warriors. The site was like a stage set, blooming lilies all around the building in the same shade of gold as the team logo backdrop, where arriving VIPs were posing for photos as power walkers chugged by, seemingly oblivious to the hoop-la. The Coxes were there because Karen works for the Oakland Fire Department, which partners with the team on the Learning Without Limits program. Among the 800 or so people expected at the party... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Trans people’s lives far from Jenner’s glamour, many say

Caitlyn Jenner’s coming out as a transgender woman has included a nationally televised interview with Diane Sawyer seen by millions, a forthcoming cover story in Vanity Fair and a planned reality show on the E! channel. “The reality is most of us don’t come out through prime-time interviews and magazine covers,” said Kris Hayashi, the executive director of the Transgender Law Center. Eden Will, the treasurer of Transgender San Francisco, the group that organizes the annual Trans March at S.F. Pride... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Rusty’s Southern: Barbecue by way of the Carolinas

In the Carolinas, generations of the barbecue faithful have debated the merits of thin vinegar sauces versus ketchup or mustard concoctions and proselytized the virtues of either a whole hog pulled into fatty strands or a tender hunk of shoulder meat chopped into easy pieces. The 2-month-old restaurant’s memorable version of slow-smoked, chopped pork shoulder puts all the signatures of the Carolinas on one plate. The meat is treated gently, smoked over hickory up to 14 hours (Piedmont style, or west and central North Carolina)... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Follow the trail of the 1st transcontinental highway

Once a cemetery but today a golf course and public park, Lincoln Park in San Francisco is the terminus of the Lincoln Highway, the first road across America. In 1928 Boy Scout troops placed thousands of concrete posts marking the route. The hexagonal markers contained a bronze medallion with Lincoln’s bust, the Lincoln Highway insignia and a directional arrow. Many of the markers have been lost over time; others are in private collections or in museums, but some are in their original locations — as you will see. Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Front Street in Danville: Historic buildings anchor dining, shopping

Historic buildings anchor dining, shopping The center of this town in the San Ramon Valley is undergoing a major transformation because of three projects that include a new complex of buildings set to house residences, restaurants and retail spaces on the grounds of the Danville Hotel. The historic structure and the adjacent McCauley House, which date back to the 1890s, are being preserved. Postmaster Michael Cohen and his wife, Matilda, built this Gothic Revival-style home in 1866. The only... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Adulthood — interrupted

Tuesday, the state Senate voted to raise the age when young people can buy cigarettes from 18 to 21. If the laws pass, 18 will make a Californian old enough to vote, to enlist in the military, to sign a contract, to buy a gun, to get a tattoo and to get married — but not old enough to buy a cigarette. In 1971, responding to a system that allowed 18-year-olds to enlist in the military without letting them vote for who runs it, states ratified the 26th Amendment, which lowered the voting from age 21 to 18. Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

A’s bullpen gets lefty lift — Drew Pomeranz joins Abad, O’Flaherty

Another day, another lefty added to the bullpen. Suddenly, the A’s have three left-handed relievers. A day after Eric O’Flaherty (shoulder strain) was activated from the disabled list, Drew Pomeranz (sprained AC joint) was reinstated. It’s the first time Pomeranz will work in relief this season (he has made eight starts). Manager Bob Melvin said Pomeranz “at this point has to be ready for everything.” Melvin said he could insert Pomeranz, who throws harder than most his fellow relievers, late in... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

‘Testament’ a woman’s perspective on the futility of war

Giving an impassioned speech after the close of World War I in the new film “Testament of Youth,” based on Vera Brittain’s best-selling 1933 memoir, Brittain, 25, who would go on to a notable career as an antiwar writer, urges her British peers to resist any future drumbeats for war. “I speak to those of us who were left behind,” says Brittain, played captivatingly by Swedish actress Alicia Vikander (“Ex Machina,” “A Royal Affair”), who ably carries the new coming-of-age film in her first English-language lead role. Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Blu-ray review: ‘Harley’ full of fiery action

First to flash before our eyes is lone motorcyclist Harley Davidson (Mickey Rourke, in some scenes looking just like Bruce Willis) as he prevents a robbery by knocking several bad guys unconscious. With help from pals, the colorful duo pull off a “crystal dream” robbery (worth $2.5 million) solely to help that Burbank bar owner keep his business. To cash in the dope, they must deal with Tom Sizemore, head of a criminal syndicate in which the hit men wear black outfits and walk in unison as they... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Satyajit Ray classics rise beautifully from the ashes

“Pather Panchali” was Ray’s first film — much of it shot on weekends on a shoestring. After Ray won an honorary Oscar in 1992, his films traveled to Henderson Laboratory in England for restoration. A fire destroyed many priceless films, including his Apu Trilogy — “Pather Panchali,” “Aparajito” (“The Unvanquished”) and “Apur Sansar” (“The World of Apu”). When he saw that scene restored, Lee Kline, technical director at Criterion Films, which oversaw the restoration, says he gasped in wonder. Sandip says in India... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Act mocking antigay measure cleared for signature drive

[...] a countermeasure that would label the author of any such initiative an “intolerant jackass” and require him to take sensitivity training and contribute $5,000 to a gay rights organization has been cleared by the state for circulation. Charlotte Laws — a Los Angeles-area writer, television commentator and local politician — said when she proposed her “Intolerant Jackass Act” in March that she was just trying to ridicule the “shoot the gays” author and didn’t intend to circulate her own ballot measure. Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Revamped Outback shines with EyeSight safety technology suite

"The Outback was the fourth most-shopped model in the U.S. last month and our shopping levels in general are at their highest levels ever" said Jeff Walters, senior vice president of sales, Subaru of America. There's apparently some cachet in transportation that combines creature comforts, reliability, versatility and great resale value. Included with its $24,895 MSRP are Subaru's full-time all-wheel-drive, Starlink multimedia four-speaker infotainment system with 6.2-inch screen, manually adjustable... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

2016 Hyundai Tucson Crossover: Fuel efficiency a top priority

The new 2016 Hyundai Tucson, unveiled last month at the New York International Auto Show, offers a sporty exterior and appealing interior design while making overall fuel efficiency a top priority, with enhanced fuel economy ratings over the previous model. For 2016, advanced safety technologies such as automatic emergency braking with pedestrian detection, lane departure warning system, blind spot detection, rear cross-traffic alert, lane change assist, backup warning sensors and standard rearview camera also will be offered. Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

What to do about your over-eager boss

Last week we talked annoying co-workers. We dished on ways to deal with the pesky, over eager employee or “eager beaver.” But what happens when the eager beaver is your boss? Let’s call him or her the “gung-ho” boss, as he or she is over zealous about some aspects of the work. Maybe he or

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Giants manager Bochy staying active post-surgery

Bruce BochyGiants’ manager Bruce Bochy is in shape and staying active after undergoing heart surgery in February. Bruce Bochy has been busy. Just three months after having a pair of stents inserted into his heart, the Giants’ manager says he’s better than ever. “Do you want to hike somewhere?” he said. “I’m good to go.” Bochy said that he resumed heavy lifting recently, while the issues that had the 60-year-old manager on the operating table in February are largely behind him. “The lifting part is the part I just started... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Московскую компанию заподозрили в хищении 103 млн рублей при реализации нацпроекта в Орле

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о формировании взаимовыгодного международного сотрудничества

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко убежден, что белорусы «никогда еще так хорошо не жили»

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Во Франции назвали бредом слова Зеленского про угрозу Путина Европе

Навальный в России и мире

Проводивший панихиду по Навальному* священник запрещен в служении

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




"Новосибирск, бро, за всё прости": концерт Басты на "Сибирь-Арене" собрал аншлаг


Учащиеся Подмосковья приглашаются на Всероссийский конкурс «Большая перемена»

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