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Новости за 27.06.2015

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

Obamacare a boon to Pinoy workers

Filipino health care professionals as well as the Philippines’ booming business process outsourcing (BPO) industry are expected to benefit from America’s Affordable Care Act (ACA), which the US Supreme Court has just upheld, Pasig City Rep. Roman Romulo said yesterday. “We expect the ACA or the Obamacare to stimulate America’s demand for Filipino nurses, physical […]

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

Travel in comfort

If you own Sanuk’s classic sidewalk surfers or yoga mat sandals, then you know the meaning of true comfort. Mostly made from simple materials like canvas and real yoga mats, the brand has made a strong footing in the apparel industry. Sanuk’s design may be unconventional but its main selling point is comfort. Sanuk’s comfortable […]

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

Looks like they made it

•Cristeta Comerford is the White House executive chef during the term of George W. Bush and now of Barack Obama. She migrated to the US at the age of 23 and worked at the Sheraton Hotel. She then worked at the Hyatt Regency Hotel before moving to Washington, D.C., where she worked as a chef […]

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

Sweet escape

It’s going back to the basics, leaving the comforts of your home, and forgetting all about your phone. It’s an overnight getaway to the hustle and bustle of the urban life and a time to appreciate nature. You get to sleep in a tent, go stargazing at night, listen to good music, and spend time […]

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

NBI assumes probe of conniving flour millers, bakers

The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) has taken over the probe against 16 flour millers and 12 bakers for allegedly engaging in profiteering and for conniving with each other to keep prices of flour and bread high despite falling prices of wheat in the international market. On Friday, the Department of Trade and Industry turned […]

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

Editorial: An all-out drive for Philippine agriculture

With the start of the rainy season, Secretary of Agriculture Proceso Alcala has called on the nation’s farmers to plant early this year. The El Nino dry spell continues to threaten Philippine agriculture, he said. It is now weak but it is expected to become moderate until August, persist until December, and then start weakening […]

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

On a wing and a prayer

For heartwrenching stories on Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs), one doesn’t need to look further than NAIA 1. The same scene, just with different characters, unfolds daily: A parent tearfully waves goodbye, one hand on his suitcase, the other tightly grasping their young children. The parent often delays going in, waiting until the last minute, because […]

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

Prepare and be safe

Angel Thoughts Bishops, be close to your priests with affection and your prayers, so that they may always be shepherds according to the heart of God. —Pope Francis, June 16, 2015 as sent by architect Nestor Mangio   On July 30, rain or shine, Metropolitan Manila Development Authority’s Shake Drill for the whole of Metro […]

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

Say ‘Mabuhay!’ with lechon

What is it about a roast pig that makes it and the event that it graces so festive, long after the revelers have had their fill?  If the answer is an enigma, it might be easier to turn the question around: Which happy occasion dares to happen without lechon on the spit, on the table, on […]

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

Minus stars, Red Lions rip Cardinals

Games Tuesday (The Arena, San Juan) 2 p.m. – Perpetual vs Lyceum 4 p.m. – Letran vs St. Benilde As much as coach Jamike Jarin likes to downplay their tag as title favorite in the 91st season of the NCAA, this result speaks for itself. Playing minus star guard Baser Amer (dislocated shoulder) towering big […]

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

Fil-Am brothers wow America’s Got Talent judges

Filipino-American siblings – 9 year old Cameron and 12 year old Zach Belandres – move on to the next round of this season’s America’s Got Talent. This dancing duo, called “The Gentlemen,” wowed all four judgest in this reality TV-competitiong to garner all four “yes” answers from the Season 10 judges. A combination of hip-hop, […]

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

8 Britons, one Belgian, one German identified among Tunisia victims

Eight Britons, one Belgian and one German have been identified among the 38 people killed by an Islamist gunman at a Tunisian beach resort, the health ministry said Saturday. “Ten bodies have been identified out of 38 — eight Britons, a Belgian and a German,” said senior ministry official Naoufel Somrani.

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

Filipino LGBT people celebrate Gay Pride, US court decision

MANILA, Philippines — Several hundred gays, lesbians and transgender people held a Gay Pride rally Saturday in the Philippine capital to push for LGBT rights and to celebrate the U.S. Supreme Court decision recognizing gay marriages in all U.S. states as a victory for their cause. About 500 people marched around Manila’s Rizal Park, many carrying placards and streamers saying […]

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

China central bank cuts interest rate by 25 basis points

BEIJING, China – China’s central bank said Saturday it would again reduce interest rates by 25 basis points, its fourth such cut since November as it tries to boost growth. The benchmark interest rate would be reduced to 4.85 percent and the deposit rate to 2 percent from Sunday, the People’s Bank of China said […]

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

Iran condemns attacks in Tunisia, Kuwait and France

Iran has condemned the jihadist attacks in Tunisia, Kuwait and France, saying they were “contrary to the teachings of Islam,” in statements released Saturday by the foreign ministry. The killings were not apparently coordinated, but the Islamic State group claimed the atrocities in Tunisia and Kuwait, just days before the first anniversary of it declaring a […]

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

Cheers and warnings as Europe braces for heatwave

LONDON, United Kingdom – A powerful heatwave is forecast to sweep across Europe’s western flank next week, to the delight of fans of the Wimbledon tennis tournament in Britain even as France and Portugal were put on alert. “It looks like heat will start to build across Iberia later this weekend and spread northwards across […]

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

eBay-PayPal breakup set for July

New York – US online giant eBay said its board approved the planned spinoff of its PayPal online payments unit, which will trade as an independent company July 20. The plan calls for the distribution of PayPal stock to eBay shareholders on July 17, with the financial unit starting to trade under the symbol PYPL […]

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

Kurds drive IS jihadists from Syria’s Kobane: monitor

BEIRUT, Lebanon — Kurdish fighters ousted the Islamic State group from the Syrian border town of Kobane on Saturday, two days after the jihadists had seized several neighbourhoods, a monitoring group said. “The Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) took back control of IS positions in Kobane,” the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. Kurdish activist […]

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

(LISTEN) Mexican-American singer Becky G takes on Donald Trump

New York—The teenage Mexican-American singer Becky G released a song Friday in celebration of immigrants as she voiced outrage over derogatory statements by tycoon turned Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump. The 18-year-old singer and rapper, often described as an up-and-coming star of Latin pop, put out via Twitter a song called “We Are Mexico” and […]

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

Iza Calzado hopes to explore theater acting more

There’s no stopping Iza Calzado from challenging herself into doing different roles and projects. After being in the industry for 13 years already, where she mainly focused on TV and movies, Iza finally tried her hand at theatre. Iza stars in “Sabel: Love and Passion,” a musical play inspired by National Artist Benedicto ‘BenCab” Cabrera’s […]

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Топ 10 новостей последнего часа

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Экология в России и мире

Московскую компанию заподозрили в хищении 103 млн рублей при реализации нацпроекта в Орле

Путин в России и мире

Транспортный коридор «Север-Юг» станет катализатором социального и экономического развития стран Евразии и глобального Юга

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко рассказал о планах расширения НАТО

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Ru24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

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В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость мгновенно — здесь.

Зеленский в Украине и мире

Во Франции назвали бредом слова Зеленского про угрозу Путина Европе

Навальный в России и мире

В РПЦ отказались называть причины запрета в служении иерея Сафронова, отпевавшего Навального

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Сергей Прокофьев

Мариинский театр 23 апреля отметит рождения композитора Прокофьева


Прием заявок на Russian Event Awards открыли в Подмосковье

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