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Новости за 28.08.2018


Trump freezing Canada out in NAFTA negotiations is 'straight from the Art of the Deal'

Evan Vucci/AP

  • President Donald Trump doubled down on efforts to pressure Canada into concessions.
  • Analysts see the threats as all talk and ultimately expect a trilateral NAFTA deal. 
  • The approach mirrors those written about in The Art of the Deal, which other world leaders have increasingly caught on to. 

After agreeing to compromise with Mexico on key NAFTA issues Monday, President Donald Trump doubled down on efforts to pressure Canada into concessions. Читать дальше...


US aircraft carriers are about to get a lot deadlier with Navy F-35s training with F/A-18s

Lockheed Martin/Andrew McMurtrie

  • The US Navy hit a major milestone in its quest to make aircraft carriers a more deadly with F-35Cs training alongside current fighter jets.
  • The F-35C has had a long, costly production, but now promises to revolutionize naval aviation as the first carrier-launched stealth fighter.
  • The F-35C networks with US Navy ships, allowing it to spot targets and direct ship-launched missiles to destroy targets without ever firing a shot of its own. Читать дальше...


Not getting enough sleep seems to be even more deadly than we thought, new studies show


  • A trio of new studies show that too little or too much sleep is associated with an increased risk for cardiovascular disease.
  • Sleeping less than five hours per night raises the risk for a heart attack or stroke by about the same degree as smoking does, according one study in older men.
  • This adds to a significant body of evidence that suggests regular sleep is essential for health.

Most of us know that not getting enough sleep is bad for us. Читать дальше...


One of the world's biggest game studios has been hit with multiple allegations of fostering a hostile, sexist work environment

Riot Games

  • The maker of the enormously popular game "League of Legends," Riot Games, is a massive game studio with thousands of employees.
  • Riot is alleged to have fostered a sexist, hostile work environment.
  • "The frequency and intensity of inappropriate behavior in the workplace had become a concern not long after I arrived," former Riot manager Barry Hawkins wrote in a lengthy piece this week. 
  • Hawkins left Riot Games in early 2014 due to ongoing concerns with the culture at the studio... Читать дальше...


13 times TV shows planned different endings that could've changed the plot


Wrapping up a TV series after years of storylines is a difficult thing to do, and finales tend to leave viewers divided. Tons of ideas get thrown around when it comes time to end a series, but producers ultimately have to make a decision — they also tend to give themselves options, just in case.

From "Game of Thrones" to "How I Met Your Mother," here are 13 TV shows that have multiple endings whether they're alternate stories or were created to deter spoilers.

There's an... Читать дальше...


A mom says her 9-year-old son died by suicide after he was bullied at school for being gay

Leia Pierce/Facebook

  • A 9-year-old boy died by suicide Thursday after he was bullied for coming out as gay, his mom told a local Fox affiliate.
  • Jamel Myles came out as gay to his mom, Leia Pierce, over the summer, she told the outlet.
  • Pierce claims that bullying at school was a factor in his death.
  • Myles had started fourth grade at a Denver, Colorado, public school on August 20.

A 9-year-old boy died by suicide Thursday after he was bullied for coming out as gay... Читать дальше...


Trump reportedly caught the Japanese prime minister off guard during a meeting at the White House by saying 'I remember Pearl Harbor'

AP/Susan Walsh

  • President Donald Trump reportedly told Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe "I remember Pearl Harbor" during a meeting at the White House in June, the Washington Post reported on Tuesday.
  • The reported comment is part of an increasingly complicated relationship between the two world leaders.
  • Trump imposed steel and aluminum tariffs on Japan, and Abe hasn't retaliated.

President Donald Trump reportedly caught Japanese prime minister Shinzo... Читать дальше...


Amandla Stenberg nearly played a pivotal role in 'Black Panther' — but she felt a darker-skinned actor should be cast instead

Manny Carabel/Getty Images and Marvel

  • Amandla Stenberg spoke to Variety and revealed that she auditioned for the role of Shuri (which eventually went to Letitia Wright) in "Black Panther," but dropped out because she felt that she wasn't the right fit.
  • Stenberg, who is biracial, said: "It was so exhilarating to see it fulfilled by people who should have been a part of it and who deserved it and who were right for it. I just wasn't."
  • In the past, the 19-year-old explained... Читать дальше...


A tug-of-war is ongoing over plans to build a new Southern California town on land that's 8 times the size of San Francisco

David McNew/AP

  • Los Angeles County is revisiting a plan to turn one of its few remaining expanses of undeveloped land into a 12,000-acre, mixed-use community.
  • The project has incited criticism among environmental groups, who fear rising pollution levels and the destruction of natural habits. 
  • Developers argue the project could be a solution to LA's housing crisis, though only 10% of new units will be made affordable to low-income families. 

Los Angeles is dealing with ever-increasing traffic... Читать дальше...


If you have a Yahoo account your emails have probably been scanned to figure out what you buy — and they may have been read by employees of the company

Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

  • Oath — the Verizon business that includes Yahoo and AOL — scans user emails for ad targeting, The Wall Street Journal reported.
  • The practice isn't new, but Oath has recently been pitching advertisers a service that scans more than 200 million inboxes for buying habits.
  • The rest of the industry has pretty much stopped scanning emails, making Yahoo and AOL the only major email providers to do this.

If you've got a Yahoo.com or an AOL.com email address... Читать дальше...


Bitcoin 101: Your essential guide to cryptocurrency

Thomson Reuters

Bitcoin is everywhere.

The cryptocurrency is seemingly in the news every day as investors and businesses try to understand the future of this digital finance.

But what is Bitcoin all about?See the rest of the story at Business Insider

See Also:

  • Twitter could boost esports consumption
  • Alibaba’s Q1 sales impress with room to grow
  • US consumers keep more money in PayPal than in their wallets


Jennifer Aniston makes 49 look like 30 — here's how she get's such flawless skin

Getty/Rich Fury

Jennifer Aniston has been asked dozens of times over the years about her beauty secrets, and it's not a big surprise why. Aside from being named the World's Most Beautiful Woman by People magazine in 2016, Aniston consistently has glowing, seemingly flawless skin, and the rest of us are merely trying to figure out how to bottle up that Aniston glow for ourselves.

Though she maintains the importance of drinking a ton of water — she's been a SmartWater spokesperson for more than a decade ... Читать дальше...


Diese 10 Mythen über intermittierendes Fasten solltet ihr nicht glauben

Intermittierendes Fasten ist sehr populär geworden. Männer und Frauen aller Altersgruppen sind auf den Gesundheits- und Fitnesstrend aufgesprungen, der beim Abnehmen helfen und die Gesundheit fördern soll. Bevor ihr nun losgeht und direkt den Tipps der Diätfans folgt, solltet ihr wissen, was diese Diät eigentlich ist und wie sie sich zusammensetzt.

Читать дальше...


„Historische“ Einigung bei Ryanair: Erste Piloten unterzeichnen Tarifvertrag

Europas größter Billigflieger Ryanair hat im Tarifstreit mit einer Pilotengewerkschaft in Italien eine Einigung erzielt. Die mehr als 300 in der ANPAC organisierten Piloten hätten am Montagabend mit großer Mehrheit dem Vertrag zugestimmt, erklärte die Gewerkschaft am Dienstag. Sie sprach von einem „historischen Ereignis“, es handele sich um den „ersten Tarifvertrag für das Flugpersonal von Ryanair, der in Europa unterzeichnet wurde“. Italien gehört zu den größten europäischen Märkten der irischen Fluggesellschaft. Читать дальше...


A 1962 Ferrari 250 GTO just sold for a record-breaking price of $48.4 million at auction

RM Sotheby's/Darin Schnabel

  • A 1962 Ferrari 250 GTO sold for a record price of $48.4 million dollars at an RM Sotheby's Auction in Monterey, California on Saturday. 
  • The $48.4 million dollar price tag was the most a classic car has ever sold for at an auction.
  • The car had been owned by Dr. Gregory Whitten, the Chairman of Numerix Software, car enthusiast, Ferrari connoisseur, and vintage racing driver.
  • RM Sotheby's said the $48.4 million dollar auction price... Читать дальше...


The Army is reinstating dozens of discharged immigrant recruits after falsely labeling them security risks

Erik S. Lesser/Getty Images

Dozens of discharged immigrant recruits are being reinstated after reviews concluded they were falsely flagged as security risks during counterintelligence screenings. 

The Department of Defense fell under intense scrutiny in July after an Associated Press story revealed it had been quietly discharging immigrants recruited through a program that promised expedited citizenship through military service. The report stated that some recruits were given no... Читать дальше...


Angelina Jolie dumped her superstar divorce lawyer in the middle of her custody battle with Brad Pitt

Mary Altaffer/AP Images

  • Angelina Jolie is no longer working with superstar divorce lawyer Laura Wasser in her legal battle with Brad Pitt.
  • Wasser is the most sought-after celebrity lawyer in the business, having represented the likes of Johnny Depp, Stevie Wonder, and Kim Kardashian.
  • The move comes as Jolie switches counsel to lawyer Samantha Bley Dejean.
  • It could mean that Jolie's legal strategy will become more aggressive in regards to the couples' custody battle. Читать дальше...


People are outraged after a nail salon came up with a 'disturbing' manicure that traps live ants — but the creator says it was harmless

Nail Sunny/Instagram

  • Russian nail salon Nail Sunny posted a video of a manicure featuring live ants encased in a set of clear acrylic nails.
  • The nail salon posted a follow-up video that appeared to show the ants being released after the initial video was taken, and claimed the ants were alive.
  • People are outraged by the design, calling it "cruel," while some believe the ants weren't in danger.
  • The video also caught the attention of animal rights organization PETA... Читать дальше...


Serena Williams won a tennis match while wearing a tutu — and fans think it's the perfect response to the French Open's ban of her catsuit

Julian Finney/Getty Images

  • On Monday, Serena Williams won her first-round match at the 2018 US Open in a one-shoulder illusion top and black tulle skirt.
  • The tennis star paired the tutu — designed by Off-White founder, Virgil Abloh, in collaboration with Nike — with fishnet tights and Nike sneakers.
  • Williams described the outfit as "aerodynamic" and "easy to play in."
  • The athlete made headlines earlier this week after the French Tennis Federation banned... Читать дальше...


Everything you need to know about retinoids — the skin-care trend that can prevent acne and smooth your skin

Flickr/Cushy Spa

No one would turn down a chance to have clear, smooth, glowing skin without shelling out for expensive and invasive procedures.

Turns out, there's actually a product that dermatologists agree can deliver clearer skin with minimal cost and effort, all while delivering "anti-aging" properties.

Retinol first popped up in the 1970s as a treatment for acne. Now, retinoids are skin-care essentials that are perfect for every age. Here's everything you need to know about retinoid products. Читать дальше...


The card rewards strategies issuers can use to win top-of-wallet status while maximizing returns

  • US consumer debt is climbing to pre-recession levels.
  • Competition driven by consumer card appetite in the US is hurting issuer returns.
  • Business Insider Intelligence obtained proprietary survey data to understand which credit card features consumers value most, and what issuers should focus on to earn top-of-wallet status.
  • Two-thirds of respondents cited rewards-related offerings as the leading driver of primary card status.

US consumers are hungry for credit card rewards. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Москва подготовила аналитическое исследование «Климатическая повестка городов России»

Путин в России и мире

Путин объявил о создании независимого платёжного инструмента БРИКС

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

«Россия за нас втягивается…» Лукашенко грозит НАТО ядерным оружием

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Байден анонсировал поставку Киеву дальнобойных ракет

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Сергей Брановицкий

Дистрибьюция Музыки. Дистрибьюция Музыки в России. Дистрибьюция музыки в вк. Яндекс музыка дистрибьюция. Цифровая дистрибьюция музыка. Дистрибьюция музыки под ключ.


Meizu возвращается в Россию. Познакомились с грядущими новинками в Китае

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