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Новости за 16.08.2018


'Lunchtime got a whole lot more exciting': Tim Cook posts gif of Apple Park's spectacular sliding doors

Matthew Roberts/YouTube

  • Apple CEO Tim Cook tweeted a gif of the giant sliding doors at Apple Park.
  • The footage adds weight to the headquarters' "spaceship" monicker.
  • Previous aerial footage of Apple Park show the doors and lunch area under construction.

Apple's giant new headquarters in Cupertino, California, is nicknamed the "spaceship" — and Tim Cook's latest peak behind the curtain only backs up this monicker.

The Apple CEO tweeted a... Читать дальше...


How payments companies can take advantage of a trillion dollar processing opportunity


This is a preview of a research report from Business Insider Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. To learn more about Business Insider Intelligence, click here.

Relative to many other sectors around the globe, the US healthcare industry has been notoriously slow to embrace new payment systems and processes. See the rest of the story at Business Insider

See Also:


Eine unangenehme Wahrheit bringt Coca-Cola in Erklärungsnot

Getränke wie Fanta, Sprite, Mezzo Mix, Nestea, Bonaqua und Apollinaris dürften die meisten nicht nur kennen, sondern auch regelmäßig trinken. Sie alle haben etwas gemeinsam: Sie gehören zur Coca-Cola-Company, einem der weltweit größten Getränkehersteller. Jetzt steht das Unternehmen jedoch in der Kritik. Der Vorwurf: Eine zunehmende Belastung der Umwelt. 

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15-Jähriger knackt geheimen Code und entdeckt bei Google Earth eine verschollene Stadt

Manche Teenager treiben sich mit Freunden herum, trinken zu viel und feiern wilde Partys. Andere sitzen zuhause an ihrem Schreibtisch und tüfteln an Maya-Rätseln herum. Zur zweiten Sorte gehört der 15-jährige Schüler William Gadoury. Denn Gadoury hat vermutlich eine versteckte Maya-Stadt mitten im Dschungel der mexikanischen Halbinsel Yucatàn entdeckt — via Google.

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Atlético Madrid's extra-time slaughter of Real Madrid showed one clear thing — without Ronaldo and Zidane, Real has conceded power to one of its biggest rivals

Getty Images

  • With no Cristiano Ronaldo and no Zinedine Zidane, there was no Super Cup title for Real Madrid.
  • Instead, the club surrendered the trophy to bitter rival Atlético Madrid, who slaughtered Real in extra-time, winning 4-2 in Estonia.
  • Real looked disorganised, and a far-cry from the team that swashbuckled its way through Europe in previous seasons.
  • Atlético, on the other hand, looked like an improved outfit — and may well have wrested the balance of power away from Real. Читать дальше...


A woman sued an exclusive dating agency for $16,600 because it didn't have enough men — and just won her case

  • Tereza Burki joined the Seventy Thirty matchmaking agency in 2013 looking for a "sophisticated gentleman."
  • But she found that out of the matchmaker's supposed 7,000 members, only 100 active members were men.
  • A British judge ruled that the matchmaker misled Burki about her chances.
  • The judge awarded Burki $16,000 in returned membership fees and $635 for her "disappointment and sadness."

A British woman won £13,100 ($16,640) after she successfully... Читать дальше...


'Not the enemy': More than 350 newsrooms in the US have banded together to push back against Trump's war on the media

Evan Vucci/AP

  • More than 350 newspapers in the US published editorials condemning Donald Trump's attacks on the media.
  • The President often berates journalists and news outlets that publish unfavorable stories about him as "fake news."
  • He told supporters recently: "Don't believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news."

Hundreds of newspapers across the US have banded together to push back against Donald Trump's attacks on journalists,... Читать дальше...


Pünktlich wie die Bahn? Eine Zahl zeigt, wie oft Züge in Deutschland wirklich Verspätung haben

Mehr als jeder vierte Fernzug der Deutschen Bahn ist im Juli zu spät gekommen. Die Quote pünktlicher ICE und Intercity sackte auf 72,1 Prozent ab, den niedrigsten Monatswert in diesem Jahr. Wie der Konzern am Donnerstag mitteilte, führten die extremen Temperaturen zu mehr Störungen an Fahrzeugen und Infrastruktur. Es habe jedoch weniger hitzebedingte Ausfälle gegeben als in den Vorjahren.

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Eine „ziemlich ungewöhnliche“ Entwicklung in China stellt die Regierung in Peking vor Probleme

„Es begann als Arbeitskonflikt und wurde zu ungerechtfertigten Entlassungen und Polizeigewalt. Nun haben wir Unterstützer im ganzen Land und auf der ganzen Welt auf unserer Seite“. Das sagte die chinesische Arbeitsrechtsaktivistin Shen Mengyu kürzlich der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters. Nicht einmal eine Woche später wurde die junge Frau verschleppt. Seitdem ist sie spurlos verschwunden.

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The strategies companies are using to protect their customers, and themselves, in the age of massive breaches

BI Intelligence

This is a preview of a research report from Business Insider Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. To learn more about Business Insider Intelligence, click here.

Over the past five years, the world has seen a seemingly unending series of high-profile data breaches, defined as incidents in which unauthorized parties access and retrieve sensitive, secure, or private data.

Major incidents, like the 2013 Yahoo breach, which impacted all 3 million of the tech giant’s customers... Читать дальше...


Trump is rolling back restraints on US cyberwarfare, and it could make an attack on other countries more likely

Win McNamee/Getty Images

  • President Donald Trump has reversed Obama-era rules about how and when the US can launch a cyberattack, according to The Wall Street Journal.
  • The rules meant that, before launching an attack, agencies had to gain approval from groups across the federal government.
  • Removing these rules will make it easier for the US to go on the offensive, and could deter attacks on the US, such as election meddling.
  • Sources would not say what new... Читать дальше...


Trump is rolling back restraints on US cyber warfare, and it could make an attack on other countries more likely

Win McNamee/Getty Images

  • Donald Trump has reversed Obama-era rules about how and when the US can launch a cyber attack, according to The Wall Street Journal.
  • The rules meant that, before launching an attack, agencies had to gain approval from groups across the federal government.
  • Removing these rules will make it easier for the US to go on the offensive, and could deter attacks on the US, such as election meddling.
  • Sources would not say what new rules might... Читать дальше...


One trader lost $19 million on the Turkey turmoil — here are the winners and losers from the crisis

Reuters; Reuters

  • The collapse of the Turkish lira is the big story in global markets.
  • A big winner has been Deutsche Bank's CEEMEA desk, which made $35 million over two weeks on the back of emerging market turmoil, according to Bloomberg.
  • But a Barclays trader lost $19 million trading Turkish bonds over three days.
  • Millennial investors in the US have also been stung by the turmoil.

Markets have been gripped by the developing crisis in Turkey over the last few weeks. Читать дальше...


A Tinder VP wrote a heartfelt email before being put on leave for filing a $2 billion lawsuit against the dating app’s owners


  • Tinder's marketing and communications chief Rosette Pambakian has reportedly been put on leave.
  • She and three other staff ended up on leave after they sued the dating app's owners for $2 billion.
  • Pambakian wrote a heartfelt email to staff claiming it was important to "shine a light on the terrible practices I have witnessed from Match." The email was obtained by Fortune.
  • Tinder's owners, InterActiveCorp and Match Group, said the lawsuit is "meritless."
  • ... Читать дальше...


Coca-Cola setzt auf eine neue Strategie, die Pepsi aufschrecken dürfte (KO)

Coca-Cola investiert in den USA in eine Sportgetränk-Marke, die in direkter Konkurrenz zum Produkt Gatorade von Rivale Pepsi steht. Am Dienstag kündigte Coca-Cola an, eine Minderheitsbeteiligung an der Premium-Sportgetränkemarke Bodyarmor zu übernehmen. „Vor sechs Jahren haben wir diese Marke ins Leben gerufen, die sich ganz auf den Verbraucher konzentriert, und ein besseres Sportgetränk entwickelt, das es noch nicht gab“, sagte Mike Repole, Mitbegründer und Vorsitzender von Bodyarmor, in einem Interview auf Coca-Colas Website. Читать дальше...


New Zealand has banned the sale of homes to foreigners after too many people started treating the island like their doomsday hideout

REUTERS/Henning Gloystein

  • New Zealand has banned foreigners from buying property, a response to skyrocketing house prices across the nation.
  • The housing crisis has been pinned in part on wealthy overseas investors looking for a place to escape a doomsday scenario. 
  • US celebrities, including former TV host Matt Lauer and Paypal co-founder Peter Thiel have already snapped up luxury homes.

New Zealand has banned foreigners for buying property there... Читать дальше...


A judge has said that Angelina Jolie must give Brad Pitt more visitation time with their kids

Chris Jackson/Getty Images

  • A judge has ordered Angelina Jolie to give Brad Pitt a minimum amount of visitation with their children.
  • Documents obtained by the Blast say Pitt must be allowed to see their six children every other day.
  • The arrangement will stand until a permanent agreement is reached in court.
  • The separation fight between the A-listers appears to be getting more vicious as it approaches its second anniversary.

The plot continues... Читать дальше...


Nach Millionenstrafe: Jetzt könnte es für Bayer-Tochter Monsanto noch schlimmer kommen

Der Bayer-Tochter Monsanto könnten weitere Millionenstrafen in den USA drohen. Wie die „Wirtschaftswoche“ berichtet, hätten Farmer aus Arkansas und South Dakota am US-Bezirksgericht in St. Louis Sammelklagen zum Unkrautvernichter Dicamba eingereicht. Das Mittel wird bei genveränderten Pflanzen eingesetzt, soll aber auch Schäden auf konventionellen Nachbarfeldern anrichten. 

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Here's why learning to delegate will make you a better leader


  • A common complaint among leaders is that their staff just don't do the things that they're asked to.
  • Some point the finger at the attitude of the millennial generation while others say staff workloads are overwhelming.
  • The real problem, according to a Harvard Business Review, is that many people just don't know how to delegate.

As the speed of business gets faster and faster, leaders are looking for ways to get their staff to take action. Читать дальше...


Married people have a much lower risk of heart disease and stroke than singles, divorcees, or widowed people


  • While 80% of heart disease can be attributed to diet and lifestyle, the reasons behind the remaining 20% of cases up until now have been unclear.
  • Scientists have now discovered your relationship status is a significant risk factor in heart disease and stroke.
  • A recent study shows that married people have a much lower risk of heart disease or stroke than single, divorced, and widowed people.

It's already pretty common knowledge that... Читать дальше...


Nach Brücken-Drama: Italien droht Autobahnbetreibern mit radikaler Maßnahme

Nach dem Brückeneinsturz in Genua hat Italiens Vize-Ministerpräsident Luigi di Maio mit einer Verstaatlichung der Autobahnen gedroht. Wenn die Betreiber der Autobahnen nicht in der Lage seien, ihre Aufgabe richtig zu erfüllen, dann müsse der Staat die Autobahnen übernehmen, sagte di Maio am Donnerstag im Rundfunk. Die Betreiber der Autobahnen hätten mehr in die Sicherheit investieren sollen als sich über die Dividenden Gedanken zu machen, sagte di Maio.

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Экология в России и мире

Столица представила аналитический доклад по климатической повестке городов России

Путин в России и мире

Рябков: Россия фиксирует реакцию Запада на изменения своей ядерной политики

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Как только НАТО нападет на Беларусь, будет применено ядерное оружие – Лукашенко

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский отреагировал на выделение нового пакета военной помощи от США

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Карди Би

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Мостуризм: пятая часть российских путешественников приезжают в столицу на авто

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