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Mobile Notary Miami South Florida

Mobile Notary Miami South Florida

Looking For Mobile Notary Near Me Miami, South Florida? Need a Miami Notary that Makes House Calls? 24 Hour Mobile Notary Miami South Florida; Miami Notary Near Me. Traveling Notary in Miami that Comes to You.


Notarizing Power of Attorney, Wills, Deeds, Escrow Documents, Financial Documents, Contracts, Loan Signings, Affirmations, Oaths, Apostille Services and Authentications

Notary Services in Miami and South Florida


Day after day the notaries are filled with requirements and requests that wish to be processed as quickly as possible and in accordance with the needs of all clients who turn to these institutions, in order to provide legality to all the processes, they have generated through of the same requests.

Due to the growing demand for applications, which has been presented more frequently in the notaries, there are many more servers and professionals who are dedicated to providing their services in this branch, only in this way can cover all the demand of the applicants.

In Miami and South Florida, there is a traveling notary service called Miami Notary Near Me, able to offer any notary service, anywhere in the region, any day of the week and at any time you need it.

Apostille Services in Miami

What is a notary?

notary is a person who is responsible through their knowledge and law studies, to give a public nature to certain documents that are of private origin, and also gives them a legal certification through his signature.

It also acts as a witness that attests to everything that is contained in the document is real and has legal validity until it can be proved otherwise.

Most requested documents in the notaries in the United States.

While it is true that notaries certify a large number of documents of all kinds, in the United States there is always a great demand for the following applications:

- Deed of Trust: This is a very popular application where three parts of a whole are involved, the first place its goods at the disposal of the second so that it generates a benefit over time, and at the end, when the conditions dictated by the first figure are compiled, this transfers the administration to a third party.

A trust serves to ensure that certain conditions of a contract that involve elements such as the acquisition of a good, or money, are met, thus protecting its value, while the terms of the deal are given.

Real state closings: This refers to the final part of a purchase or sale deal, where finally the seller gives the seller the property, for the value that has been agreed in advance. The date for this event is decided when the negotiations begin, meaning that both parties have a time limit to close the deal.

To reach this step, it is important that a series of events have been developed beforehand, leading to this final step, where the seller will deliver the keys to the property, while the buyer will deliver the money for his purchase.

Affidavits: The affidavits are accounts of events by one of the witnesses of the event, where it is expressed orally or in writing that the information that is being granted is completely real and his truthfulness.

This is done in the presence of a jury that gives legal character to this document, the witness indicates under oath that everything that is contained there is the truth.

- Divorce papers: Divorce papers are among the most popular applications in Miami and South Florida as there is a high number of divorces in this region. Divorce lawyers are professionally prepared to write divorce papers that involve the conditions proposed by your client, or also the agreements reached by this with your counterpart. These documents specify very clearly under what conditions the events that follow will take place.

- Divorce modifications: To request a change in the conditions that have already been established in the official papers of a divorce, the professional should consider that before the criterion of the judge this is viable, because these requests should not be subject to the will of any of the ex-spouses but they must be based on situations that are quite serious and also unforeseen, which may need to be considered with much more attention.

- Statement of consent: A declaration of consent is a document through which a person expresses his willingness to assign to another or other persons, rights to perform some activities that are also theirs, but for various reasons can not perform for themselves. There are several types of consent statements, but to give them real value before the law, it is necessary that they are notarized.

Power of attorney: This document is a certificate through which a person, who may be natural or judicial, designates another to be their legal representative before a certain number of matters, those specified in the document and for as long as the document indicate

It is important that to apply for any type of power, whoever carries out this process should not be limited by law, that is, if he/she is declared incapable of making these requests, for various reasons, this will not proceed.

- Rental Agreement: It is a document in which two parties are involved a landlord and a tenant, these parties set out certain conditions about the use of a property, or rather, the tenant, who is the one who is providing the service to the tenant, indicates in this document the conditions under which the person who is requesting to live in his property will live, this includes the value that the tenant must pay and the time in which he will stay there.

These are the most popular, but the truth is that notaries are able to cover thousands and thousands of documents that all their clients can request.

In the United States has always been taken into account the importance of notaries to facilitate all operations that want to perform all customers who for a large number of reasons require any service immediately. This has caused companies to always seek to innovate in the type of service they offer for all, this has resulted in Miami Notary Near Me, fulfilling the requirements of all customers throughout Miami and South Florida. Being a pioneer in bringing all your services to the door of your house, at the time and day you need, as they are not subject to an office schedule.

Need a Notary in Miami? Call us today at 305-874-0269!

Notary that Comes to You.

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