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Where to find all the Resident Evil Village masks

 Where to find all the Resident Evil Village masks

Finding each Resident Evil 8 mask requires you to navigate the labyrinthine Castle Dimitrescu.

Finding all four Resident Evil Village masks isn't easy, let alone without the undead and an extremely tall vampire lady chasing you at the same time. Castle Dimitrescu is a beautiful place—all opulent artwork, blood-soaked basements, and bright gold decor—but you'll want to be shot of the place quite soon after entering, let me tell you.

But to do that, you'll need four Resident Evil 8 angel masks, which you can find in various orders. Each need placing on four faceless statues in the large entrance hall of the castle before you can escape it, and each have been fiendishly hidden. Finding them all requires backtracking and mental mapping, unless you follow this guide. If you don't mind some spoilers ahead, here's where to find all the masks you need.

Resident Evil Village angel masks: Tips for navigating Castle Dimitrescu

As you hunt for the masks, bear the following in mind: 

  • Once you find a mask, examine the back of it to find the number of pegs on it. This number corresponds to the angel statue on which you need to fasten it.
  • Don't miss the Merchant's Room in the Hall of the Four (where you see the faceless statues). Inside is a save point, labyrinth puzzle, and the Duke will turn up there later on so that you can buy and sell stuff.
  • Regularly check the map to make sure you've found everything. While it isn't always possible to gather everything straight away, red rooms indicate areas with loot still to be pilfered. Often you'll be missing hidden Crystal Fragments you can sell for Lei, so look out for their twinkling lights.
  • Don't switch off when backtracking through zones previously cleared of enemies. They'll occasionally reappear in spots you may want to revisit.

Mask of Sorrow

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Resident Evil Village masks

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Resident Evil Village masks

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Resident Evil Village masks

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Resident Evil Village statue puzzle

(Image credit: Capcom)

Resident Evil 8 Mask of Sorrow location

Get the Maroon Eye 

  • While exploring the Hall of the Four (1F), you'll be captured by Lady D and her daughters. Look at your hands above you to escape.
  • Pick up the Maroon Eye Ring as you escape through a tunnel and examine it to get the Maroon Eye. Place this in the door to get into the Dressing Room area (2F), which is up the stairs in the Main Hall if you hang a right.

Now get the Courtyard Key 

  • A daughter chases you down the hallway and through the door on your left at the end of the corridor. Follow the rope on the floor to a hole in the wall, which you need to interact with to hop through and escape the daughter.
  • Progress through this area and fight the daughter in the cold room. Pick up the Sanguis Virginis wine in the Kitchen.
  • Take the wine to the Wine Room (2F) at the top of the stairs in the Main Hall and put it on the pedestal on you right. Enter the room that appears and open the chest to get the Courtyard Key.

Mask of Sorrow location 

  • Enter the Courtyard by heading through the Main Hall (1F) to the Dining Room. Use your Courtyard key to open the door opposite you on your right.
  • Head straight ahead and enter the silver door in the corner of the Courtyard on your right.
  • Enter the Hall of Ablution and complete the statue puzzle: The rich and poor woman need to be facing each other, the three men facing the man on a horse, and the man on the horse facing the side of the poor woman.
  • Head through the wine-soaked basement and take the elevator to the balcony. Save in the room to your left before crossing the bridge, as it breaks.
  • Take Dimitrescu's Key hanging on the candelabra on the wall to your left as you come into Dimitrescu's chambers.
  • Return to your severed hand to escape Lady D in the basement encounter and you'll come across the Mask of Sorrow.

Mask of Joy

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Resident Evil Village masks

(Image credit: Capcom)
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Resident Evil Village masks

(Image credit: Capcom)
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resident evil village bell puzzle

(Image credit: Capcom)

Resident Evil Village Mask of Joy location 

  • After completing the piano puzzle, use the Iron Insignia Key to access the Library (accessed by the Opera Hall, through the Courtyard).
  • Defeat the daughter and walk through the Hall of Joy to retrieve the mask from the statue.
  • Carry on to the Atelier to complete the Resident Evil 8 bell puzzle.

Mask of Rage

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Resident Evil Village masks

(Image credit: Capcom)
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Resident Evil Village masks

(Image credit: Capcom)
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Resident Evil Village masks

(Image credit: Capcom)

Resident Evil 8 Mask of Rage location 

  • After the bell puzzle, go to the Attic, walk out onto the balcony. You can fight winged enemies and smash some pots here.
  • Walk past the elevator and continue along the narrow walkway to fight more enemies.
  • Walk up the slanted roof, break another pot, then turn and go up the stairs to arrive at the Belfry.
  • Break more pots and take the zipline to the Tower of Rage and grab the mask.

Mask of Pleasure

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Resident Evil Village masks

(Image credit: Capcom)
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Resident Evil Village masks

(Image credit: Capcom)

Resident Evil Village Mask of Pleasure location 

  • Open the locked door with Dimitrescu's Key near the Dressing Room to get in the Hall of Pleasure. Don't miss the crystal fragment where a chandelier should be.
  • Bars descend on the door you came in when the Mask is not in its place.
  • Head through the gap in the fireplace and fight another daughter. Move the shelving on the left and throw a pipe bomb (a couple are on the table on the other side of the room).
  • After defeating the daughter, take the Mounted Animal Skull from above the fireplace.
  • Examine the item to remove it from its mount.
  • Put the Animal Skull where the mask was to leave the room with it.

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