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Outraged Trump-Supporting Mom Confronts and Blasts School for Forcing 17-Year-Old to Register to Vote Democrat Without Her Consent, Claiming Trump Win Would ‘Doom Black People’!

Screenshot: Kay Montana/TikTok

A mother in Pittsburgh is furious after her 17-year-old daughter was pulled out of class and told to register to vote—without her consent.

To make matters worse, the school’s staff allegedly pushed a blatant political agenda, suggesting that “if Donald Trump was elected, Black people would be doomed.”

In a viral TikTok video, Kay Montana shared the distressing experience her daughter, Nyla, went through, claiming “Pittsburgh Public Schools” not only registered her to vote without her permission but also was subjected to political indoctrination.

“My 17-year-old daughter was pulled out of class and told she needed to register to vote. Not only was she told how to register, she was told who she should vote for,” Kay said in her viral video.

“Why would you all pull my daughter out of class and tell her who to vote for? I am her mother, and I have yet to have this conversation with her about the upcoming election. I have not signed any consent forms allowing my daughter to register to vote at school.”

Nyla is currently 17 years old and will turn 18 on October 5th. As Ms. Montana has mentioned, she still has an entire month left to register to vote with her guidance.

According to Ms. Montana, the school didn’t tell her anything, and her daughter just randomly texted her to say she registered to vote.

Below is the transcript of Montana’s conversation with her daughter Nyla (edited for clarity):

Daughter: They made me register to vote today. I didn’t want to, but they forced me. I said I’ll do it another time, but then she told me I had no choice, which I think is a lie. I’m not even 18 yet.

Kay Montana: Who made you, and what party did you choose?

Daughter: It was a woman, and Democrat.

Kay Montana: Did they tell you to pick that? And who was the lady?

Daughter: I forgot her name. I’ll find out tomorrow, and yeah, basically she kept saying how it would be bad if I picked Trump because of what he was doing to the Mexicans and stuff. I wasn’t really paying her much attention.

Kay Montana: Where was this lady? At your school?

Daughter: Yes, my school. She pulled me out of class to register. I asked to do it another time, and she said I really couldn’t.

Kay Montana: I’m pissed! She had no right to fill your head with lies and choose what party you are registering for. I am your mother, and I will talk to you about that. You won’t even be 18 until the 5th!!!

Daughter: Yeah, she was definitely telling me all this bad stuff about Trump, saying we Black people are doomed and are going to be finished if they let Trump back in. I’m like, “Ma’am, please!” That’s what I said. She said I had no choice but to do it at that time.

Kay Montana: I’m calling up there tomorrow. This is total disrespect. If we vote for Kamala, we are doomed. She really tried to fill your head with lies.

Screenshot: Kay Montana/TikTok

Kay Montana wasted no time confronting the school staff responsible for the incident.

In a recorded conversation, she challenged the school’s actions, accusing them of projecting their political views onto her daughter.

When pressed on the allegations that her daughter was told Trump’s presidency would “doom Black people,” the staff member fumbled through an explanation, failing to take responsibility.

The school staff claimed it was a misunderstanding, but Kay and her daughter’s recollection paints a different picture—one of coercion and political manipulation.

Below is the transcript of the conversation:

Minority Inspector: Okay, what’s going on?

Kay Montana: So yesterday, you pulled my daughter out of class, and you told her that it was mandatory for her to vote.

Minority Inspector: No, I didn’t say it was mandatory.

Kay Montana: So that’s what she told me. These are her words: she said it was mandatory that she votes.

Minority Inspector: No, ma’am. But go ahead, finish telling me.

Kay Montana: And that you projected your fears and insecurities on her, telling her if Donald Trump was elected, Black people would be doomed.

Minority Inspector: Oh no, ma’am.  Let me say this: I am a minority inspector for 10, 16. And you know, as a minority inspector, you never, ever, ever discuss politics or your beliefs or anything like that.

Kay Montana: So can we call my daughter down here? Because at this point, you’re making it like she’s a complete liar. My daughter has never told me someone said anything like this to her.

Minority Inspector: No, ma’am. This is what happened. I did call her down to register to vote because we’re registering all the 18-year-olds to vote.

Kay Montana: She’s not 18. She’s 17.

Minority Inspector: Yes, but she turns 18 before the election.

Kay Montana: Yeah, but I could have taken my daughter to register her to vote. I did not ask for you all to register my daughter to vote. I have not even spoken to her about the election yet. I am not a Harris supporter. I am a Trump supporter.

Minority Inspector: Yes, ma’am. She told me that.

Kay Montana: So for you to tell her anything, and now it’s like you’re saying she’s lying. So now I want her to come down here.

Minority Inspector:Listen, I’m not saying your daughter is lying. What I’m saying is that I did call her into my office, I did register her to vote, and we did have a conversation about it. She did ask me about Trump, she did ask me about Harris. So we started a conversation about what’s going on. I wasn’t projecting anything on her. I was just talking about things going on in the world.

Kay Montana: Yeah. Did you tell her about the border being unsecure? Did you tell her about all the illegal criminals in this country right now?

Minority Inspector: So we did have a conversation about the border, and we did talk about the border policies and all of that. We did have a conversation about everything. Let me just say this: I apologize to you for offending you, because that was not my intention. I was not trying to project any of my political beliefs onto your daughter or anything like that.

Kay Montana: That’s why I don’t understand why the conversation even happened. What consent forms did I sign saying I was okay with my daughter being registered to vote in school? She’s still 17 years old.

The daughter admitted that she didn’t care about the conversation and felt pressured to register.

When pressed on the matter, the school staff apologized for registering the daughter without parental consent. Kay Montana wasn’t satisfied with the weak apology.

Kay Montana: Now, when she said she didn’t tell you the stuff that you told me, did you tell her that Black people would be doomed if Trump becomes President?

Daughter: Yes, she did.

Minority Inspector: I didn’t say Black people would be doomed if Trump becomes President. We did have a conversation about policies and different things like that. You were asking me questions, and I was telling you about some of the policies he had.

Daughter: I don’t think I was really asking questions. I was more like, “Right, yeah, right.”

Kay Montana: So you were just agreeing, talking?

Daughter: No, I don’t really care about it, so I wasn’t really engaged in the conversation as much. I was just like, “Okay, right.”

Minority Inspector: So you didn’t ask me any questions at all?

Daughter: No.

Minority Inspector: Okay. Well, this is what I’m going to say: I apologize for registering your daughter to vote. At this point, she has registered. If you would like to change that—

Kay Montana: Yeah, I am. Because it should not have been done in the first place.

Minority Inspector: If you would like to change anything on that form, you’re welcome to do that.

Kay Montana: I know that.

Minority Inspector: You can go online and do it. I didn’t feel like I was projecting anything onto her because—

Kay Montana: You are, by telling her anything. You’re saying you didn’t say Black people would be doomed. She’s saying you said it. I’m going to believe my daughter because she wouldn’t lie to me about something like this. Why would she lie?

Daughter: I asked if I could do it later, and you were like, “No, you have to do it now. It’s kind of mandatory.” And I’m like—

Minority Inspector: Did you feel like I was pressuring you?

Kay Montana: Yeah, she said she didn’t want to do it at that moment.

Minority Inspector: Did you feel like I was pressuring you?

Daughter: Yeah, I expected to do it another time. I didn’t really know if it was mandatory or not.

Minority Inspector: Okay. Well, obviously, we’re going to agree to disagree on this conversation. I apologize if you feel like you were pressured. I apologize for registering your daughter to vote without your consent, without you having the opportunity to have a conversation with her or even check anything online. All I can say right now is I apologize.

Kay Montana: Yeah, I’m calling the news also.

At the end of the video, Montana said, “I’m taking my daughter out of this school. She doesn’t feel comfortable here anymore, and I don’t either. This is beyond unacceptable.”

According to Montana, the principal was present the entire time but didn’t say a single word to her.

“The principal was sitting there the entire time. She did not say one word to me. The principal was there. So, yeah, she didn’t really have anything to say.”

“I’m still calling the Board of Education. No answer, no call back. So that’s pretty much where I’m at right now at this moment.”

@kaymontana24 Update this stuff is crooked #foru #fyp #kamalaharris2024 #trump2024 #biden #trumpsupporters ♬ Very Sad – Enchan

The Gateway Pundit has reached out to both the school and Kay Montana for comment regarding this incident. At this time, we are awaiting responses from both parties. Any updates or clarifications will be provided as soon as they become available.

The post Outraged Trump-Supporting Mom Confronts and Blasts School for Forcing 17-Year-Old to Register to Vote Democrat Without Her Consent, Claiming Trump Win Would ‘Doom Black People’! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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